Hi Ladies, One of our friend gave us bonsai plant 2 mths before, last mth we went to india & now the plant is all dry, i watered the plant but does not make any difference. Any tips regarding bonsai will be appreciated. Cheers
Bonsais are very finicky plants. They cannot be watered too much or too little. Water the plant only when the soil is dry to touch & water close to the main root. Before any other intervention, try to identify your plant - home depot, lowes, barnes & nobles, borders etc will have books on bonsai - find out the type of bonsai using that. Most often they would come with a label, this will help you to find the right fertilizer, etc. Or, you can take the plant to Home Depot or Lowes garden section & ask them to identify. I will look at the fertilizer I use for mine & tell you - its a simple & basic one. But like I said, bonsais can be very demanding. Mine was given to me after they forgot to water it for 3 weeks... so I had to nurse it for 2 long months before it started giving out new shoots. Good luck. L.
Hi Cheer, Yes Bonsai's are a little tricky but with proper watering they are excellent plants to grow. Make sure you do not stick to a strict schedule but insert a tooth pick and if it comes our dry it is time to water. Another thing I do is I water, wait for 15 minutes so it drains and then water a little bit from top to bottom.In between waterings, you can mist it a little bit. Make sure it receives plently of artificial light also.As Lavanya mentioned you need to check what kind of plant you have so you know its needs since each Bonsai is different. Good luck!!!! Love,
Bonsai..Firstly they cannot be left even for a single day..They are like infants and need daily care.If happend to go away for some days... no option but handover to someone for watering..Any doubt about bonsai I shall post.