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Nutritionist / Dietician Consultation - My Experience.

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by Needtobestrong, Mar 5, 2019.

  1. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    I'm facing problem with weight loss and on treatment for hypothyroidism..
    I had consulted a dietician in a reputed clinic a few months ago...
    It's a leading multi speciality clinic..one dietician was available and I took the appointment..
    I had requested for an experienced dietician but I got a junior one..
    the consultation fee was a pretty hefty amount which I paid up ..
    I explained my schedule and medical history and health issues etc and requested for a weight loss solution..
    Was quite surprised as she was in such a hurry to be done with the appointment..and just hurriedly noted down whatever I told her....I asked few questions, and her answered were quite short and abrupt I myself felt foolish asking..She concluded the checkup in 15 mins and rushed off to her next appointment..she said she would provide the diet charts during the next few days,. So I walked by the clinic and got the chart from her,..was surprised to find that it's a cut-copy- paste kind of template maybe downloaded from Internet with a standard food chart provided...edited and printout taken..no food options provided..I.e breakfast is x quantity of ABC food item or y quantity of BCD food item etc..just one fixed template,.
    I mean is it possible that a person will eat exact same food item everyday?wont menu change day to day?
    She didn't really clarify much queries during the appointment and a follow up checkup would mean paying a hefty amount again..
    So I followed the plan as much as possible..
    But I haven't lost any weight..not a single kilo gram..
    Why am I sharing this?
    Because I'm just venting out the fact that in our eagerness towards weight loss, we shouldn't just rush to any weight loss clinic..should carefully research and get reviews about the clinic or nutritionist whom you want to consult..else you will end up wasting valuable time, money and going in wrong direction..
    Anyone faced similar experiences with weight loss consultations?
    Am I expecting too much from a professional and should I make my own weight loss plan?
    Moderators: kindly excuse me if you that my post is irrelevant to this forum..you could move to appropriate forum if so..
    I was in tears yesterday when I realised that I've not lost a single kilo in past one year..
    nakshatra1 and messedup like this.

  2. messedup

    messedup Platinum IL'ite

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    Hey dear please don't be sad. Make your own rules and follow them. You yourself know your body better than anyone else. All the best. Take care.
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  3. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh no. This is not right at all. I just responded to your other thread. I don’t have any idea of hypothyroidism but seems like you have been given a low carb diet chart to follow(similar to people with PCOS). With the diet charts etc, it’s hard to follow because one idly can be a big one or a small one. Which is why tracking macros and calories and measuring food properly might come into play.
    There are umpteen recipes and plates in the lunch ideas thread. Please look into it to get some ideas. @Shanvy has been on a low carb diet and has posted some great plates with pictures and quantities that you can follow.
    Also track your calories and macros closely and see where you can make tweaks. If you could share that here then maybe some of us can make suggestions for you.
    Needtobestrong, Afresh and Gauri03 like this.
  4. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    OP, I like the recipes and information on this blog --http://www.healthfooddesivideshi.com/p/personalised-diet-plans-for-you.html

    The blogger also does nutrition consultancy. In fact she specifically mentions hypothyroidism. She says she makes customized meal plans that suit your taste and kitchen. I am not offering a personal recommendation. I don't know her, nor do I have first hand experience working with her but I have been following her blog for a long time. I like the healthy recipes she posts. She consults via email and I think she is also quite active on Facebook. You could try connecting with her or her clients there and make a decision. Even if you don't work with her you can use her recipes to make your own nutrition plan. Don't be dejected. You seem really motivated. Weight takes time to come off. I'm sure you'll get there. I agree with @Laks09. If you write down what you are eating and post it here, we can offer insight into possible areas of improvement.
    Laks09, Needtobestrong and Afresh like this.
  5. Afresh

    Afresh Gold IL'ite

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    Hi there
    First of all to answer your question on
    the answer is definitely No! but sadly , one has to realise that given the commercial world we stay in there is absolutely no guarantee of getting results or outcomes one desires, based on the amount we pay to so called professionals.

    The solution here is a bit of research on the lines of the very sane advice by @Laks09 and @Gauri03 , on your own about linking your situation with some blogs mentioned. I here would like to add this old blog here
    A weight loss success story
    by @shivachoubey . This is a very inspirational and phenomenal thread (there may be more threads of hers which you need to see too) and i thought , she's as good or maybe better than celebrity nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar.
    This thread is where I had stumbled upon in IL for the very first time and after reading it I did pick up a few pointers and tried to imbibe them and they really did work.
    I must say that earlier (and maybe now again) i used to feel that whatever is written in the thread about waking early, eating fruits, getting exercise blah blah was all a part of my routine naturally, but then when i really started to track my diet plus routine, it did throw me a few gaps which i happily filled following the advice there. & guess what it works!!
    So my advice would be to start recording your daily diet hour to hour for a few days and then cross check with the researched plans mentioned here.
    A few general diet pointers ( in general, nothing specific to hypothyroidism)
    1. Start your day with a warm glass of water with honey or lemon
    2. Within fifteen mins to half an hour of waking up , have a banana or soaked almonds
    3. Then later in some time , say half an hour, You can have a good protein rich breakfast (if you are ok with eggs, then a boiled egg with toast is really the go to food) plus milk. It could also be poha/idli/ upma etc
    4. after two hours snack on a bowl of sprouts.
    5. Lunch : standard would be chapatti/rice with veggie and dal with curd ( portions you may decide in accordance with your general requirement and also keeping in view your condition)
    6. Again a fruit or two ( maybe papita and apple) around 2-3 hours after lunch
    7.I am early dinner person so i have dinner straight by 6:30-7 and nothing else in between satiates me. Dinner ideally should be on the lines of the food at lunch; perhaps you can try a vegetable soup along with some proteins ( chicken/fish etc in non - veg) if you can do way with carbs
    8. Remember to have aatleast 2 bottles of water everyday to start with.
    I have left out the tea/coffee, it could fit in with snacks or something
    all food has to be preferably homemade and asfresh as possible.

    All the best to you ; will fill up with more help if needed as you go along.
    All the best and remain calm and its all achievable. Trust me
    Laks09, Gauri03 and Needtobestrong like this.
  6. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks to all who replied..
    Below is the diet plan which my dietician had given me.
    Morning wake up 06:00am
    07:00:00 AM.
    1 small yelaiki banana + 5 soaked almonds

    09:00 am (breakfast)
    2 small idli / 1 medium size dosa + 1-2 tsp chutney / 1 cup poha or upma or daliya or semiya+ 1 cup sprout salad

    11:00:00 AM
    1 cup veg salad + 1 tsp seeds

    01:00 pm (lunch)
    ½ cup rice/2 small roti + 1 cup veg + 1 cup dal + 1 cup curd

    03:00:00 PM
    ½ cup Roasted peanut + 8 nuts + 1 glass buttermilk

    05:00:00 PM
    1 fruit + 1 glass coconut/lemon water

    07:00 pm(dinner)
    2 small chapathi + 1 cup veg + 1 cup dal

    09:00:00 PM
    200 ml milk

    Sleep 11:00 pm

    Lots of water, no sugar to be taken, regular exercise etc were suggested to me..
    Afresh likes this.
  7. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    it looks to me like a low carb kind of diet...I followed it very strictly for a few months with some 30-45 min exercise everyday ..( walking along with some. Home workouts )..
    I didn't lose more than 0.5 kg ! And then I had some issues with back and leg pains and couldn't exercise for some weeks...and gained the weight back!
    These days, with a small toddler and staying in joint family I'm finding it so tough to follow a proper diet plan and exercise schedule!
    Don't know why I couldn't respond to diet exercise plan even though I'm taking thyroid medicine correctly..
    Maybe it wasn't suitable for me.
    Requesting you all to suggest a diet plan that's very easy to follow and for which the food preparation work is minimal.
    Afresh likes this.
  8. Afresh

    Afresh Gold IL'ite

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    Hey , only one suggestion maybe, are you really ticking boxes with your meal chart everyday. You should try doing it. Its difficult when its in our mind , but once we take to paper becomes solvable!
    You need to record everyday what is the veggie you ate. Preferably make a vegetable plan for Mon-Sun,
    You could also have more lemon water/coconut water than suggested in the diet. All the Best!
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  9. Emarald

    Emarald Silver IL'ite

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    Can u replace rice with lot of salad like lettuce, cucumber, carrot, spinach or any green? If u really crave for rice eat very little. Supplement with Apple banana and or any fruits. Try to exercise 2 times a day, preferably morning. Try to do crunches sit ups warm up any time empty stomach. Keep salads and fruits handy for snacking. Avoid any market ready snacks. Don't worry about weight. Focus on improving energy, better sleep and toning body.
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  10. Alyssum

    Alyssum Platinum IL'ite

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    I'm also trying to lose my weight but I'm increasing month by month.

    Kindly, don't feel negative way. Try to be postive thinking...

    Dietician gives you diet chart... Did you follow without cheat days?
    Hypothyroidism.puts weight, stress and feel tired. You need to give effort to physical activity.

    Don't make yourself stress. You can able to lose your weight with positive thinking.

    Follow your dietiecian.if you are not satisfied with dietician then find out suitable one to you. Definitely, it's workout.

    One guidance makes you support and help you lot.

    Presently, I'm suggested with three dieticians. I following one of them which one is comfort plan to me. At the same don't waste money and precious time.

    Two of them simply said you are obese in this level you need to follow these food menus. That's it.... Cone next month review let see... That's it.

    But i choose one to follow... Suggested as per my regular food preparation menus. It's good to follow.

    Need to be strong, you make yourself confidence and starts freshly.... This year is good to you. Your desires are going to fullfIL.

    Make it pleasant day....
    Needtobestrong likes this.

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