Author: Padmashri S

Tania’s Adventures – Free Children’s Book Series

Writing is very challenging. More so when one has to write for kids! People may think what is all the fuzz? After all, they are kids. Well, but kids are not some casual and inconsequential readers. They are extremely talented, smart, choosy and picky about what they read. It requires a LOT of creativity and patience to please this special category of readers. Unless you have a plot that was going to keep them glued, one may not pass colorful in writing for kids. Here is a book series which takes lovely day to day activities and creates plots for kids...

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Procrastination Does No Good

Editor’s Note: Children tend to procrastinate at times. Sometimes because they are lazy, they feel that the job at hand is way too boring and sometimes because they cannot multitask. But what happens to those who delay getting the work done on purpose? This is a lovely story that we can tell our children. It has been shared by our member tuffyshri. You too can share yours here. Minu was a lovely girl. She was all perfect except that she used to keep postponing her current work for no reason. Her mother would always remind her for this habit...

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Teach Your Kids Empathy

Editor’s Note: We need to teach our children to love, understand, respect and take care of another’s feelings and emotions. Our member tuffyshri tells us how; through a story. Share your experiences with us here. The class IV of Fairy Tale School was a busy one. There were nice students except a bunch who kept bullying others. Their teacher Rosy had always tried to correct these but in vain.  Once a new boy called Rahul joined the class. His father got transferred to this city and so he had joined this school. Rahul was a bright student, came first in studies… good...

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Stinking Potatoes: A Story

Editor’s Note:Children grasp complicated and difficult concepts and emotions easily. Their innocence allows them to. We all say, “Don’t hate anyone, it is not worth it.” While it might be tough for us adults to abide by this, the little ones can be made to understand. And then they will listen too. Here is a wonderful way shared by our member tuffyshri on how it can be done. Share your ideas with us here. The class II of Indian Public School was a busy one. There were 30 children who all loved their teacher Dhivya maam. Dhivya maam used...

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Choose your Friend Correctly

Editor’s Note: Friendship day is here. So go celebrate and have fun with your closest pals. But always remember that one true friend is much better than ten fair weather friends. Our member tuffyshri tells us, through a story, why we need to choose our friends correctly. It is an easy-to tell-story for all the small children out there.  Once there was a louse who lived in the King’s bed. It used to stay calm over the day time and when the night comes it would suck the blood out of the King’s head as he sleeps on the bed. It had good...

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