Author: Nancy Katyal

Ramon Llamba, an Entrepreneur, Discusses Her Experience as Life Coach with Indusladies Community

This week we are featuring an interview with Ramon Llamba, a wife, a mother, a life coach and an entrepreneur, on the pages of Indusladies, to celebrate the rising tribe of women who are running successful solo businesses in their chosen fields. Ms Llamba is in conversation with our writer, Nancy Katyal. You have inspired and led many to attain success. Could you please share with us about your organization, Golden Age Transformation? My company, Golden Age Transformation, was founded in the year 1995, and the main goal was to help people transform their lives to lead a better and...

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Key Advice on Divorce Laws for Women

Getting divorced is a very unpleasant experience for any woman to go through. But if a woman is facing severe hardships in her marriage, then filing for a divorce is often the only option. Our author, Nancy Katyal, met up with Narinder Chaudhary (Advocate) to understand how a woman can tackle the divorce procedure. He revealed the basic principles governing the divorce law and amenities available to women if she is subjected to physical, mental cruelty and financial constraints by her husband and in-laws. How to get a divorce in India? There are different divorce laws for different religions....

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How to Celebrate Womens Day in 10 Fun Ways?

‘Women are the real architects of society’ – Harriet Beecher Stowe 8th March is celebrated world wide as International Women’s Day. This day is special and provides us with an opportunity to appreciate all the hard work, pain and turmoil a woman goes through. Taking some spirited time out for yourself on this day may work well like a magic wand to make you feel happy. So when was the last time you took some time out from your busy schedule to celebrate what you stand for? Listed below are 10 fun ways of making Women’s day exciting and memorable....

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Get Your Business Etiquette Correct: Part 3, Social Etiquette

‘Good social manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them’ ~Bill Kelly Till now we have understood what are Visual Etiquette and Business Etiquette. In this article I would be sharing three key social touch points in daily public settings, where we can create winning impressions through our behavior with others. There is no such thing as my personal preference of a certain behavior, when it comes to public (social) settings. There are certain best practice behaviors which need to be kept in mind at all times. Dining Etiquette: Exchange greetings with...

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Get Your Business Etiquette Correct, Part 2

‘It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.’- Warren Buffett In the first segment, I wrote about visual etiquette. Let me now share with you another key aspect of etiquette, the business etiquette. Every day we meet people at work, at business meetings, at travel, at conferences etc. It is crucial to conduct ourselves in a proper way.  Let me walk you through some useful tips that can bring you in positive light. Start Your Introduction with a Perfect Handshake Regardless of the gender,...

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