Lentil and Pumpkin

Cut the pumpkin into tiny pieces. Boil it with a spoon of lentil in water till both are very tender. Mash it and serve.

Barley and Sweet Potato

Cook  barley powder in water for half hour till soft. Blend it till it is thick and pasty. Bake a sweet potato till tender
Mash it and mix the barley to it. Add milk for smoothing the paste. Barley contains gluten and so this infant food  is best to avoid till your child is at least six months old.

Dairy Recipes

Apple and Cottage Cheese

Cook the peeled apples till tender and then puree it. Grind the cottage cheese till its powdery. Mix the puree to it
Mashed banana can also be used instead of apple puree.

Cottage Cheese and Potato

Blend the cottage cheese till it forms a creamy paste to form pureed baby food. Boil a potato and mash it with a little milk. Add the cottage cheese paste to it.

Meat Recipes

Barley and Chicken

Soak a little pearl barley overnight to soften them. Cook in water for half hour till they are soft. Blend it till it is thick and pasty. Prepare the chicken with an assortment of vegetables and strain the chicken broth. Mix the chicken broth with the barley paste. Barley contains gluten and so is best to avoid till your child is at least six months old.

Orange and Chicken

Sauté tiny slivers of chicken in olive oil till brown. Add orange juice and let it simmer in the juice till tender.  Apple juice can also be used instead. Blend it till smooth to form pureed baby food. A little mashed rice can also be added to the dish.