Sense Jealousy

This is something specific for all female members of the family. I guess women are brain wired for jealousy. And this includes me. I feel most of the problems I have with SIL, co-sister, MIL is out of plain envy. The harsh reality is I could not stand them being happy and they could not digest me being happy. This is something that bothers me even now. And it’s not that easy to handle. The only solution that I figured out so far for this is, being happy with my husband. At least try to fake the happiness with husband in front of them. None of my other female opponent can stand this. They get more jealous and do some thing stupid. 

Avoid Discussing Silly Issues

Lastly, avoid talking personal issues with others unless there is a dire need for it. The truth is many finds pleasure in my miserable situation. Hence I don’t discuss my issues with others. If I want to vent out something, I take my diary and pour my heart to it, or come to an online forum like this.