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my Top 3 tips for weight loss & healthy eating habit

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by writingale, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. writingale

    writingale Bronze IL'ite

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    i agree climate is a valid excuse. Bcos, even though I am all gung-ho about fitness and exercise NOW (after years of failing at it), I remember the gloomy dark days in pennsylvania where exercising was the last thing on my mind. Instead of moping around, what I should have done - i realise now - is be pro-active... find walking groups or taken to pain to see what can be done. But then, hind sight is always 20-20, isn't it!

    Also, when I was suffering from hypothyroidism, even though i lived 10 minutes from a park, it never occurred to me to walk there - I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and generally lethargic. Now, again with hind sight, I realise that certain health conditions can cause such havoc in a person's system that they will not even think straight when it comes to certain stuff... so hormones, for women, play a big role in clear thinking about fitness!


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