Staying Focused To Study

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Vedhavalli, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    OP, Let us see the positives. you are able to focus for 15 minutes.:beer-toast1:
    Its a normal thing to loose focus when we are involved in so many things or tired.
    If there is a dead line, we burn midnight oil?, Why? because we know the consequences.
    Just imagine the consequences, that may give some motivation.

    Check my old post Unable To Concetrate And Stick To Goals, It may give some idea.

    What you need is determination and drive to study. In my job, I have to study different innovative stuff every day, and have to be an expert in that topic to publish. It takes lot of time, effort and creative thinking. I spend a part of the time, to collect materials and read. But I think my subconscious mind do the job. But, what we need is persistence and drive to stick to our goal.

    Find the time you are very focused (early morning or night) , avoid all distractions (keep your mobile away), focus 15 minute, after that just think what you have learned. In your notebook, write down what you have done for the day. Next, day try for 20 minutes. Usually the time to concentrate in one stretch is less than 40 minute, we need a break. In my case I can focus very well for hours if there is a deadline. Nothing bothers me. Not every day. We need to motivate ourselves for that. Check the tips the link I have shared. Also, you need good sleep, healthy mind and body. I also take thyroid medication, so don't worry much about your thyroid problem. I usually play music ( instrument , mostly flute, meditation music) in the background, that relaxes me and help me to focus. Some people use head phones to avoid distraction.

    If anything distract you force your mind to do it and sit there (don't get up) till you finish the block you wanted to do that day. Once you are done , just check what you need to do next day and exit. Next day start again. That way, your mind will plan things and subconsciously focus on it.

    If you can study 15 minute, use that kind of blocks every day. Take baby steps and set up realistic goals. One day you will be amazed on how much you have learned. If its a difficult thing to do, do this as the first thing to do every day. Working long-hours wont make anyone productive, we need smart work, you need to assess what should be done for your certification. Make a list of things, study one by one day by day. You will reach your destination:cheer:. Never ever give up.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
  2. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    @DDream thank you for your valuable inputs and pep writing!!!!. Really you ladies are my mind voice (internal voice)
    I will try to implement your tips.
    Cooking cleaning I have to schedule ahead. When I sit to study, messy house is what I see.
    First step I finish cooking in mornings and make coffee , put in flask and place snacks in small boxes.
    I delegated dish washing to husband.
    Cleaning is major issue, my kid & dh doesn't place things where it belongs. I have to keep reminding them.
    Over thinking is another issue.
    Meditating for 2-3 min before studying helps to focus and learn.
    Your right drive is must.
  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Vedhavalli,

    Adding to the suggestions you have received - google pomodoro technique. I use it in my classroom and quite often for both me and my students.

    How do you do the pomodoro technique?

    The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have—rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoros. I apply to all tasks so that I don't get carried away in just one thing I am doing. Hope this helps you. There is also a timer that you can set on your screen - I do it on my smart board and it is kind of fun Pomofocus


    This article below explains it well.
    The Pomodoro Technique Really Works for Productivity | The Muse.

    Best wishes to you.
    shravs3, sum14 and Anusha2917 like this.
  4. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    I hope you have seen the link of my old post. I have provided there a picture of study area and how similar setup helps me to focus to write. Tell yourself that you will not be distracted by anything . Arrange your table and chair to face outside ( window), not to inside. Limit view of your house from your study table.

    Also, try to find time during early morning or night, with less distractions. You need a designated study area, not in your leaving/ dining/kitchen area with lot of traffic. As a mom its not easy-my kids, cats, plus their stuff etc are around me all the time if I wfh. Sometimes, I have to force them to get out of my study area. I have learned not to get distracted by anything now, also its part of of my job.

    Hire someone to clean your house, that helped me a lot. Generally, we have a tendency to procastinate or find excuses when we dont have enough motivation, fear or if we are not sure about it.
  5. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I’m exactly like you. I’m having similar issues focusing. If I focus, my house will be a mess. If I clean, I won’t achieve other things. I have accepted that I cannot multi task. Some people are very efficient. Some like me get overwhelmed and nothing gets done. I study or work on projects in the morning. I don’t cook until 11:00 Am. If I finish cooking and start studying then my best morning time is gone.

    I also am feeling less motivated to study because I’m not having a clear goal in mind. I derive motivation from my mom. She just came first in her Sanskrit exams. She took the class for 1.5 yrs. After a break of 50 plus years. If that isn’t motivation I don’t know what is.

    These days we have so many courses on Udemy and coursera that I buy on a whim. Then I’m scrambling to finish it all. I think I also need to stop impulsive shopping and focus on one area of expertise.

    I recently helped a friend reentering the workforce with some FAANG interview prep and realized I still have strengths there. Just helping her made me look into that data structure course I bought a million years ago and never bothered to look into. I got some insights from it. I think having such small goals help too.

    I told my DH my resolution for next year is to finish all the courses I’ve purchased on Udemy, stack skills, coursera etc. At least part of the way so I know the topic well enough. If my mom can learn Sanskrit with no other goal other than to refresh herself, I can do the same with CS!

    Not sure if any of this helps you. I thought of sharing my recent experience. Disregard it all if it doesn’t suit you.
    shravs3, Rihana and Viswamitra like this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Laks09 ,

    Reading this below about your mom I had to share my recent experience
    An elderly lady reached out to me a couple of months ago to learn Sanskrit. At the time my two months were already super busy with family visiting from India and all that. So I offered my apologies and mentioned that I will reach out to her towards the end of july and her response was - I am in my late seventies and want to make use of the rest of my life. So don't forget to call. Long story short, met with her last weekend and lo! She has written translations and explanations for all Devi related stuff like lalithasahasranamam etc....I wonder where motivation to understand the basics comes for her and I am only nervous if I can make a difference to her - only time will tell though I have a feeling she will make a difference to me :)
    SunPa and Viswamitra like this.
  7. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    well same problem for a long time. Sometimes you just let it go. And some times the panic sets in and we do things. The little tricks that work for me are to constantly be in touch with people who DID it. I try to imagine myself with that goal completed whenever I wander off. Sometimes ego and competition helps too.
    LIke I talked to my manager the other day and forever I have been saying "I am trying to complete bla bla". He introduced me to someone who actually completed it and I want to be in his place. The authority that you get when you finish it is unmatchable. I try to imagine myself in that place and kick myself whenever I get distracted.
    so, I give myself lots of tests than just to study. When I do badly, I go back and refer the corrections. Just studying JUST DOESNT HELP ME. argghh
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Attention span - issues reminds me of the english action movie where the protagonist goes to shaolin school in movie “ 36th chamber of shaolin”. He learns and practice to improve power of concentration and attention span in chinese way.
    I found from my own experiments that my attention span is better if not best when study made through vee hours as narrated in link

    Glossing Over Subject Line

    I heard or and read, cabbage can widen one’s attention span. The chemical indolin besides improving short/long memories seem to be responsible for increased attention span. There could be some other herbs and vegetables that can enhance the attention span.
    It is queer but I think of certain categories of animals like cheetah, tiger etc and few birds for long attention span. Like the vulture flying at great heights dive into ocean pick up the target fish.

    With best wishes
    God Bless
  9. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    'Pomodoro' apps are available in play store. It helps to focus on one task at a time for a short duration, eg: 20 minites with a 5 minute break. It can prevent notification in mobile if you can't get rid of it. I prefer not to have any mobile or internet, if I need to focus for long hours, especially for serious writing.

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