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A Date With An Astrologer

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: A Date With An Astrologer :hello:

    Dad got worried stiff.

    I was to appear for final degree exams in a few days and am down with excruciating pain in my left ear.

    He & I were sitting on the mahogany bench for our turn. Dad was holding a small folded yellow bag in which he had carried a diary.

    As I heard the tick-tick & the “whir” before striking nine times from the large wall clock, we were ushered in by the ENT surgeon.

    He examined my left year with special tools and equipment that were glistening. The bright reflected light partially fell on my eyes blinding me momentarily.

    Now, young Surgeon softly spoke & advised that the problem is in the inner ear and needs mild surgery and left unattended - might deteriorate and diminish capacity to hear.

    Dad was in a quandary as surgeon opined that immediate surgery is need of the hour. When asked, doctor said it would cost around ₹400. Dad looked at me - my left palm holding on and stretching the ear lobe. He told Doc that he needs to talk to mom and would be back by evening.

    He took me to a nearby hotel. We each had one plate Idli & unlimited small onion sambar. While sipping sambar, I looked at dad’s eyes. They were sad a while ago. Now it look bright. He might have got some idea. We shared strong coffee served in ss tumbler.

    He took me to the end of a cul-de-sac. A small wooden name plate hung on the side of entrance door to a small space with make shift roof. I saw the name board In white-paint-written words Kunjidabadam - Astrologer; with three to four micron thick dirt over it.

    From an yellow bag, dad fished out the overused
    Hoe & Co diary and located the particular page where horoscope of mine - written with stout red-fountain pen. He showed it to Kunjidabadam .

    The astrologer looked at it for a while and then said “ if this horoscope is correctly made, then there must be mustard size mole on left thigh. Let him check right away and confirm”.

    I was in trousers that was with folded up slightly at its bottom. I could loosen the pant unbuttoning from its eye-hole, just enough so that my left thigh could be seen. Voilà - mustard size mole on the inner aspect of left thigh could be clearly seen.

    Then Astrologer got busy with his dog-eared almanac for ten to twelve minutes. Then he asked dad - what questions in his mind.

    Dad said about education, employment, marriage and health.

    He once again looked at the horoscope. In three to four minutes, he was ready with answers. “He would complete education in a year and will get away from parents as government job would take him to North. He will have robust health and happy family life”.

    Dad asked him - a bolt from blue - “would he suffer an injury to ear or head or any part of his body”.

    Getting slightly irked but rising with a smiling face from his wooden chair, gently patting on my back , Kunjidabadam responded, “This young Man would do wonders to parents & enjoy robust health & happy family life”.

    Dad offered him some money but for reasons unknown he did not accept it.

    Then we felt somewhat refreshed. My ear pain seemed to have greatly diminished after astrologer’s above prophesy. Dad & I walked to a general physician at the other end of the cul-de-sac.

    There were three four in waiting. But to our utter surprise, the doctor finished with them quickly and we were called in. Dad said the problem.

    This doctor seemed to be in his sixties examined my painful ear visually and then with a torch. Finishing with inspection, this old doc said looking at me, “It is just fungus. I shall prescribe drops. Have two drops at a time thrice a day. You would be alright. Right now I shall have you the drops here”. He did it. Dad paid his fees ₹5. The pain vastly diminished in a space of three hours and completely by night.

    I remember to have read Hitler Was crazy about astrologers. Once he asked a renowned astrologer as to when he would expire.

    With this ticklish dharmasankad question, the astrologer felt he was being cornered. But being smart, for a while he pretended to do lot of complex calculations and then responded carefully “Sir, according to my calculations based on your date of birth, you might expire on a day when Jews celebrate one of their religious holidays”.

    Herr Hitler turned ferocious, reacted to this statement loudly and shouted back “Look. Jews have too many religious holidays. Don’t try to hide. Tell me specific date. Otherwise... “

    The astrologer unperturbed replied, “Sir, the day you expire - that day would be their religious holiday”.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021

  2. messedup

    messedup Platinum IL'ite

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    Second opinion always helps.. :blush:
    Amica and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Maybe the surgeon wanted to make quick money. But thank God you had no such problem.
    Astrology is a science as the astrologer was right to say 'if the horoscope is correctly made', there lies the point. Date, time, place of birth play a deciding role in making a horoscope. I for one do not believe in astrologers.
    Recently a lady astrologer died of covid in a big hospital. She claimed to have made hundreds of correct predictions and was recognized also but was not aware of her own end. To cover this, they say astrologers can not predict their own future.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @HariLakhera
    Thanks for your response.
    About Kunjidabadam . It was later I found that he predicted the winning horse GEMINI for the late SS Vasan before he became the owner of Gemini Studios.
    With the winning the horse race, to show his gratitude, he bought a small house for the astrologer.

    Vasan produced many hindi & Tamil movies. His Chandra Lekha drum dance an instant hit in 1950s. Zippy too a box office hit.

    My dad was with SS Vasan for very many years from 1945 ; both hailing from Kumbakonam. During our chat with him, Kunjidabadam came to know my dad is associated closely with Vasan and that was the reason he did not accept the money offered by dad for that consultation.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    I agree with you Ms. Messedup

    Anything major - let it be surgery, investment in real estate and equities, purchase of gold, alliance for marriage - a second or even third opinion from reliable knowledgeable person is a must.

    My son too followed this when he had acute abdominal pain. This story is in link:
    Son Is Son, Dad Is Dad Yet Mom Is.....
    In which you had posted the maiden FB.

    Thanks & Regards.
    God Bless.
    messedup likes this.
  6. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Surgeons and some doctors are always for surgery.Our periappa nearing 80 was living with us,as Periamma was not alive.He had big wound in the bottom portion of his foot. Homely medicines didn't offer cure.Our cousin,who was a doctor came home. He advised immediate amputation upto ankle,other wise entire lag would have to be removed.Our local doctor ( LMP)asked Amma to bring warm water in a basin.He added a few drops of antiseptic lotion.My Periappa placed his leg into the basin.Within seconds the basin water was absorbed by the wound by a hissing sound.Within mts water came out of the wound along with hundreds of worms that marred the surface of water.Amma poured out the water and brought another basin of water,Procedure repeated until all the worms were coeared within half an hour doctor placed a nice bandage,prescribed some paracetamol.Within a week tissues grew up,wound healed and Periappa began to walk.( I think I have already narrated this in some other connection)
    Today we are spending too much on diagnosis, MRI just out of anxiety.

    Jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. RatnaMalliswari

    RatnaMalliswari Gold IL'ite

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    Hello sir

    You always bring liveliness in your post.The incident which took place many years ago, you always present every frame with clarity.Apart from event of your life you also add related story to the post.I can say its eloquent.
    It's all because of our parents and experience in life we can take right decision, following their footsteps always help us.As in your case consulting another doctor to make right decision.
    Getting right astrologer matters a lot,but still it should be only considered as prediction but not final,it's prediction with precautions.Its like when we hear news of rain,it may or may not rain but having umbrella in hand is always safe.

    I feel god change his decision based on our present karma we are doing in our life.

    Thankyou for sharing this post.Keep smiling, Be Happy and Healthy.

    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks madam sister.
    It is the result of aping the West. There is a mistaken belief that anything foreign would necessarily be better or the best than the indigenous.

    About MRI Scan - Siemens literature in Internet says there machine not suitable for MRI if patient’s heart is implanted with pace maker.

    When mom admitted for hip-ball socket joint fracture to hospital, initially they refused to go for surgery as the patient surviving for over ten years with pacemaker. I suggested that they can call the manufacturer’s rep to study the implant for its health, the CEO of hospital agreed. Two men from pace maker supplier came with their equipment. In less than half an hour, they connected their equipment to mom’s pace maker in her heart and concluded that pace maker in healthy condition and no risk to surgery around her hip.

    Besides extra expenses, the surgery was successfully completed by 5. 30 am and the chief surgeon in his apron with a smile came out pushing the sliding door of the operation theatre. Seeing me approaching him in hurry with dead pan face, he said, " surgery successful. Ceramic ball replaced the broken one. She should be ok in a week or two”.

    Before and after surgery, mom was taken in an ambulance to a scan centre. Second time from scan centre when I was about to leave , an old man was asking whether magnetic forces would hamper the heart beat and whether any risk would be there to patients implanted with pacemaker. I was quite taken aback.

    A fortune being spent upon medical experts’ advise and here an old man is dubious about subjecting body to MRI scan. I was sad and answered him of my ignorance. Then he said he had read about the MRI equipment used by the very agency which was using the equipment not concerned about whether patient with or without implanted pace-maker.

    It is always far easier to be wiser after the event.

    When I confronted with the print out of the text of the web page of Siemens Literature of that MRI equipment, the reps of the company who had tested the health of pacemaker of mom could furnish evasive answers. My message to Siemens confirmed the internet text of the literature. The CEO of the hospital said how they are expected to know this. When mother expired on boxers’ Day, it was 54th day from day of surgery. I held hospital & scanning agency are jointly responsible. After lengthy dialogue, I could get compensation though not substantial from the hospital. For the ceramic ball the supplier desired cash payment without receipt to avoid taxes.

    A great lesson learnt.
    RatnaMalliswari likes this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Dear RM, thanks for the accolades.

    From the choice of words of Your comments, I conclude that they have emanated from your heart . Herr Hitler anecdote is real according to then press reports.

    My dad had told me a story about a king who desired to know whether his sick queen would recover from her serious illness. A renowned astrologer was brought to king’s court and made to study queen’s horoscope.

    After studying the horoscope for a while, astrologer lifting his head with sad face announced that Queen would expire by a specific date. The queen died on that specified date. But the King had had certain apprehensions.

    He thought in connivance with some disgruntled members of his court, that astrologer contrived poisoning of Queen to die on that particular day. So he summoned the astrologer to court and tried to throw a catch 22 situation to him.

    In presence of August members of the court, the king demanded to know from astrologer as to the day when he would expire. Astrologer said,
    ”Your Majesty! I had already calculated; as per your birth chart you would expire three days after my death”.

    An astounded king could not help but ordered that every effort should be made to protect health and preserve the astrologer for long.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2021
    RatnaMalliswari likes this.
  10. RatnaMalliswari

    RatnaMalliswari Gold IL'ite

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    Hello sir
    I really admire the way you narrate in every post,
    Keep doing it.
    Thank you for sharing this Hitler one.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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