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Plastic Free Kitchen!!

Discussion in 'Spotless Kitchen' started by nihasvin, May 15, 2012.

  1. luv2smile

    luv2smile Silver IL'ite

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    Helllo Confused 211, I am also planning to move to bottles slowly from plastic containers.
    Can u share a picture of your kitchen containers so that we can get a idea ?
  2. Dolly_Lite

    Dolly_Lite Bronze IL'ite

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    my kid will be starting kindergarten this fall. I am wondering what type of food to give in that thermos lunch box. i usually use it for cereal & milk/rasam rice/soup. but for her lunch i am thinking of giving cutlets, sandwiches etc., thinking it will be easy for her. can you share your lunch ideas.
  3. nemesis

    nemesis Platinum IL'ite

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    There was a recent article in TOI, which mentioned that in another 50 years, there will be no fertile men because of plastic's advent into our daily lives.

    Estrogen from the plastic is causing this, it is said.
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  4. samba

    samba Bronze IL'ite

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    This code (1 to 7) is unaware to me before reading this.Very useful,googled and found how dangerous is plastic........thanx for posting....
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    that is a good question! Mine are little older so enjoy their spaghetti/pasta kind of foods in that box. As I think for you, I can come up with plain, lightly seasoned rice (like in restaurants), you can also make idlis and cut them in to pieces or make those baby idlis, bite size cutlets, pizza rolls....few things I could think of! For pizza rolls and other foods which give out moisture, if you are using a microwave do it with a paper towel underneath and then pack them. If you still feel there is going to be moisture, keep a neatly folded paper towel on top of the food - they can remove the towel and eat! And oh my DS loves samosas for lunch and I do the same!

    Hope fully this will give you a start and you will come up with some more ideas. These are only few things I have used for my kids -and there is always milk and a fruit!
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  6. nihasvin

    nihasvin Platinum IL'ite

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    Glad , this post is useful for you.. Thanks for the feedback Samba.
  7. nihasvin

    nihasvin Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi ,
    Been to shopiing for my DDs lunch box and waterbottle .
    saw the lunch box (same as Srama posted) but my DD prefers flat containers which i couldnt find.

    But bought a La Gourmet 3R stainless water bottle.She happily chose Mickey design :)
    Will post the pic soon..
  8. KavithaUS

    KavithaUS Silver IL'ite

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    Although this is an old thread, I want to post few ideas that worked for me from getting rid of plastics.Hopefully others can benefit out of it and adopt going green.
    2yrs back my passion for glass started from baby bottle and it is still continuing.Today my kitchen is 99% plastic free, not even packaged plastic bags/ ziploc bags.. touching my food.

    Both my babies(newborn and 2 yr old) are off plastic(NO plastic at all). Feeding bottles are all glass with silicone nipples from day one.
    I pump breastmilk in glass bottle and freeze it in the same.
    toddlers lunch box - snap and lock glass box. I instruct the day care provider to warm with lid off.Somedays it is Fogo steel thermos. Same with DH/my lunch. Spoons/knife/forks for my toddler-small stainless steel ones.

    Water bottle- Fogo water bottle. Or somedays it is Lifefactory glass bottle. for me and my husband at work/on go- Lifefactory glass bottles. At home- Copper jug.

    Snack container/ Fruit container- Small snap & lock glass containers for my toddler. They are really very cute.For me/DH small mason jars. I love them.

    Leftover food/ Dosa batter/Fridge items- Mason jars/ Pyrex/ Steel containers/ Snap & Lock glass wares/ or simply wrapped up in papertowel with a band.

    Spices/ Grains/ Rice/Doughs/Pantry stuffs- Different sized Mason jars. Again I love those, cant believe how I lived without those all these years. Also breakfast cereals and store bought indian snacks gets transferred to mason jars. Everything I can imagine finds it place in mason jars. They are incredibly cheap.so I dont resist to buy it.

    Frozen goods-(My freezer is pretty much empty except for Breastmilk), but even if I buy foods like frozen peas/coconuts/Onions- I transfer them to mason jars as soon as I get to home. For frozen parathas/rotis- I remove all the plastic covers and repack them in aluminium foil with parchment paper in between. ..yeah call me crazy :) I don't like my food residing in plastic packaging.

    Looking at my kitchen now, the only thing I see plastic is -
    1. Big Olive oil/Gingelly oil bought at costco and indian store.
    2. LG hing container. I will get rid of it by emptying it in small mason jar.Not sure how to cut it without any plastic shreds falling into the hing itself.
    3. Brita water pitcher. although I transfer the water immediately to copper jug, I feel I need to get rid of it sooner too.
    4. Organic chicken in its plastic package and I placed it in 2 plastic bags to prevent any contamination to my precious stash of freezer breastmilk.

    also I have no non-sticks cookwares...everything is steel or cast iron.

    hopefully I covered everything, let me know if more info is needed. I highly recommend glass, good for your health and for our environment.
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  9. Dewdrop

    Dewdrop Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Kavitha,
    I am really impressed with so much steps you've taken :clapto remove all plastic from home. Though I don't use plastic plates or containers for storing spices your detailed post has opened my eyes to the other ways plastic has crept into my kitchen.
    I've been using Rubbermaid plastic containers to store leftovers.
    I've been using tall plastic tubs [ got as a set in Walmart] for making idli batter.
    I use ziploc to store small amounts of nuts, cereal , cardamom, clove etc.
    Yes, Brita big filter + 2 pitchers :( And Freezer -- mostly all are plastic ; even grated coconut, cut peas, ginger garlic pieces all in ziploc only.
    For lunch for my family, I'm using only Rubbermaid or Lock'n'Lock brand boxes -- as glass is too heavy for them to carry. I tried steel boxes but food is really really cold as I'm living in cold climate area only. The 'Thermos' flask to keep food hot is too bulky to carry so my husband/son refuse to carry it . Can you post a pic of your toddler's glass container ?

    Mason jar is just normal glass bottle right - or you have ceramic ? Is this the kind of jar you have ? eBay Classifieds: View Large Image If so, they were quite expensive to replace entire household with isn't it -- may I ask from where you got your collection ?

    And how do you store the vegs/herbs you get from shops [if not in their same flimsy plastic bag which we use to weigh them in ] ? And what alternative is there other than Brita to filter/store drinking water ?

  10. Dewdrop

    Dewdrop Gold IL'ite

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    What is this code ( 1 to 7 ) ? Has it been mentioned in this thread -- :confused2: am not able to find it ?

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