Author: Chitvish

Why do we chant Shanti thrice in invocation prayers?

Dayanadaswami says: “ One has to see and enjoy the beauty of prayer. There is no meditation, no ritual without prayer. There is no technique which can replace prayer because in any technique, the will is retained. Here, the will willingly submits. That submission performs the miracle.” That I can pray is itself a blessing and how I pray, makes prayer meaningful to me. All Vedic literature like Upanishads start with “ Shantih Patah” meaning “Peace Invocation”. This is a prayer to the Cosmic powers to ward off all obstacles on the path of study and this prayer is...

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Sarasvathi – The Goddess of Knowledge

Sarasvathi, the goddess of learning and knowledge is depicted as the wife of Brahma, the creator of the world. She is represented as an extremely beautiful woman with milk-white complexion, sitting or standing on a water lily and playing a veena. She presides over and protects every form of art and is credited with the invention of writing. Whenever, a student is initiated into any new art, worship of this goddess is performed. She is also called Vagvadini, the deity of eloquence. She is also the goddess of speech, the power through which knowledge expresses itself in action. Literally...

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Importance of Holy Basil or Tulsi

In Hindu culture, tulsi (basil) occupies a revered position among shrubs and herbs – a position of importance from the point of view of health, religion and even decorative value. It is unmatched as an offering to gods and goddesses. In the scriptures, tulsi is described as the “ Mother of the Universe”. VishNu is supposed to take abode in a house where tulsi is grown. In such a house, no one undergoes sufferings, such as poverty, illness or separation from dear ones. No wonder, the tulsi plant occupies a prominent position in many households. The high esteem for...

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What is Prasad(am)?

What we offer to God is naivedyam. When it comes back to us, it becomes Prasada. Now we feel the prasada ( be it a flower or a sugar candy or a dry fruit or ash) has undergone a change. Now it comes from the altar of the Lord. The eyes see the same article, but the mind sees it differently and therefore we consider the prasada sacred. We thank God for giving us our food. To most of us, prasada means something edible and that is all ! But the real meaning of prasada is “purity, cheerfulness, bliss,...

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The Use of Swastika in Hindu Culture

Swastika or Svastika is an auspicious symbol, an elaboration of the equal armed cross, but with its arms bent. The Hindu version is drawn with a dot in each quadrant. The name is said to be a combination of Su (well) – asti (is) – ka (a noun ending), meaning “ it is well”. The interjection svasti is used before and after pronouncing the sacred syllable Om and during sacrificial ceremonies. Swastika is considered extremely holy, auspicious and a good luck symbol. It is found in many Hindu temples, pictures, signs and is used in all festivals, ceremonies, houses...

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