Author: Chitvish

Why Offer Food or Naivedyam to God?

It is customary for the Hindus to place daily food preparations before the deities and offer to God. This is called Naivedyam. We do this with dedication and thereafter the food is called prasada. This is our Hindu way of saying “ thankyou “, to the Lord who gives us our daily food. Learned people recite the following Gita verses while having meals so that this activity may be changed into sacrifice. This reminds us that food is not merely intended to appease our taste. Thinking of God before taking food makes it a spiritual act. This act also...

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Ten Rules for Getting Effective Results from Prayers

I learned all these methods in my healing classes. I have modified in some places to suit our present day needs. Set aside a few minutes everyday for prayer. Do not say anything. Simply practise thinking about God. This will make your mind spiritually more receptive. Then pray orally, using simple, natural words. Tell God anything that is on your mind. Do not think, you must use stereotyped pious phases. Talk to God in your own language. He understands it. Pray, as you go about the business of the day, while traveling or at your work. Utilise minute prayers...

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Why Do We Prostrate Before Our Elders?

Namaskaram means complete surrender to the Lord. The mind of the Jiva (individual) generally “stands erect” like the stick. It is because of the hold of ego (Ahambava). If it is released from the hold of ego, it becomes humble. In such humble state, it experiences the highest pleasure (sukha). Lowering the body in performing namaskaram symbolises the release of the hold of ego from the mind. Our body is just like a stick which is discarded and the energy or power to use it is given by God. So we must accept, that God is the power behind...

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Interesting Significance of Drawing A Kolam

It is customary to draw a kolam or rangoli at the entrance of the house. In olden days, the entrance to the house was usually a mud flooring. So water was sprinkled early in the morning so that the surface will not be eroded by the morning breeze and also to prevent dust from entering the house. Cowdung was mixed with water and sprinkled to act as a disinfectant. The ladies coming out to draw the kolam early in the morning had the benefit of ozone also. Previously the kolam was drawn only with rice flour. This was done...

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Daily Duties of a Hindu

The important features of the practice of Hinduism in our daily life are called “ Pancha Maha Yajnas”. This includes the social service one is expected to do everyday. These are compulsorily to be practised by everyone. Deva-Yajna This is regular worship of God in any way a person likes. This can be done in an elaborate manner like Vedic Yajnas, homams, agnihotra, aupasana etc. The simple form can be chanting a few prayers, offering flowers to the deities and doing namaskaras. This practice makes one God-conscious in daily activities. Pithru-Yajna It consists of Tarpana or oblations to departed...

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