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Does Anyone Follow The Whole Plant Based Food Diet

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by gamma50g, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    Does anyone follow the Whole Plant Based Food Diet?

    I wanted to see if someone here cooks that style and if so, can give me some tips to get started.

  2. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    For the past 4-5 years, I have followed a whole plant based diet (Except for my morning coffee where I add 100 ml milk - only strong decoction, no sugar or any sweetener)

    I cook separately for my DH and DS - normal homemade food!

    Since we are pure vegetarians, and anyway I have always made all my podis myself - and kept processed foods to the minimum, it was not difficult to drop curd, paneer, cheese and ghee...
    Check out my podis etc starting from 4th post onwards here - in this thread
    (this was more than 8 years ago - before I started my plant-based diet)
    How do YOU keep your kitchen always ready ?

    Although I have my own recipes that I eat, I know not everyone would like my non-standard foods!
    So, I have found Achyutan and his experiments a good starter for anyone moving to plant-based ...

    FREE Plant Based Diet Books

    Around India in 30 Dishes Online Campaign


    If you are in Bangalore, you can visit him and attend his classes or try out his cooking ...
    He suggests a lot of recipes with cashews and dates - I dont use any cashews, dates or even fruits as my sugar levels get affected - so I mostly avoid them....

    Just remember that once you go to plant based, you need to have adequate proteins and calcium
    I usually keep 3 or 4 whole dals (moth, masoor, green moong, lobia (alasandulu), black channa, rajma & methi) in sprouts forms ready always and I always have roasted seeds like pumpkin, til, sunflower, watermelon, muskmelon seeds etc for the minerals and also flax seeds, sabja seeds and chia for the omega 3 fatty acids.

    I keep fresh coconut pieces for the sweet cravings and roasted peanuts & walnuts for the sudden hunger pangs!

    2 important points
    Do not remove ANY goodness from plant-based foods.
    Do not add ANY unhealthy stuff to plant-based foods.

    I hope this helped.
    Keep smiling
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
    gamma50g and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    I hv gone through this thread and drawn insights thanks to thread creator and the respondent.
    Happy New Year to both of you.
    gamma50g likes this.
  4. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    And a very happy new year to you as well @Thyagarajan sir. Been long since I saw your posts on here. Hope everything is well with you.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Hi thanks. Reading Message showing concern of my health itself is making me robust and rejuvenating. I am ok and glad u r ok too. I began kicking here with couple of fbs and few simple posts via media and other threads . Regards.
    gamma50g likes this.
  6. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Are you planning to do the Forks and Knives style of cooking? I tried that but found it very restrictive and honestly very bland. I just try to cram as many vegetables, beans, grains and tofu as I can with minimal oil and salt.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    Yes, I have started the Esselstyn diet along with intermittent fasting since the past week after doing a lot of research with McDougall, Fuhrman and you-name-it of whole food plant based diet.

    The first 2 days were terrible because I come from very high carb and sugar background. I would feel hungry and dizzy constantly. But things are getting better now. I learnt the correct way to make salad and as of now have one staple salad. I have ordered their cook book to get me started. At the end of it, I think as long as we follow their recipe to the T the food does taste very palatable. But from past experience, if I try to take shortcuts or cook on my own, I fail miserbly and the food tastes so bad that even I cant eat my own food :)

    Ive realized i need to re learn how to cook healthy from scratch and that means undoing so many years of cooking knowledge and experience.

    I still need to learn meal planning so that I go once to shop for ingredients throughout the week. Right now I am running to Whole Foods almost every other day to get ingredients. But I am determined to follow through with this way of life because its been too long since I have eaten this way.

    I agree in that the diet is pretty restrictive. It doesnt allow oil, salt or even nuts and coconut (due to cholesterol). But given my current weight, sugar and cholesterol levels, I want to do this till both normalize then cook vegan with minimal oil for my foreseeable future.

    The image below shows that unless you stop the source of what is making you sick, you cannot be cured.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Hi. Mankind began eating only raw uncooked ( plant based and killed preys) food in ancient times only with help of hands and then with progress to industrial civilisation and fashion began there was pollution of every kind including the nail polish and lipstick etc the need for knife & fork felt.
    I am used to Spoon but first time I went to then Bombay in 1970 in saroj udipi they served a plate of idli with tiny cup chithi and sambar & with knife and fork. I was finding it clumsy to use k & f for cutting idli or dosa to mouthable pieces. Nothing like eating with clean hands and fingers - nails clipped from time to time gives me satisfaction of having eaten south Indian snacks and meal served on a banana leaf . Regards. God Bless.
    Happy New Year .
    MalStrom likes this.

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