Forum Etiquette

Discussion in 'Site Help & FAQs' started by kavya, Jun 27, 2006.

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  1. kavya

    kavya Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear IL’ites,

    Welcome to Our goal is to be a “friendly” and “helpful” community for Indian Women. Towards that, we ask you to follow these simple guidelines.

    Violations of forum etiquette will result in moderation of your contributions. Repeated offenders will be provided infraction points where by the member will progressively loose access to the site.

    General Guidelines:

    • Only one username per person. Username once created can’t be changed. Your Username can not be your email, business name or use words like “admin”, “Indus” etc. Username must not be racist, vulgar or inappropriate in any way.
    • To be inclusive of all, English is the main language to be used in this forum. Regional languages can only be used in designated forums like “Chit-Chat”, “Regional Poems” etc.
    • Do not use to self-promote. If it benefits you or a person known to you, it is self-promotion. If you would like to advertise with us, email
    • Do not post any contact information like email IDs, telephone numbers, address, social networking contact details in the public forum. You can safely exchange contact information through our private message system. Your posts with contact information will be deleted immediately. Repeat offenders will loose posting privileges.
    • Do not spam the forum with solicitations for personal “friendships”. Your username will be immediately deleted.
    • Male members are allowed, but we ask that you conduct with an extremely high level of professionalism and courtesy. Writers and/or subject matter experts who are male are happily welcomed. But, we don't look too kindly on men who join just to hang around here making frivolous posts. This is not a male-community. Male members aren't allowed to post their pictures in profile or avatars. Male members who participate in relationship or pregnancy forums should add value to the conversation with thoughtful male point of view. Participating to do chit-chat messages is not encouraged.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2014

  2. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Participation Guidelines:

    • Do not use chat-style abbreviations (using "u", "ur", "r" etc). Repeat offenders will get their posts deleted.
    • Do not quote a message when it is clear as to what you are responding to. It is not courteous to quote entire posts. You would unnecessarily increase page length and make browsing the site harder. While quoting, edit out whatever isn't directly applicable to your reply. Do not quote a post if your post immediately follows it. Do not quote a post if you are just thanking them for their participation in a thread.
    • Do not use ALL capital letters in your posts. In the online world, it is considered as yelling and will offend other members. Do not underline your text. Most members will mistake it to be a link.
    • Do not start 'name threads' addressed to an individual member (with the user name in the thread title). This prohibits or restricts other members from participating in that thread and hence not allowed.
    • Avoid 1X1 conversations in the public forum. Such posts will be deleted. Use private messages instead.
    • Do not post any messages or pictures that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. If any sexually offensive post is found, the Username will be removed with immediate effect.
    • Be civil. No personal attacks, flaming, racial/caste slurs or insults. While debating matters, please do so in a respectful and impersonal manner. Be careful with your words, there is a point where being direct crosses a line into blunt, in-your-face hostility. Indulging in personal diatribe will result in moderation of your comments.
    • Insulting another member or a moderator will not be tolerated anywhere on this website. Rude posts will be removed and repeated violations will lead to the user being banned.
    • If you find anybody making adverse references to you personally, please do not respond. This will only make matters worse. Instead, report the post and move on. It will be taken care of by a moderator as soon as possible.
    • Stay on topic. Attempts to hijack threads by switching topics or going off topic will be deleted. This is not a chat room - when people hijack threads by posting messages that are of interest to only few people, the threads often stop being useful discussions of initial topics.
    • Do not start a thread trying to get together people belonging to a particular caste or religion. If you see one, please report it. While threads that facilitate sharing information about the customs, traditions and cooking style of a caste or religion are allowed, it is NOT allowed to evaluate and/or compare them with one another. However, threads pertaining to members from a particular state or sharing a common language are acceptable. Even then, extreme care should be taken to make sure the content and tone of the conversation isn't exclusionary or divisive.
    • Your posts are editable only for a 1-Hour period. After that, the “No-Deletion” policy comes into effect and the post becomes a permanent repository in for the benefit of future IL’ites.
    New Thread Guidelines:

    • Please search before you start a new thread. As our site already has thousands of threads, you might find that a similar topic is already under discussion in another thread. You can just build off that thread instead of starting a whole new conversation. This will also ensure that everything related to a topic is in one thread as opposed to being scattered around 5 different threads.
    • Post your message in the right sub-forum so that it gets noticed by the right people who will respond to it. Posting in the wrong forum is the primary reason your query might not get a response. If your thread is in the wrong forum, it will be moved to the right sub-forum by our moderators. If your thread seems missing, please go here to learn how to find your thread.
    • Many regional forums now have city-specific sub-forums. Be sure not to post your city-specific threads in general state forums. For example, “Where can I get strollers in Bangalore” should be posted in the Bangalore sub-forum and not in Karnataka or Parenting Forum. Do not post the same thread in multiple sub-forums to get increased attention. In such cases, ALL posts will be deleted. If you would like to get attention for your thread, add a link to it in your signature.
    • Thread titles should be descriptive and have the right search keywords. Don’t start threads with bare titles like “Need Help”, “Information”, “Hi” etc. Our moderators will change vague titles to match the topic of discussion.
    • Keep all your messages short and crisp. What makes our community special is the conversation and dialogue, not lengthy one-sided recitals. Splitting your message into few paragraphs with not more than 3-4 lines per paragraph makes it very readable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2014
  3. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Link Guidelines:

    • If you think that a link is relevant and useful to a discussion (in order to substantiate the information being shared) please go ahead and post that link. You or a person known to you CANNOT individually gain (directly or indirectly) in any way from posting that link.
    • You are not allowed to add a link in your signature to an external website. However you can provide links to your contributions (thread, blogs etc) within IL and promote them.
    • If you post a link violating this policy, we would remove that link immediately.
    • If you see an instance where our linking policy is violated, please report that post by clicking on report icon at the top right of the violating post.

    Copyright Guidelines

    • In your contributions, please respect copyright laws and license agreements. Please do not take content from elsewhere and pass them off as your own. When posting IL content in other websites, you MUST credit our site and provide a link to

    • The site has "hand-picked" forum moderators, and a very extensive system of moderation to ensure that the above forum etiquette is enforced, if not voluntarily followed by the members.
    • Decisions taken by the moderators are final and binding on any issue. However, all of us make mistakes on occasions and in case you do have any problems with a moderation action or feel that you have been treated unfairly, please report the post and the issue will be taken up by an Administrator.
    • Please do not challenge or mock at moderators in public. Creating topics in the forum expressly to disagree with moderators' actions will be deleted. We are willing to discuss with you any situation, as long as it is handled privately in a constructive & mature way.
    • We make every attempt to inform you if any of your contributions undergo moderation. However, due to the volume of activity, we aren’t always able to do that. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2014
  4. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Your Invitation to Leave

    “Goodbye” threads and posts will be immediately deleted. We leave no stones unturned to make every one feel at home in However, there might be a few who feel out of place at and want to leave. We do appreciate such a feeling but would request that you leave the site quietly. All posts made by you will remain in the forums even after you leave the site.

    Thank you for your attention and we hope you enjoy being part of this friendly and helpful community. Welcome to!


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2014
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