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You Can Hear, But Do You Listen

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by SuiDhaaga, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    The body yearns
    Not to toss and turn in the hay
    But to fulfill God’s plan
    Which was to be blessed with
    Children who laugh and play

    The body yearns
    Not to speak ill
    But to express sadness
    At someone's behavior
    Which gave frosty chill

    The body yearns
    Not to binge on fat and carbs
    But to have a warm, nourishing meal
    Surrounded by well-wishers
    Who will never throw rude barbs

    The body yearns
    Not to swagger with Bravado
    But to feel internal strength
    And walk with genuine Legato

    They body yearns
    Not to laugh at a person’s gaffe
    But to cry
    Because anyone can err
    No matter how hard they try

    The body yearns
    Not to fight an insult
    But to rest, and think deeply
    About how their actions will result

    The body is the vehicle
    For our soul
    It cannot be bought
    It cannot be sold

    Our body we have bequeathed
    At the helm our soul is seated
    Our soul speaks to us
    And if we listen
    Our body will surely
    Sparkle and glisten
    maalti likes this.

  2. maalti

    maalti Gold IL'ite

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    Nice, keep posting more
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    It reminds me of certain Bollywood movies of yore where the story revolves around a rural set up . A song or fight sequence emanated from haystack in which director hides hero & heroine.

    Only infants can not utter ills for rest all must speak ills at some time or the other - that is before or after / before and after their wedlock.

    Difficult to guess when it would be. To answer one must factor in age, MIL, SIL, FIL & other ILLs.

    Most difficult stanza to get into that deeper meaning(s). Do you mean resisting retaliation and or paying back in same coin
    Legato - a smooth shifting from one scene to another. Yearning to keep this style in hobnobbing is good.
    Beautiful apt choice of words. I appreciate this stanza though I could not fathom your thoughts while penning these lines.

    This transports mind to philosophy. It is said that spiritual heart is on to left of ordinary heart. An exquisite thought. Should I conclude the converse to be true viz., Soul too can not be bought. But then I remember world’ first successful human to human heart transplant done on Louis Washkansky.

    This experience come alive in deep meditation practice perhaps after long trial & error. Most enjoyable stanza that makes reader highly contemplative.

    It echos certain lines of US poet Louise Glück for her unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal.

    God Bless.
    SuiDhaaga likes this.
  4. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Very detailed compliment!

    Oh, the staccato and legato lines referred to a person walking with an arrogant swagger to show he is great, but he operates from ego.

    Person who walks with legato has confidence within his heart about how good he is, what are his weaknesses … not arrogant at all.

    Yes! Meditation allows you to listen to your soul and be at peace. Then person has natural glow.

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