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Yelling at my daughter :-(

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by tuffyshri, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    I am back again!! with my hot head banging me every now and then... my temper button being pushed down always... :-( I strike again a yelling session, continously for months together... that my DD is so scared of me!! ((SOB)) :cry:

    1) I was sleeping in the afternoon which is a rare scenario. We had a visitor and my maid asked my DD to wake me up. The reply she gave was 'no way... am very scared to do that... she will yell at me'
    2) I was in the bathroom. My DH called me for something for which I asked DD to answer the phone. I couldnt hear her saying something to me. So I told her to just answer the phone and inform him that I would call later. But looks like she has cried to my DH that 'amma is telling something, but I cant hear it appa... am so scared'
    3) Worst! She was all getting ready to swimming but was not swimming. When the master asked what happened she replied that 'my amma is pushing me so much'

    SIGH! I dont know why but all she does makes me angry. I know that I cant expect everything good from a 7 year old child. But then my patience is being tested again and again. She spills water... she skids... she kicks whatever is on the floor by mistake... she doesnt take food.. she is not time conscious to get ready... she doesnt want to do yoga or exercise.. she wants to keep watching TV... she doesnt want to do her maths...on top of it, she teases my second DD... I am tired with her uh!

    I tried yoga... sudharshan kriya... nothing is helping. I also went for counselling but not satisfied with the psychatrist. As for me.. am also getting so sick every now and then.. getting migrane headaches that drive me soooooooooo crazy.. i cant sleep in the night... i cant eat good food... i keep thinking about my DD, esp. the first one.. and getting worried day by day. I dont like to listen to music bcoz they increase my headache. I never have liked dancing. I dont want to go out anywhere bcoz there also I will be worried about my kids only. Believe me... that is the reason I am not writing blogs also anymore. Books also are not attracting me anymore. The only good thing which is so surprising is am not yelling at the baby girl. That in fact drives my first DD much more crazy. 'Why the heck not you shout at the baby but me' is her constant pick these days.

    I tried talking to her out but is not working. On top of this... she is copying me now in shouting at even smaller things. She yells at the maid and the baby girl which was not her and totally my influence only.

    Am I the worsest mom every haa!!?? I feel so worried, pitied, ashamed.. what not. Any suggestions?
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  2. attitudegirl

    attitudegirl Platinum IL'ite

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    Welcome to the club, tuffy....

    Been there, seen it, done that... ufff.... Isnt it so frustrating??

    Being 7 years, ur DD is crying for her individuality and independence.. She'll have an opinion over almost everythig. How old is ur LO..

    I think best thing u can do is, just relax ur mind.. Pls take care of ur health. To contribute better to the family, u have to feel good urself. Yes, first priority is u, right now. Take some time out for urself each week. Exercise regularly.

    Then you can take out ur DD out somewhere. That exclusive time with her. I have some exclusive and secret place with my kids. Both have seperate places, and I take them individually. I take them to that place, as and when possible like once or twice in a month.. And just listen to them. I tell them that it is one on one time with her/him. ANd they are gonna remember all this when they grow up. They talk, talk, talk.. When I take one kid, my DH takes care of other 2 kids.. By the time we come back, the bond is fantastic..

    Its natural to feel overwhelmed when things get to a head.. It simply gets onto a nerves.. Its ok to feel like that.. After all u r not a robot, u r also a human being with emotions.. If u r not confident as a mom, it'll directly reflect on ur parenting..

    Just know u r doing the best u can.. U'll find urself more calmer person..
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  3. Mahajanpragati

    Mahajanpragati Platinum IL'ite

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    u have mentioned BABY girl so your little one is still baby ..........can you be suffering from post partum depression.do an online test for PPD & see where you fit..........

    I agree with prevous poster that you should concentrate on yourself 1st................happy woman is happy mom(& happy wife)

    you will find something which really makes you happy like walking or playing with kids or something...........try to experiment & see what you like........some find knitting very calming,some relax while cooking..........i relaxed when I used to wash clothes manually...........find that me thing & do it regularly.
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  4. superwoman09

    superwoman09 Gold IL'ite

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    She probably needs more attention from you, maybe feeling left out since the arrival of the new baby. This maybe a growing up phase.

    Shower her with your love and care whenever you can. Even if you shout at her tell her the reason behind it later on when she cools down, preferably after a few minutes/hours but the same day itself. She may be getting scared by your raised voice. Ask her if she wants to talk to you instead of getting naughty or running away which in turn is hurting her mother (you) and you have to shout for her to listen only because you care for her and do not want her hurt.
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  5. rachaputi

    rachaputi Platinum IL'ite

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    Do u have any health probs??

    When ur harmones level and blood levels were low people behave like this. Its true. I am the ex: In past in every end of the day i too suffered lot like this. After taking the treatment for harmonal imbalance prob found the change myself.

    And ur daughter ditto to my girl. Try to solve these issues peacefully, control ur anger.

    If u r not related to above issues:

    U r girl is supergenious.. U r the one who can solve this prob, catch her pulse :)
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
  6. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for the FB attitudegirl. My LO is 9 months old.
    I do have good time with both my daughters. I take my first DD to all shoppings. We infact had pizza, just she and me last friday. She said she just enjoyed it. But then... even there and all... am picking on her. yes. i am scolding her there also, may be in lower voice. And the worst thing is she got used to those scoldings that she would never react. I think I am trying to be Miss Perfect while I myself am not. And that I expect her to be another Miss Perfect which is what is causing the trouble. Sometimes I want to flee away from her and worries about her. Next minute I feel guilty about that thought. :-( Thank God my DH is tolerating both the sides and thus am still sane. My mom tells me that she is absolutely alright and just that I am only losing my temper and making big deals on nothing. sigh! will try to keep my sanity still!
    But yeah.. you have a point.. may be she is crying for her individuality and am simply influencing everything. i think i should take that in my mind and start treating her that way. Thanks for the suggestion
  7. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    naaa... no Post partum depression and all... am like always having depression then! bcoz i always have this anger button pushed deep down.. :-( yeah am trying to see if something will help me in getting relaxed. Attending Satsang in Art of Living was very good and relaxing. In fact we both enjoyed the music and fun there when we went for Janmashtami. But then that is all... she didnt want to come for Ganesh Chathurthi. uh! and haa.. yes.. I love cooking some food like gobi manchurian or mushroom fry for her. she loves the food that I cook and I think she is longing to eat me cooking rather than my maid. See... again am only at mistake.
    Thanks for the FB :)
  8. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks superwoman. yeah.. the sibling rivalry is what I am suspecting too. That showering the love part... dont take me wrong.. but I cant do it just like that.. not even to my own mother or DH. :-( But then every night before sleeping we 4 will roll over the bed for sometime. She also loves that. I spoke to her yesterday... but nothing fruitful. One time she quotes one reason and the next time she has another reason. I have seeked my DH to talk to her. Let us see...
  9. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    thanks for the tip rachaputi. I have never taken this test, let me do that.
    but on the other hand, it is true that she is supergenious. She is a wonderful child in a very wrong hand (me).

    and why is that I cannot 'Like' your FB?? I dont see that link at all
  10. attitudegirl

    attitudegirl Platinum IL'ite

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    Pls don't say that, dear.. Don't punish urself with such thoughts.. You r doing the best you can as a mother, remember that..
    So ur baby is just 9 months old... For all of 6 years, ur DD was the center of attention, now suddenly she has competition.. I had read in a book, that how would we feel if suddenly our spouse brings home another woman and says, here, she is ur competition, u have to love her like i do, u have share ur home with her, u have to share her with me.. When we cant even imagine that.. how do we expect our kids to take a new born with open arms.. Maybe she needs some time to adjust...

    Agree it or not, u r juggling with ur role as mom to new born and the elder one.. being a mother is the toughest job possible and u dont even get acknowledged for it. And ur panic is not going to make it any easier.. More u panic and punish urself, more u'll be stressed out.. Just relax.. pls calm down..

    Normally the elder kids are supposed to behave.. no matter whatever their age.. asx me.. i can vouch for it.. my ODD was all of 18 months when my DS was born.. I expected her to behave at that age.. I have had many a sleepless nights sitting by her sleeping self and crying..

    Its ok, dear.. All of us go through this phase in some stage of our life.. As ur baby is just 9 months old, get back to exercising if it is possible.. Get back to taking care of urself.. We neglect to even comb our hair getting so engrossed with the family life.. I cut my hair after my 3rd baby was born, unable to take care of it.. Take care of urself first..

    Dont take her to a place where she is expected to behave.. take her to a park or someplace where u wont worry about her etiquettes.. take her to a place where there are kids elder to her, and u'll realise she is such a small girl, all of 7 years..

    Enjoy the phase while it lasts.. After one year she'll never be 7 years old no matter how much ever u try.. All the best
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