Dear Cheeniya Sir, I am here to nominate @satchitananda's brand new snippet The Year That Was - Count Your Blessings. She summarized with her inimitable style about COVID-19 and what happened in 2020. She made the snippet not only vibrant with her choice of words but also with her colorful photograph. I have already posted my comments in her snippet.
Dear Cheeniya Sir, I never thought I would nominate two posts on the first day of the month. We all enjoy the writings of Thiagarajan Sir regularly and his new year write up titled "Measure for measure" is a great presentation. I am here to nominate Measure For Measure. I have already responded to this snippet in the thread itself.
It is a singular pleasure, honor non-pareil and wish-come-true* to open my khaata account for the month with this response by @kkrish: Does The Sun Always Rise In The Same Direction? No. My sincere thanks to @SuiDhaaga for starting the thread and to @SunPa for tagging kkrish and asking the question. K, thank you for taking the time to respond. To tell you the truth, I so want to also nominate your other post in the same thread. "Nowadays I stopped looking up; instead I look down to her and see my universe" was from the heart and beautiful beyond words, your feelings literally palpable to the reader. When I was in school, the Book Trust of India used to hold book fairs once in 2-3 years in one school in the area. Our parents and teachers used to caution us not to spend all our money at the first stall itself. : ) So, sticking to nominating one post from that thread... : ) *wish-come-true: I was crossing my fingers that the post would not get nominated before I got a chance to do so. : ) In college, at the end of a semester or year, it was the practice to hide textbooks in the library in unrelated sections, such as putting a Microprocessor textbook in the Civil Eng'g section so one could go borrow it on the first day of college. : ) There were about 3 copies of each textbook and 60 students. There is no way to hide posts here. And a good thing that is! Apologies for the long nomination post! Got carried away...
Thank you very much Viswa. This is indeed a wonderful surprise. Really very kind of you. Good to be here again.
My dear Anna My second nomination us @Srama's Memories! which is different from her usual snippets and which is close to my heart as I also love sarees