Back to Pregnancy Week by Week Guide
The sixth week is important because it marks that you are half way through your first trimester! And while you move from 5 weeks of being pregnant to the sixth one, your baby is growing fast taking a proper form. You can expect your pregnancy hormones making you moody, tired and nausea-tic as well. Read more on what you can expect during this phase of your life in our Short Guide to being Pregnant.
Changes in Your Body at Week 6 Pregnancy
At week 6 of pregnancy, as the little one grows inside you, you will gain a little weight and will slowly begin to show.
These symptoms of pregnancy will continue into the sixth week as well:
- Morning sickness
- Fatigue
- Breast tenderness
- Food cravings
Your Baby’s Development at Week 6 Pregnancy
During your ultrasound this week, you are likely to make out your child’s ears, mouth, and nose. Other organs that begin to form now are:
- The eyes and nostrils appear only as black spots in the ultrasound scan.
- The baby also begins to develop arms and legs. But these are just tiny stubs now, jutting out of the body
- Also forming are the lungs, intestines, liver and the pancreas.
At week 6 of pregnancy the quarter inch long fetus’ heartbeat is around 100-160 beats per minute. This is almost double of an adult’s heart beat!
During this week, the baby begins to make its first movements. But these are so gentle that you might not just feel it yet.
Week 6 Pregnancy Tips and Advice
As you enter the seventh week of your pregnancy, you keep gaining weight and might even start to show. So you may want to change your dressing style. Keep it comfortable while not giving up on your style quotient!
Pay a lot of attention to what you eat. The extra that you need now is only 300 calories. Avoid excessive eating as extra weight gain will only have adverse effects on the fetus inside.
At week 6 of pregnancy don’t remain in an empty stomach for long. Have small meals throughout the day. This will curb your nausea to a large extent.
Week 6 Fun
Don’t fret over your growing size. Its something you should be proud of. Instead concentrate more on your hair which develops a shine and become thicker during pregnancy. Go get yourself a new hair cut.
At week 6 of pregnancy get your spouse to take your picture almost every day. Make an album of it. You with your growing belly will become wonderful memories once your child is born.
Plan a date night with your husband – a romantic dinner or just popcorn and a mushy movie. It will surely pep up your mood.
Buy a packet of ginger candies. The sweetness and the pungency of the ginger abates nausea.
So did you feel the baby’s movement? Did you see it during your ultrasound scan? What did it look like? Join our due date club here and share your thoughts with other mums-to-be.
Week 6 Pregnancy Articles
- Natural Remedies to Skin Problems during Pregnancy
- Sleep Right in Pregnancy
- The Ideal Diet during Pregnancy
- Effects of a Very High Sugar Level during Pregnancy
Week 6 Pregnancy Discussions
- Overweight during pregnancy. What to do?
- How do I calculate the weeks of pregnancy?
- Does rice consumption increase the glucose level?
- Herpes Zoster infection at six weeks of pregnancy
Week 6 Have a Laugh
A paranoid husband whose wife’s due date is around the corner asked his friend, “How long is the average woman in labor?” The friend who had just become a father replied, “Whatever she says, divided by two”.