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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Today is not friendship day but this post I am dedicating to my friends all over the world without whom I would not reached where I am today

    Friendship is silent gift of nature, more old more, stronger, more care more respect, less words more understanding, less meetings more feelings

    Memories of my school.friend with.whom I am friendly since school days till last year as she died last year due to.covid

    Then memories of my office friends with whom I had lovely days sharing breakfast, lunch, one friend used to like my idli and used to give her bread with lot of butter and cheese to me. During lunch we used to exchange everyone's dishes and they used to like my fried karela and stuffed brinjal.

    Oh those memories make me nostalgic and feel like going back to work and enjoying the days instead of sitting idle here and remembering those treasured moments. Hope there was no retirement and could work till we are alive.
    messedup, Thyagarajan and Mistt like this.

  2. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Happy Friendship Day.
    iyerviji likes this.
  3. umaakumar

    umaakumar Gold IL'ite

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    Viji Ma'am,

    Such a nice post on friends.

    Everyone cherishes good friends.

    Happy friendship day.

  4. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    Your post reminds me of my friends from school time ,college till office. I never had many friends, but the very few ones i had,itwas very memorable. During school n colleges we used to chit chat so much, while going, coming back, standing for hours in front of our houses and talking. Nothng serious to talk about, but never short of any topics then to discuss Even while working had such good friends that we could even speak through eyes and convey the joke or message. Such a lively and lovely life then with friends to laugh over silly silly things.
    After marriage every one got busy with their own lives and are very far. Now fear of being judged to talk silly things and laugh. All are burdened with so many problems that no one wants to talk and laugh anymore.
    Wish i could go back in time and have those type of friends again with whom I can just discuss anything like a movie or cricket match and forget all worries of life.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    OMG madam sister I hv missed this post and now by accident I am here to read the thread with just three responses but the title of thread commands huge response from your numerous followers residing on far of nations.

    But for friends, many would feel a kind of depression. Even a best friend away, it puts the other in sadness or in sorrow.

    My bosom friends all come to my mind and am flooded with memories. Each one of those seven is special in one way or the other. Few of them had departed to heaven.

    One is with spouse settled in In Brindavan at coimbatore - senior citizen Home. Two hv expired after surgery for prostate cancer. One succumbed to heart attack on early morning of a Monday.

    I had numerous during my schooling and college(s).

    I had girl friends too. Each one of them is an accomplished lady and brilliant in academics they pursued and the profession they had enjoyed to the hilt.

    I made friends easily and networking with them enlarged my friends’ circle. Many of them extended helping hand in right time when i needed one. It is physical and financial as well. Many small ways they helped in the past seemed to pay rich dividends in later years.

    When i happen to stay during 1970 -74 as a bachelor in a lodge in Chembur,
    I made friends and few of them are still in touch. One of them is unforgettable. I wrote his story in link :

    In any case my closest very best friend
    is none other than my intelligent (not belligerent) WIFE.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024

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