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Friend, Moon & Cemetery

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: Friend, Moon & Cemetery :hello:
    In month’s Mind, I remember many of my friends some alive, some gone. October, I remember the harrowing time I had with my room-mate who was then a senior scientist in Baba the Atomic Research Centre. I re-post the story as a tribute to his memories with title changed.

    On a full moon Saturday, after late lavish dinner, while walking back to lodge via moon-lit cemetery, budding nuclear scientist Kalpathri casually commented that he had never visited a cemetery. He complained about something lodged deep in a crevice around wisdom tooth. Despite picking it for long with a safety pin, he was still at it. Fatigued I was, sleep embraced me.

    Next morning too, Kalpathri was found picking his teeth with safety-pin. I suggested that it could be dangerous and he should instead immediately visit a doctor. He smiled Away my suggestion thinking I was silly!

    Spending week end with relative of mine, Monday early morning I returned in hurry to lodge-room only to find Kalpathri was still on bed staring at the roof, his jaws locked and face turned bluish. I saw safety pin at the corner of the table, with its open end tad rusty. In the next half an hour, I managed to shift Kalpathri to a government hospital nearby. A saree clad doctor with emblematic white coat and a dangling stethoscope on hand, examined and ordered Kalpathri be admitted in ICU.

    Blood test results came after an hour revealing Iron-oxide contamination in blood. ICU in-charge told me that Kalpathri was critical; needs to be given every 4 hour a shot at least 6 times to bring his condition to normal and told to get atleast six ampoules of an imported rare medicine.

    A stocky cabby standing earshot near re caption overheard medicine name, offered to help and introduced himself as Sukveer Singh. From hospital payphone, in accented Hindi, he spoke calmly to someone. Few moments later, the stranger said a man would bring and deliver 3 ampoules with invoice to the reception in about an hour. I checked in nearby shops but to no avail. Sukveer exited giving me a telephone number for follow-up. In the meanwhile, the senior doctor advised to try multiple sources.

    Reputed pharmacies all over city were contacted in vain. I rang up from a payphone my friend GBS in civil aviation in Air Traffic Control (ATC). I briefed him about urgency and the requirement. He told to contact him again after an hour. I informed my boss at the plant that I was caught with a problem and might attend after few hours.

    A man approached the reception mentioning Kalpathri’s name showing invoice of Sahib Singh Company for 3 ampoules. I collected the invoice and the carton containing three ampoules and paid the cost. ICU Doctor’s face seemed lit up, when the carton of ampoules handed over to him. First shot administered at 11 a.m.

    For another three ampoules, I spoke again to my friend’s brother in law GBS. He said three ampoules already arranged and it would be brought and delivered by a Captain of Indian Airline arriving evening flight that was expected ex-Madras by 8 and I could arrange collection from Air Traffic Control office at Santacruz. I drove to the plant 12 kilometres away from air port. I was busy at the plant till 7. GBS had telexed plant office, confirming flight would be sighted (ETS) around 1945hrs.

    I heard of an aircraft booming over, when I reached by stairs the ATC at second floor. Behind a glass partition, I could see GBS removing his headset and a flight touchdown. After 5 minutes, I heard echo of approaching footsteps. He was a lanky pilot in immaculate white attire. GBS came out, shook like a soldier palm of the pilot and introduced me. After hand-shake, he handed over the packet. I thanked them. I offered to pay the cost but GBS said it was his contribution. It was around 9, when I drove back to almost calm hospital. Fourth shot was due around 11.30 P.M.

    Doctor sauntered from ICU toward me with a smiling face, told Kalpathri showing rapid progress and the shots were efficacious. I handed over to Doctor the packet of 3 ampoules. I went into ICU, had a sigh of relief. Kalpathri’s face was looking natural and he winked softly at me!

    Next morning I was boarding a train for New Delhi as per transfer order and moving out on promotion.

    Three decades later, received a call from USA “hello is it Thyagrajan? I am Kalpathri from NASA”.

    It was a full moon day.
    Rihana and messedup like this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Thaygarajan Sir,

    Thank you for reposting your thread with a new title. I am not sure whether I read your original post as it felt like it is so new to me. What a struggle by you and others to save his precious life. He could have easily avoided the situation with a little more care by visiting a Dentist earler. There are several from BIFR and Baba Atomic Research Center joined NASA decades back as NASA found the scientists from India resourceful and willing to take up challenges in a heartbeat. Even the six world class research centers of the US government recruited many from India. Even many who worked for C-DAC when I was the Chief Finance Officer from 1988-1992 were all recruited by Silicon Valley companies.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    OMG! IU know a lot of people who pick their teeth withg safety pins even now. Some of them argue that toothpicks are not safe! Ka;[athy'scse should be a cautionary tale.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you Sir For your nice comments. And you had given me a pleasant surprise by nominating this post for current month FP.

    I stand delighted with your nomination of another post this month!

    Mr K and I were sharing a single room two seater. We became close friends though we were working in different establishments. In the room, at one corner he used to have a Pooja corner. He was a Ambal upachakar and would do morning evening oblations.

    He liked my habits that includes performing Sandhya vanthanam. As atomic scientist, his mind was filled mostly with orbits in Atom and people.

    In a grundik long tape he used to listen to devotional songs of MS Amma. He hailed from Tirunelveli. Yes many of his contemporaries(1970) are/were in US.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2021
    Viswamitra likes this.

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