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Vitamin D Deficiency - Any Support Group?

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by SGBV, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. KashmirFlower

    KashmirFlower IL Hall of Fame

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    @SGBV search information for probiotics. Looks like gut health and gut microbiome is controlling lot of our health in our body as per recent info I was reading/watching. "BIO Complete 3" I am using or you can try some top rated ones, how it adds value?
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  2. msm

    msm Gold IL'ite

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    ok, thank you
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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  4. Djrani

    Djrani New IL'ite

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    May be u need to meet a heamatologist.to get a clear picture.

    The iron protocol(for iron deficiency with or without anaemia)...is a fb grp..u may get more answers there.
    gknew and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi dears,

    I am back again with a small update.

    It's been 2 months since my diagnosis of vit D deficiency and I don't find any improvements despite of taking 200,000 iu once in 2 weeks. I know it will take time, but so desperate to be normal.

    I have had acute insomnia for the past 2 days with absolutely no sleep at night. I managed to catch up 30 mins to 1 hr nap during the day as I was extremely tired and exhausted. I even managed to get WFH these days because I feel horrible in the mornings with no sleeps for consecutive 2 days.
    I dread the bed room, especially the nights thinking of this. I have experienced sleeplessness in the past, but not for the whole night. And not for 2 consecutive days. This is something really bothering me.

    Today, I will try my best not to nap, and engage a lot of physical activities (if at all i have the energy) to see whether I can get back to my sleep routine.

    I was someone who never had sleep issues in the past. I could fall asleep in 2 mins no matter what. There were days with severe fights, tearful days, physical pain and diseases and what not. Yet I slept peacefully, which helped me rest and recover from everything that happened in my life.

    But now, everything is smooth in life, yet I am unable to sleep.

    But on a positive side, I am happy that I managed to shred some weight in this 2 months. I push myself too hard these days, despite of physical pain and exhaustion to go to gym at least 4 days a week, and walking 5 days a week with no sugar diet and no carb at night, and especially with no junk food, and portion control.
    I also take iron and omega 3. So, lost 5 kgs and 2 inch lost in waist size.
    The weight loss has happened as a miracle after several years, but I must admit that I have never tried this much for weight loss in the past.

    Any updates from your sides dears?
    gknew likes this.
  6. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Wow.. That's a great update on the weight loss and the reduction in waist size.
    I am doing my best to reduce weight and didn't see any changes. But I feel little energetic and feel light though I am on the heavier side. No changes in the numbers . I have to reduce as my Dr reached be to try appetite suppressers medicine to reduce my weight. I just told her that I try very hard till my next follow up and see how it goes. If not, I night have to try the medicine what he says.

    For sleeplessness,I have been there and with my ongoing pain and stress,I have got insomnia. I tried so many things for that. Taking magnesium supplements, applying magnesium oil, taking a shower before bed, soaking feet in warm water etc. I won't say it all worked like magic. But it did help a bit.
    My issue is, my pain wakes me up from sleep and I used to wake up a few times during the sleep when cause the restlessness. So I had to take medicines and my Dr is mostly focused on me to get the proper sleep.

    You can try warm shower before bed. That's might help you.
    How much is your weight now?
    Are you taking d2 or d3 type of vitamin D?
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Thankfully, my sleep returned. It was just the 2 horrible days where I lost my sleep completely.
    I had some office related stress though, but they were nothing compared to the stress I had in life in the past. But, I understand that my body and mind isn't the same anymore, so even a simple stress can cause problems.

    The past 2 days, I have been watching feel good movies just before going to bed. Just a couple of hours in the couch with H, and watching movies relaxes my body and mind so nicely.

    I am now 72Kgs, was 77 kgs last month. My height is 167cm. So the ideal weight should be around 67-70 kgs.
    Although I have lost 2 inches in my waist area, my arms still looks big and some flesh still there in the upper body. I work out a lot on there, but no progress.
    But, there is significant reduction and toning towards the lower part of the body.

    After the sleepless night, I started pampering my body and cut lose the strict diet I followed. Blame the Easter parties too.
    I had pizza, fried noodles etc... and some sweets during the last two days. I must have to come back to the strict schedule once again.

    As for appetite suppresser.... I wouldn't go for it, unless the Dr is very right, and demands for it.
    Rather, drinking 2 full glasses of water before each meals would suppress your hunger. Then change your diet. Instead of carb, chose protein. Instead of sugar, chose natural or artificial sweeteners. For the filling, eat veggies and salads.
    Chose your fruits wisely.
    Count your calories in take with the support of an app... I record my food diary through myfitnesspal app.

    IF helped me in the past, but these days with severe acidity, I stopped doing it. If you don't have gastritis problems, you can try IF 16:8 window. It does miracle with the few pounds of weight. Then it will be easy to shred with diet and exercise.
    gknew likes this.
  8. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear all,

    I returned the Vit D level test after 5 months, and now it returned to 29.1. I remember my endocrinologist said she would stop giving me injections once the levels hits 30s. Currently, I am taking 200,000 iu bi-weekly.

    I was in Sri Lanka for a month long vacation and just returned. The vacation mode drastically changed my strict life style. literally I ended up eating everything that I missed so far, and didn't go to the gym. But the regular household chores, travel, and more importantly swimming gave me some exercise during last month.
    I looked bloated throughout my vacation and gained some weight too. But after returning, I have moved back to my strict routine and resumed gym. Hope to maintain this at least until my next vacation in December :)
    gknew and Madhurima21 like this.
  9. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Does wearing sunscreen prevent vitamin d from being absorbed. ?
  10. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    gknew likes this.

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