Unable To Concetrate And Stick To Goals

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by preeti6years, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. preeti6years

    preeti6years Silver IL'ite

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    Hi All,
    I am working full time for more than a decade and right now placed in a good organisation in a lead role.
    Right from the beginning I have been a good performer and my team considers me as a most reliable person wherever I am.
    I am working in this current organisation for close to two years. Not sure for what reason concentration has been my biggest problem since quite some time. My managers do not have any issues with me as I am able to manage things well. However I am not putting in my best efforts. I always feel some kind of laziness and got habituated to keep things postponing again and again.
    My manager is happy with what I do and has good development plans for me and has been nominating me for some certifcation programs too. But I am scared to death that I will not be able to clear the tests.
    I plan so many things for myself but not able to stick to it. offlate this problem has increased very badly.
    I know what I am going through but unable to come out of it.
    Not sure if its because WFH impact or so. But this is beyond acceptable limits.
    Please suggest how do I overcome this
    indubalram and KashmirFlower like this.

  2. sarvantaryamini

    sarvantaryamini Gold IL'ite

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  3. DDream

    DDream Platinum IL'ite

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    Congratulations on your lead role in your organization.
    Its quite natural to feel this way when you have temporary setbacks. Don't worry you will overcome this too.
    One plus point here is that you know your problem -its inertia and lack of focus.
    What you need now is your confidence, determination and persistence to overcome it. You can do it. But now there is lack of enthusiasm or motivation. You need to motivate yourself.

    The only way to make progress is to get started.

    *Avoid distractions. If you are working from home, close your room.
    + In my case, darkroom with a table lamp on my work table works well , as there wont be any other visual distraction, So, I prefer night hours for my serious writing. If you can do it in your home, try that (close window/curtains, even during daytime). This setup work only if you are comfortable with that setting or till you are back to your full energy. Another way is to keep ear phone or add music or sound , for example, mediation or classical music (no lyrics), in the background (it helps me a lot). But you need to find what's best for you.

    * I hope you don't have any other distractions in your home. If so, remove it. But it depends on your job. If you can be away from your mobile and schedule time for emails, that can help. Take short breaks if you are WFH. There are temptations.
    *Dress well as if you are in your working place.
    *Set your priorities.
    * Everyday, start with the toughest one from the list.
    *Schedule your time and create a list of the tasks you need to complete.
    * Fix intervals like 20 minute or 45 minutes. Then, try to completely focus on a particular job and assess how its going . You should be very determined on this aspect(read more :Pomodoro Technique - Wikipedia)
    * Try to schedule time, for example, one hour for your certifications program. What you need now is to start the process. Go and start preparing for it.
    *Same way, fix time for your pending jobs, it can be an hour for a day or an afternoon per week. Try to work only on it during that scheduled time. You will be surprised by this as you make lot of progress even if its slow.
    *By the end of the day, access what you have achieved, how many hours you have wasted and check the schedule for the next day and the tasks you want to finish
    *If your work need, writing, schedule a time for it. It will do wonders.
    * Every morning and night, give affirmation to you and that you are on the path of overcoming this problem and you will do it.
    * Tell yourself you are strong and smart enough to overcome it.
    *Dream big
    *Please don't forget to relax, spend time with family and have 'me time' or do exercise. A perfect balance between work and life is important.
    *If you feel stuck now, take a break (can be a vacation or anything), rejuvenate and start fresh.

    Ultimately, its the attitude that determines the altitude. So, have an optimistic and positive mindset. Never ever give up. If there is a will there is a way. Start now!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022

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