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Discussion in 'Gardening' started by shravs3, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    With all the free time around because of this pandemic, I finally tried growing Microgreens.

    The first outcome was excellent with Fenugreek and Chia. After that I have no idea why the methi is not sprouting up properly. I’m using seed starting mix( coconut coir from hope depot) which is labelled as alternative to soil.

    I usually soak methi seeds for atleast a day and then add it on top of the soil and I again cover it with this mix and sprinkle some water.

    I am trying to reuse the seed mix and plastic container.

    Now here are my doubts.

    1. I have no idea why this method is failing to produce any microgreens when I reuse it with new batch of seeds. I also noticed that it’s rotting easily after sprouting so I’m not able to get the greens.
    I even stopped watering for few days and started keeping it in a patio which gets great sunlight but no luck.

    2. I read somewhere that one batch of seeds you can harvest it for atleast 3-4 times if you do not remove the roots. But I noticed that it started drying inspite of watering regularly.

    What mistake am I doing here?
    Should I use the actual soil instead of seed starting mix?
    Should I not reuse the seed starting mix?
    Can you harvest only microgreens only once?

    Please help!
  2. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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    For fenugreek, you don't need to buy seeds, you can just use the ones used for cooking. I think temperature plays an important part. The soil too. I did not exactly get what are you trying here. Are you trying to plant seeds obtained from the sprouts? Or are you trying to use the previous plants by removing the stem and keeping the roots? Or the sprouts are just not coming up after planting the seeds? I don't know where you live, but temperature, sunlight and even soil play a key role. I have seen different results when I added organic waste to soil and planted in a place with sunlight. And watering regularly (at least once in 2 days) is a must as well
  3. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    I did not buy seeds separately but I’m using the ones which I use for cooking.

    I have tried this but it’s not working for 2nd time.

    Tried this as well but this is also not working.

    I live in a place with plenty and plenty of sunlight and high temp so I water them daily. Probably the issue lies in the soil I believe.
    I use this one Burpee 16.69 oz. Concentrated Seed Starting Mix-BP8CRBL - The Home Depot
  4. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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    You can try this. Take a pot (even medium sized would do). I think a plastic one/rubber one would be better(a mud/clay one would be hard to manage). Add some organic soil(you can get one from home depot or lowe's or even costco, I used this Miracle-Gro Garden Soil All Purpose for In-Ground Use, 0.75 cu. ft.-75030430 - The Home Depot ) to it (like 1/4th of the pot). Add a day's kitchen waste into it(fruit peels, veg peels and the like, any organic matter would do), on top add another layer of soil, add your seeds on the top of the soil and leave the pot in sunlight. I was confused because I saw "seed" and "mix", my oversight I guess. Water regularly (once a day should do). As far as your seeds not sprouting again, they need to be fully mature (my guess). If you leave the plant till that stage, the leaves may wither away and the plant may not be that fresh(I meant young and soft) anymore(for consumption). Keep on going with your trials :blush:.

    For the soil you would have to go to the store. I am not sure if you are comfortable to do that in this covid situation.

    I am also thinking for the seeds, you could do this first before planting directly in the pot. Soak them overnight in water, drain the water in the morning and leave the wet seeds for a day or two more. You should see them sprout. After they sprout, add them to the pot and spray them with water regularly. I hope this will work for you.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
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  5. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks @sarvantaryamini will try changing the soil. Hopefully it solves the issue. I will also add organic waste.

    I’m still a budding gardener so learning :grimacing:
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  6. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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    I am not a pro myself. I have done many experiments too :tongueout:.
    shravs3 likes this.
  7. radv

    radv Gold IL'ite

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    8AAC3D59-33E9-4EBF-8EAC-E92A176F1854.jpeg I tried to grow mustard micro greens. image.jpg 5C87FE56-F6C9-4C72-B854-ABFA7CCEF137.jpeg
    shravs3 likes this.

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