The onset of winter indicates a cooler, colder climate, especially for those living in the tropical regions. It is time to bring back those colorful woolen accessories, quilts to stay warm and cozy. While few do like the nature of winter, it can be daunting for others due, to potential sickness it can cause. Winter brings along cold and flu and most of us wonder how long the season would last! Here are few ways that can help you keep away flu and let you enjoy the cooler climate. Simple measures are surprisingly effective, so, keep your good health intact, this winter.

keepfitKeep Yourself Active: Winter months will lure you to stay indoors as much as possible. However, the more you are inactive, higher are the chances of risking flu. You can keep active with stretches, skipping, jumping the rope, jogging, walking or running when the sun is out. This boosts your physical as well as your mental health. Winters are also known to plummet the levels of moods, which can cause depression. Therefore, keep your moods up and high with a good doze of physical activity every day. Do remember to cover your chest, ears, back and head with warm clothes, as much as possible, especially when venturing out.

Good Hygiene: You are exposed to millions of germs through people and several things. Hands are one of the biggest sources of germs. Keep it clean with a good moisturizing, anti-bacterial soap. You can also use hand sanitizer while on the move. Even if you hands are clean, never touch your face with your hands. You will let the germs get into your body by touching your eyes, mouth and nose. This way you can make it difficult for the germs to find a way into your body. Remember to cough or sneeze into a handkerchief or your elbow. This will prevent the spread of germs to others. Always wash your hands or use sanitizer wipes if you happen to cough or sneeze in your hands. Finally, do keep your distance away from sick people, whenever possible.

vegetables_carouselBuild up Resistance: Incorporate immunity-boosting foods such as garlic, onion, nuts, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, bright colored vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits and whole grains. Regular intake of such foods will make you resistant to colds and flu. Even if you get mild symptoms, you will back to normal in a short period.

Do not compromise your health with highly processed foods that are rich in salt, sugar and oil. These foods are deficient of nutrition. They make you vulnerable to infections, such as cold and flu. Every day get a good dose of vegetable salad, a serving of beans or legumes, a handful of nuts, three to four piece of fresh fruit, a large serving of dark green vegetables and a small serving of dairy and dairy products.

Keep your immune system on track by getting good hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can affect you by making you more vulnerable against colds and flu. Stick to a good sleep routine that consists of 8 hours of sound sleep.