Dear All The most dreaded moment has arrived again! When I call it a dreaded moment, it doesn’t mean that I hate this job. On the contrary, I simply love it. The word ‘dread’ has been used to tell you how difficult this job of selecting the FP Winners has become. It has now come to the stage when only an advanced photo finish technology can help me find the Winners! Don’t worry, I am not going to quote Orwell’s statement again and earn your wrath. I can already hear the gnashing of the teeth like the distant thunder which my good friend OJ would call ‘Ashani Sanket’. We have received 23 nominations in June contributed by veterans like Shanvy, Viswa, Satchi, Iyerviji and Lakshmi Bhat as well as the exciting new stars like Padma, Iniyaa, RatnaMalliswari and Bhargavi03. And the contributions by the new stars are as impressive as those of our veterans. The competition, I tell you, is hotting up! I have read every entry at the time of their nomination and again now to evaluate the comparative merit of each nomination. It is a pity that we can have only two winners every month, one for the Finest Narration and the other for the Finest Contribution. Left to myself, I would award the prizes to at least half a dozen this month but I am bound by the rules like Bhishma by his ‘Prathigya’. Of course, my comparison with Bhishma ends there! We all take our morning cup of coffee or tea and how? I take it usually with a grumpy face lest my wife should think she has made an excellent coffee. Some take it in a sullen mood with the prospects for the day weighing heavily in their minds. An exceptional few take it in a chirpy mood with a heart full of gratitude for those who made that nourishing cup possible. Their thought process lights up the entire atmosphere like the fireworks in Trichur Pooram festival! Padma0604 falls into that rare category. I have great pleasure in declaring @padma0604 ’s Musings Over A Cup Of Coffee... as the Winner of the Finest Narration Award of the Month. Thank you Satchi, kaniths and OJ for rallying behind this nomination! When our marriage and other relationships become a bumpy ride, it is not unusual that we develop a sinking feeling. Some of us may even contemplate abandoning the ride but a chosen few grin and bear it. They know that failure is the first step of success. They start rebuilding their life brick by brick and carve a glorious future for themselves. We have one such remarkably inspiring story from Vanquest. I have great pleasure in declaring @Vanquest’s How Marriage And Relationship Problem Has Made Me A Better Person as the Winner of the Finest Contribution Award of the Month. Thank you VaniVyas,Rajeni,jskls,Sck,Itsmylife143 for supporting this Nomination! Starting from this month, you will have a special ribbon showing that you are a FP Winner displayed with your user name in all your posts as well as in your profile page. This display will remain for six months! This is in lieu of the small gifts which were sent to you in the past. The change is introduced as quite a few never claimed their prizes in the past and the logistics was proving to be difficult. In the revised system, the special ribbon will continuously proclaim you as the Winner for six months! Ciao again next month! Your FP Team
Congrats to @padma0604 and @Vanquest for receiving the award. A pat on my back as I guessed theymight get the award this month. Instead of Vanquest I mentioned Vani Congrats to the nominators who selected the best and worthy nomination
Heartiest Congratulations Padma and Vanquest! Wish you many, many more awards in the coming years. :-D
Congratulations to Padma and Vanquest for the finest narration and finest contribution for the month of June 2016 respectively. My sincere appreciation to those who found these wonderful pearls. Cheeniya Sir, You need a ribbon under your signature too for life with the following words: "Finder of Crown Jewels". Like Balajee pointed out that "Central Board of Film Censor" is now modified as "Central Board of Film Certification" your title "Super Moderator" should be changed as "FP Reviewer and Selector". You rarely moderate and actually you encourage young upcoming writers with your wonderful responses. Viswa
Thank you Cheeniya garu !!! Congratulations Vanquest !!! Thanks to Satchi, kaniths and oj for nominating the post and everyone who took time to read and post their comments. Cheeniya garu, it must be a very tough task to select, but the joy with which you do it is shining through in your writing. Thank you all once again !!!