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Www- Wondrous Women World

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by aarthi28, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. vidukarth

    vidukarth Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Arthi,

    I read all the episodes at one go, great writing and thanks for posting today. I am looking for future posts too.
    aarthi28 likes this.
  2. aarthi28

    aarthi28 Platinum IL'ite

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    Really Thanks @vidukarth . Am glad u were able.to read all the 60 plus episodes in a single go. Hope u liked my story and welcome to travel along with my wonder women
  3. aarthi28

    aarthi28 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi friends, posting the next episode.

    @VinuthaS @mbharani @Madhurima21 @vidukarth @Thyagarajan @Lalithambigai

    Episode 64:

    Vidhya eyes turned red, “hey come on. No, I realized as why I should feel for myself and for an Idiot who ditched me. I had hurt you all many times and I realized my mistake. You guys’ care for me and for someone who ditched me, I am showing my anger to you all. I am sorry Vinaya” and hugged her.

    Vinaya reciprocated her hug and said, “hey, am happy for your change.”. Vidhya though about Dilip for her change and for a moment thought whether his words of proposal would be true. She thought he was different and was always by her side whenever she was not even good to him. Initially she feared to even talk to him and was also behaving quiet to learn from him. After they became good friends, he was always adjustable for her. Dilip wanted to meet and spend time with her at least when he planned to come to office during his visit to India. But it did not work out due to unexpected incidents which Vidhya had to face. She recollected the instances she had spent with Dilip through Chat, Phone calls and messages. They had common interests, he was very flexible for her and not the least, he accepted her for what she was. Vidhya is not a tough girl nor a non-approachable girl. She forced to behave like that as she could not come out of the ditching, she had faced earlier by Vidharth and she had put a circle for herself and stayed inside that boundary. Vidhya was thinking much about Vidharth and after the chat she had with Dilip she realized how mean she was and she also felt happy that how Dilip has been to her and how Vidharth was to her. Vidharth liked Vidhya but had not sacrificed anything for her. He gifted her costly items, but there was always a soft commandment he had with her. Rather for his attitude, she abided for all his expectations whole heartedly. She remembered few instances where despite Vidhya’s request, he ordered non vegetarian food for himself. When she insisted him to accompany to temple, he refused for that. When she gifted him with some gifts, though he did not reject the gifts, he has passed comments on them saying that their family may think this cheap sometimes. Somewhere or the other, there were traces of his rich arrogance shown which could have come from his mother’s nature.

    Vidhya now realised that she did not marry him and God has provided something better to her. She had a good peaceful sleep that day thinking of Dilip. She was not clear as whether she is in love with Dilip, yet her mind warned not get into a relationship again.

    Sindhu finished off her daily chores and went to their bedroom to see Sandeep to be still awake. She was not sure as in what mindset he was in at that late night. It was close to a month since her father passed away and the world was dark. She felt that due to the issue between the two sister’s families, she felt ditched to the core. She abided to Sandeep’s words and avoided her sister’s family. She felt like her heart is broken into pieces as she could not bear the Treachery done by her sister to her. She also thought that Money is secondary, but there is a trust they have and she believed her to the core. The result was that nothing was transparent. There was always a negative comment provided by his husband about her sister and it became true. But Sindhu often uses to think that he did not deserve anything as he never cared for her parents. Whenever she uses to go and see them, it would be a formal one and some issue crop out for a little thing which will not have any serious reason at all. She will support her family and he will comment and the argument will continue for hours and this continued years together. At one stage, Sindhu realized that shouting and fighting is not going to help out and she needed some silence to her mind and she completely concentrated on her children. For whatever thing that happen in their life, Sindhu will be complained for some reason and she got used to it in her lifetime. She was stubborn that she should not let her family down for any issue they create as it was a life chosen by herself.

    Sandeep was exploring his mobile while Sindhu prepared the bed and the little one slept in the bed. She wanted to check out some document and worked on her laptop on her pending official work and completed it. Sandeep was exploring his mobile till then and before she went to sleep, he locked their bedroom door and came near Sindhu. Sindhu was mentally not ready for any sexual relation at that point of time. She had received enough till then by all comments as rude, complaining words from him over the past few weeks. He was cursing her sister for ditching her, her co brother for his attitude and the treachery done by Padmaja. Sindhu tried to avoid Sandeep and she was both physically and mentally not doing well. But Sandeep was very strong that he wanted to have sex with her and went at her back. He smelled her neck and hugged her. His hot breath and his moustache tickled her, yet she was not able to enjoy it and tried to remove his hands from her hip. He told her in a husky voice, “Please Sindhu… Its more than a month and I need you badly.”

    Sindhu was stubborn, “Come on Sandeep, can’t you understand my feelings. I am not in a mood for such things now.”

    This immediately triggered the anger of Sandeep and he said, “Do you want me to go to a call Girl? I am not that kind of person and so you don’t understand my importance. As I am coming at the back of you again and again for my needs, are you thinking of me cheap?”

    Sindhu became tired of his words as he always uses to talk something similar to this.

    Sindhu: “Come on Sandhu, I am still not come out of my loss. Please understand my feelings.”

    Sandeep: “You understand my feelings. For whatever ditching your family has done to me, I am good to you. Go and see outside, how people are”

    Sindhu: “Did you loved me expecting my parents’ money?”

    Sandeep: “Are you nuts? Why don’t you understand my love for you.”

    Sindhu: “Yes, I understand your love. It is so called possessiveness and nothing else. You have never seen a happiness in my happiness. You have never thought of my problem as yours. You always look from your side, what you get from me?”

    Sandeep became furious and held her jaws tight. This gave an intense pain to her and the teeth collided with the cheek muscles inside. She tried to remove his hands and he forcefully pushed her which made her move a step beside. The little one sleeping in the bed whined a bit and Sindhu, “Please Sandhu, the kid is sleeping. What if she wakes up. Behave yourselves”

    Sandeep: “You behave yourselves, for whatever happened from your family end, you are always cornering me”

    Sindhu: “Come on. I am not doing like that. I am also upset. But at the same time, I am not having a transparency which is making me to keep quiet. I am receiving many cooked stories from my family side. There are also a few comments about you too”, she bit her tongue as she said that.

    Sandeep got a point to argue and it went on and on and there was a knock in the door and Sandeep’s mother was there outside. She complained to both, “Are you both not grown up? Why are you fighting like this? It’s late night and remember you have two kids. Please go to bed. What if neighbors heard such fighting noises. Are you both not educated ?”

    Sandeep looked at Sindhu and said, “It’s all because of her. She is not a good wife to me at all.”

    Sindhu felt so embarrassed for such a comment in front of her mother-in-law and stood still. Though the old lady understood about his son’s character and she always advised Sindhu and expected her to change for her son.

    Sindhu was quiet and Sandeep closed the door by shutting it hard.

    Sandeep: “See, Mom complains you and as ladies, you should adjust for whatever you say”

    Sindhu closed her hands together and said, “Please, forgive me. I will not talk to you again like this”

    Sandeep: “So, you will not talk to me and you are trying to say that whatever I spoke is incorrect right”

    Sindhu: “Oh god, why are you behaving like this. I apologize to you. I will not talk to you like this again.”

    Sandeep: “You say this n number of times and you repeat it again”

    Sindhu: “If I repeat it, question me”

    Somehow Sindhu remained silent and she went to the bed.

    Sandeep: “So, your job is over and you don’t care for me at all.”

    Sindhu: “I asked sorry right. What is it you need?”

    Sandeep was expecting her to come and sleep with him and said, “You never come to me. You expect me to come at the back of you. So, you are thinking cheap of me right.”

    Sindhu: “Oh god. Come on, please give me some time”, she stood and went to the rest room. She cried, washed her face, and came to the room. He was lying in the bed and she came near to him and hugged him.

    Sandeep tried to remove her hands and said, “I don’t want anything by compulsion and you should get a feel towards me as a husband. Do you have anyone in your mind? Tell me?”

    This provoked Sindhu’s anger and tears busted out from her eyes and she had already made her mind for such conversation and so she continued, “No, Sandeep. Please don’t talk like this. Why are you like this?” and she hugged him and kissed his neck. She kept her fingers caressing his back side of the head and kissed his ears and bit them hard. She ensured, he kept his head in her chest and the body heat of Sindhu tickled his testosterones. He hugged her in a rude way and kissed her. He kissed her forehead, eyes, noses, both the cheeks and finally sucked her lips. He squeezed his tongue and it ached Sindhu. She mourned due to her jaw pain. He was so harsh in expressing his feelings for her and removed her dress.

    Sindhu: “Sandhu , Please don’t create noise else, the kid will wake up.”

    Sandeep was very keen in having his need of lust satisfied with her. His fire of feelings was reciprocated and kissed from her forehead to toe and there is no place left in her body untouched by his lips. He hugged her and asked her to hug him back and reciprocate for his feelings. He told in a slow voice, “I need you Sindhu, I need you badly. Don’t starve me like this” and Sindhu hugged him back for his feelings. He slowly penetrated his manliness into her vagina and he drove deep inside her until his desires were met. Sandeep’s mind reached a calm state shortly thereafter.

    Sindhu released herself from him, refreshed herself and came to sleep. She thought to herself as “How should I take it. Should I feel happy for a Possessive husband whose possessiveness is an issue for me all the time or Should I worry for choosing a person who don’t understand me or my feelings and impose his thoughts on me most of the time or why is that people around me always ditch her for some reason.” She badly needed the lap of her mom at that moment and felt alone in a lost world. With this she slept in the bed with dried tears leaving a salty stain near her eyes.
  4. vidukarth

    vidukarth Platinum IL'ite

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    nice update, thank you for posting
  5. aarthi28

    aarthi28 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi friends, posting the next episode.


    Episode 65:

    Sindhu released herself from him, refreshed herself and came to sleep. She thought to herself as “How should I take it. Should I feel happy for a Possessive husband whose possessiveness is an issue for me all the time or Should I worry for choosing a person who don’t understand me or my feelings and impose his thoughts on me most of the time or why is that people around me always ditch her for some reason.” She badly needed the lap of her mom at that moment and felt alone in a lost world. With this she slept in the bed with dried tears leaving a salty stain near her eyes.

    Sindhu was finding it difficult on things happening around her. She lost her mother and now her father. Though she is financially stable enough and whatever she earns is being spent most for his husband’s family on her own interest. The reason was that she took care of everyone as her family irrespective of whether they are related to Sandeep or herself. Sindhuja loved everyone equally but Sandeep was keen and possessive which includes Sindhu too. His attitude was always a problem for Sindhu and it ended up with fights all the time. Though she loved him so much, she always restricted herself with him because of his nature and his negligence of him towards her interests or acceptance of her character. She would expect something, nothing would happen and she won’t expect and unexpected would happen and that was her life style. Now she is left all alone in a deserted mind and yet she fought like a Phoenix bird and did not leave her spirit and made herself happy in whatever means she can. Majority of this included his friend circle who were always there to hear for her issues.

    Chiranjeevi is back to Chennai for the housewarming with his uncle few days before the function. Chakravarthy told Sivagami to call him before upon insistence by Chandrika. This was not known to Sivagami and felt happy for him to be here. She worried for his son and at the same time, felt happy when his father insisted his presence for the function. Charu and Chandrika came to their new house one day earlier to do some preliminary arrangements. She had already called Vasumathi to help out with some person to do arrangements for putting Rangoli, flower decoration, cleaning of the house etc. Vasumathi was a helpful lady and she liked Chandrika very much. Both the factors resulted in the house glowing with flower decorations and lights. The maid updated that she will drew a nice Rangoli on the previous night as the function is for the next day.

    While Chandrika and Charu came to their house, Vidhya received them with a smiling face which surprised Chandrika very much this time. Chandrika did not know anything about Vidhya much and her reasons for her past behaviour too. Besides, Vimal was disturbed by Charu’s presence and avoided them. He did not want to fall for her as his mind warned him. He saw Chandrika and said, “Hi Akka” and went to his room while Charu was disappointed as she thought that he will tease her as “Granny” (Paati in Tamil) and she will fight back with him. It did not happen and Charu was slightly upset. The reason is obvious that she also liked Vimal and his teasing drama alone. Due to her introvert nature and lack of care for his external look besides concentrating only on the studies, no guys will speak to her in the college. Due to her innocent nature and her shy character, her college friends will limit their talks with her. Upon insisting by her limited friends and Chandrika too, she did not care for her outlooks and remained simple. This lack of dressing sense and her calm nature with a stamp of a good studying student in her class, the other students will maintain a distance with her. Vimal was the first person to tease her when she visited their house.

    When the sister’s visited Vasumathi, it was different that day as Vidhya interacted with them well and in their conversation, they understood that they both studied in the same college but belonged to different departments. Chandrika felt happy for getting a good neighbour and invited them again for their function and left their house. Vimal was reading a book sitting in a chair in his room upstairs while his eyes were looking at Charu when they left their house from his room. Vimal told to himself, “Oh god, why is my mind getting moved towards this girl. Wish I avoid her. Else, I will fall for her. We have seen in movies, but when we get the feel of such things in real, we understand it. Oh god, please make me to come out of this soon.” He fought with his mind and does not know that to get out of thoughts about Charu as she was impressing him again and again. When guys look at some attraction factor towards girls, she attracted him in a different way.

    Suchi called Chid Vilas to remind him about their visit to one of her client’s functions and also for the college function which the girls invited her 2 weeks earlier. The functions were about to continue the following Saturday and Sunday. As she had already requested him to accompany her along with Sush babe and Chid Vilas had also planned his appointments for the next two days. Sunday being a weekend and after the college function, they planned to go somewhere for lunch to open with each other about what they really have in their minds.

    Chandrika was watching Chiranjeevi from the moment he landed in their house. He was looking normal but has put on weight in this two week itself. Upon insistence by Sivagami, he ensured he did not come in front of his father to avoid any clash before the function. She certainly felt some change in her and since he has come home, she did not even see him going to see his old bad company friends. She insisted through Sivagami that he has Dinner and lunch together with all of them and with some thought Sivagami also agreed for that. But Chiranjeevi was very silent and Chandrika sensed that he was doing something wrong. She loved her brother and did not want to send him back, but her feelings were not respected in each one’s own thoughts where Chakravarthy thought that he is useless, Sivagami thinking that its better that her son stays away from his father would be safe. Chandrika alone cared about his studies and his future.

    The next day dawned with Nadhaswara music singing in a tape and Homam preparations started in their new home. It was Chandrika’s family with a very close relative of them. Being a neighbour and from an orthodox family, Vasudevan and Vasumathi attended the function in the early hours before sunset for the Homam. Vasudevan came in white Dhoti and white shirt with sacred ash applied in his head, hands and neck. Vasumathi came in a simple silk cotton saree with simple zaree work in it. She was looking simple and elegant showing a prominent brahmin look. Chandrika was very happy to see them and introduced them to her father.

    The Homam was performed by Chakravarthy & Sivagami as a couple and they finished it before sunset and the visitors were very less in that time. Chakravarthy had called people from their village. As Kannamma is already here with them in Chennai, Lakshmi joined from hostel and her siblings Raja & Durga) and her father Palani came from Village. Chandrika treated them well and as usual Sivagami was mean with them. They know her attitude and their respect towards Chakravarthy & Chandrika will be wiped off with any of such activities. Charu had very limited friends in her college and she went near Vasumathi and said, “Dad, I like this aunty very much. She is so sweet”

    After the Homam was finished, they came to the hall and started to chat with Vasudevan.

    Vasudevan: “We are glad to have you here. Please do make a visit to our house when you come here and settle”.

    Chakravarthy: “Yeah Sure, Chandrika has told a lot about you and your wife. Getting good neighbours is a gift and am happy.”

    Vasudevan: “Don’t mention it sir. In the flat culture, having an independent house is very rare. This is my ancestor house and I have grown here since my childhood. When most of the houses around were changed to apartments, I was worried whether this house will also take that turn. I am glad that you have bought this and at least we both maintain our houses. We will get good ventilation too. Growing plants will give us fresh air.”

    Chakravarthy: “Yes Sir, Though we stayed in a gated community, I did not like that culture there. My house is even bigger than this in my native and having stayed in such big houses, I did not like this flat culture. That’s the reason I wanted to buy an individual house like this. Chandrika actually searched at micro level in all the areas and finally finalized this. I just saw the pictures and came to see the house few weeks back after the works were completed.”

    Vasudevan: “Yes Sir, my wife has told about your daughter and her calm nature. She is friendly and lovely too.”

    Few minutes, they spoke about their business, family and Vasudevan stood up, “It’s nice to meet you. Please don’t forget to make a visit to my house. I need to leave to my shop. Sunday’s will busy for me.”

    Chakravarthy: “Sure Sir, Thank you so much”

    Vasudevan looked for Vasumathi and called, “Vasu, shall we leave”

    Chakravarthy: “Please have the breakfast” and tried to stand up calling Chandrika “Chanduma”

    Chiranjeevi was there and he came there to hold him for support and he avoided him and said, “It’s ok”

    Chakravarthy was silent and left when Chandrika came over there. He told to Chandrika, “Please take care of them till they leave.”

    Charu came over there and said, “Dad, I will take care. I know aunty well.” And smiled at them.

    Charu: “Aunty, why did not your and son came to the function”

    Vasumathi: “No dear, it’s too early. They will come for sure”

    Vasudevan and Vasumathi left after having their breakfast and Vidhya and Vinaya came to their house around 9 AM. Chandrika was very happy to see Vidhya and Vinaya and greeted them. She introduced them to her father and ensured they were taken to breakfast by Charu. They had other visitors and Vidhya was looking at Chandrika’s humbleness towards everyone and the invitees were from rich background. She thought about the instances where she was rude and straightforward with her when she has come home. Yet, she was polite and handled it well. Vidhya and Vinaya has come in simple designer salwars. Vimal avoided and told his mom, “ Mom, if they invite, should all the family go. Is it not decent if you and father goes.”

    Vasumathi: “You are right Vimal. Yet Chandrika is a sweet girl and she was nice to all of us and for her sake, I thought all of us will go. Anyway, you and Granny are at home. That’s fine. Wait, I will prepare breakfast for you both.”

    Chandrika was draped in a red coloured Designer saree and she was looking Gorgeous in that dress. She was looking like a businesswoman with rich looks yet with a humble gesture towards everyone. Her smile would attract anyone for sure. Charu was wearing a Half saree, combed her hair neatly and kept flowers. She was looking very homely for her attire. Charu asked the sisters, “Why didn’t granny and your brother turned up”

    Vidhya and Vinaya looked at each other and said, “Come on Charu, for a function, not everyone is needed to attend right”

    Charu : “It could be for others but not for us. Shall I take breakfast for both of them” and she turned to the server and asked him to pack a few items for Vimal and their granny.

    Vidhya: “Hey, Not needed Charu”, in a embarrassing tone.

    Charu saw Lakshmi beside and told her, “Lakshmi akka, please ensure they eat well, I will take some tiffin and give it to them and give.”

    Charu wanted to see Vimal and she took some items in a basket and started to vidhya’s house.

    Suchithra, Chid Vilas and the little one came to their house and she received them with a smile and said, “Please come Sissy”, she called “Chandu Akka, Lawyer madam has come”

    Chandrika came to receive them and Chid Vilas never expected Chandrika over there. He could not take an eye off from her for her beauty. She had left loose hair and received them with a smiling face.

    Chandrika: “Welcome mam, Please come.”, she expected Chid Vilas and smiled at him and said, “Welcome Doctor, Welcome to our home.”

    Suchithra smiled at her and went inside. Chid Vilas heartbeat was faster than earlier. It looked like they were a couple and he could not avoid that and felt disappointed that he is meeting Chandrika and giving the impression that they are married. Lakshmi saw them and smiled at doctor.

    Charu ran to Vidhya’s house and knocked the door. It was opened by Vimal as he started to the badminton practice with his bat. He never expected Charu and looking at her beauty which he admired, he was speechless. She smiled at him and said, “Why Anna, you didn’t come?”

    Vimal : “Hey paati, Don’t call me Anna? I have told you many times. You are calling me every time we meet like this.”, he was serious in his words.

    Charu was expecting this and said, “You should not call me paati, Friend ok?”

    Vimal changed his face to normal and said, “ Ok. Ok. I need to leave. Please leave me way.”

    Charu: “I have got tiffin for you and granny all the way and you are leaving. Please have this and go”

    Vimal : “Why such consideration with me? I had my breakfast already”

    Vasumathi was not aware of her entry and shouted, “Hey Vimal have something to eat and go.”

    Charu stared at him and winked with two of her eyes and pulled his hands and brought him inside. Vasudevan has already left and she told Vasumathi, “Aunty, I have got tiffin for granny and your son.”

    Vasumathi: “Hey so sweet of you.” And looked at vimal, “hey she has got this with so much affection, please have it dear.”

    Vimal could not avoid and removed his shoes and went inside. Charu took the plate and kept in the table and opened all the items and asked him to have.

    Vimal : “Come on, I will help myself. You please go”

    Charu: “Why are you avoiding me like this?”

    Vimal could not answer and said, “You please go home and attend your visitors at home.” and showed her the way outside. Though it hurt her a bit, she understood and said, “Ok I am leaving” and she called Aunty, “Aunty I am leaving” and walked outside. When she went outside, she turned to see his face and winked at her and Vimal lost himself in her beauty.
  6. aarthi28

    aarthi28 Platinum IL'ite

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    @mbharani @Madhurima21
    Each and every like the readers provide is a boost to the writers and gives us the feel of us taking you through the story. Thanks for all the likes provided and wish I meet all your expectations.
    mbharani likes this.
  7. Madhurima21

    Madhurima21 Gold IL'ite

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    Awesome narration as usual @aarthi28 dear... I'm just waiting eagerly for Chandrika to get to know that ChidVilas is unmarried and his love towards her....
    Thyagarajan and aarthi28 like this.
  8. mbharani

    mbharani Gold IL'ite

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    Very well written....one of the best episodes....and after each episode I will be waiting for next ☺️
    Thyagarajan and aarthi28 like this.
  9. aarthi28

    aarthi28 Platinum IL'ite

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    Sure @mbharani i will keep up the tempo and try my best to meet your expectations.
    mbharani likes this.
  10. aarthi28

    aarthi28 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi friends, posting the next episode.

    @VinuthaS @mbharani @Madhurima21 @vidukarth @Thyagarajan @Lalithambigai

    Episode 66:

    Vimal could not answer and said, “You please go home and attend your visitors at home.” And showed her the way outside. Though it hurt her a bit, she understood and said, “Ok I am leaving” and she called Aunty, “Aunty I am leaving” and walked outside. When she went outside, she turned to see his face and winked at her and Vimal lost himself in her beauty.

    Charu returned to her home and Vimal started with his badminton kit. Vasumathi came and found that he has not finished his breakfast and left their house. Vimal was thinking of techniques to avoid her as he has completely fallen for that little princess Charu. Something was warning his mind that this is not correct.

    Chandrika introduced Suchithra to her father as the lawyer who will be taking care of the legal papers for her new diagnostic centre setups.

    Chakravarthy: “I am glad that you are here. My daughter has this initiative for some time in her mind and has finally reached the state of complete the preparatory work and we would be opening this Diagnostic centre soon. You should come and bless her for sure.”

    Suchi: “Sure Sir, I will. Until I have met your daughter. I was not sure whether I would take it up or not. But, after meeting your daughter, I decided that I will include her as my client for sure.”

    Chakravarthy: “Oh, Thanks for your words. I am happy that I have brought up my daughter well and happy that when people tell about her quality, I feel pride about her.”

    Chandrika was sitting kneeling near her father and held his father’s hand and he pressed her hand with a gesture of happiness. Looking at Sush, he smiled and caressed the kid’s head. When it tried to move, Chid Vilas got her and kept on her lap. She was putting her two fingers together inside her mouth and drool started to overflow from her mouth. Chi Vilas took a kerchief and cleaned her hands and told in a soft voice, “No No… Sus dear” and she kept her fingers on his cheeks and kissed him. Vilas always liked children and Sush is an attractive one rather and he said, “Ok.. Baby…” and kissed her back. Chandrika was looking at him without moving her eyes from him on the care he was showing towards the kid. Suchithra discussed few topics on their business and turned to Chidu, “hey where is the Gift”.

    Chid Vilas realized that he has kept it in the car itself and told her, “Hey Sorry, Wait I will bring it” and went outside. Lakshmi was coming opposite and she asked for the baby and Sush happily went to her with a smiling face. Vilas went to the car and came back with a Big Gift parcel in his hand. By the time, Chakravarthy and Suchithra were still conversing on some common topics.

    When Chid Vilas arrived, he himself gave the parcel to Chakravarthy and Chandrika looked at their pair and smiled within herself. In few moments Lakshmi was back with a crying Sush and she did not stay for a while in her hands until she saw Suchi.

    Suchithra: “Oh, baby. What happened?”

    Lakshmi held her hands in her neck and said, “Promise, I did not do anything mam. She was looking at the flowers in the garden and I think something bite her.”

    Suchi looked at her body and by that time, the pink cheeks became red and she held her head on Suchi’s neck with its thumb finger put inside her mouth. Suchi consoled her and she became silent soon.

    Chandrika introduced Chid Vilas to her father and said, “Dad, this is Dr. Chid Vilas, I have talked about him already right”

    Suchithra: “Oh you both know each other already”

    Chid Vilas: “Yes Suchi, I never thought that she would be your client.”

    Suchithra: “Oh, that’s nice.”

    Chid Vilas thought for a moment as what she would have told about him to her father. He was clueless but his mind jerked for a moment when he thought whether he would have mentioned about him as Suchi’s husband. Chandrika intruded and said, “Dad, remember when you were hospitalized after my college convocation function, he is the cardiologist who had treated you.”

    Chid Vilas got his breathe back and Chakravarthy held his hands tight and said, “Thank you so much Doctor. Chandrika was really shattered at that moment yet she handled everything single handed on her own. I am proud of her. Don’t think, I am over praising about my daughter, but I am gifted to have a such a responsible daughter.”

    Chakravarthy continued, “She did not want to pursue her higher studies and she denied applying for masters too. She wanted to stay with me and had this initiative which she was working beside taking care of my health and our house.” Besides, Chandrika was scoring more in Chid Vilas mind.

    Chid Vilas smiled and asked him, “With whom are you currently consulting? If there is anything I can, I Shall certainly help.”

    Chakravarthy turned to Chandrika and she responded, “Yeah Doctor, I am checking with Dr. Viswanath and I heard he should be your Professor I guess.”

    Chid Vilas: “Yes, he is our professor.”

    Chakravarthy turned to Chid Vilas and said, “Would you like to see the house?” and he looked at Chandrika and said, “Chandu, please show him the house.”

    Chid Vilas was waiting for the moment and said, “Yeah Sure”, forgetting the fact that he has come along with Suchi. Suchi helped him unknowingly stating, “Sush is feeling sleepy. I shall sit here as she may sleep anytime. You go, see the house, and come Chidu, we shall leave then”

    Chid Vilas was happy to the core and immediately started towards the steps and Chandrika had to follow him. She held her saree and climbed the steps and the Jhumkas she was wearing and her anklets sound gave him goose bumps. They climbed together on the granite steps and the jumping curls in her hair and the way she moved them aside got him high heart beats. He was staring at her and she was careful until she climbed the complete steps and turned to see he was still watching her with few steps before her.

    Chandrika: “Please come Doctor.”, and she took him to each room upstairs and explained her each room. The artistic works in the house were very good and Chid Vilas looked at them wide opened and said, “they are really good.”

    Chandrika: “Yes Doctor, these are my choices. I went to Antique shops and bought a few of them. Few of them were brought from our Village.”

    Chid Vilas admired her interest beside her calm and humble nature.

    Chid Vilas: “Are you like this all the time Chandrika?”

    Chandrika was not sure about his question and stared at him again, “Sorry Doctor. I did not get your question”

    Chid Vilas: “You have never changed since I met you. I always see you with a smiling face towards anyone I see irrespective of their attitude towards you. You handle any situation in a same way”

    Chandrika: “Doctor, you have noticed me that much. I am surprised. You said you forgot our first meet when I talked about it in Mumbai”

    Chid Vilas: “Yes, I dig my memories after you told me and I still remember that you were silent for first two days. Later you changed in your attitude and you were the same since then. Sorry that I forgot you when we met later in Mumbai”

    Chid Vilas went to the balcony and looked around and the garden was visible from upstairs.

    Chid Vilas: “The house is really good. Ours is also a small independent house which my father constructed long back.”

    Chandrika: “I thought you house would be bigger than this Doctor. And thanks for your compliments”, she silently blushed when she said that.

    Chid Vilas: “Don’t think I am a landlord like you. I studied in merit and have come up in my own. Since my father’s house is enough for us, I did not plan to buy a new one.”

    Chandrika: “Really, and don’t tell me as a Landlord or landlord’s daughter. I always like to be simple.”

    Chid Vilas: “Yeah I understand and like that simplicity.” And she replied with a “Thanks Doctor”

    Chandrika: “Thanks again doctor. I expected you would come, but never thought we will talk this much.”

    Chid Vilas: “Come on Chandrika, we met even before right”

    Chandrika: “I have one doubt, usually they say girl kids will resemble their father and the little one is more like Suchi Madam’s resemblance”

    Chid Vilas face changed on that comment and he was about to say something and there was a call from Suchi who was near the steps , “Chidu, shall we leave. It’s getting late”

    Chid Vilas: “Hah Suchi, am coming down” and he stepped down and Lakshmi was watching their conversation but did not hear much.

    They both came down together and they both started. Sush had already slept and Chid Vilas found another person along with Chakravarthy and Suchi.

    Suchi: “Chidu, this is Narayanan uncle.”

    Chid Vilas gave a handshake said, “Hello sir”

    Suchi: “My bad luck, see he is your father’s friend and I have to introduce you to him”

    Chid Vilas giggled and said, “really” and Narayanan responded back, “You are Arulmozhi’s son”

    Suchithra: “yes Uncle, he is Arul uncle’s son, famous cardiologist in the city”

    Chandrika and Chakravarthy smiled at each other’s looking at his giggling act while Chid Vilas kept caressed his hair himself with his hands.

    Suchi looking at Chakravarthy and said, “We are leaving uncle. Actually, his father only referred me to Chandrika and I have accepted after meeting her”

    She continued, “He is completely into different possession and hence he does not know people much”

    They smiled at each other and Suchi continued, “We are leaving Sir” and looking at Chandrika, “We will meet later ma”

    Narayanan was requested by Chakravarthy to be seated and they started to discuss something and Chandrika came till the gate to send them off. Suchi came till the gate with Sush sleeping on her lap and Chid Vilas started the car. Suchi realised she left her bag and told that and Chandrika requested Lakshmi to bring it.

    Lakshmi rushed and got the back and she helped to keep it at the back seat and helped Suchi to hold the little one. Suchi thanked that girl for her kind gesture.

    Chid Vilas: “We will take a leave” and he looked at Chandrika and said, “As you said, the little one resembles Suchi very much. By the way I am not married and this is not our child”

    Suchi was busy arranging the kid in her seat to have it comfortable to hold and Lakshmi noticed the words. Chandrika was not clear for a moment.

    Chandrika: “Sorry, I have a request which I wanted to ask” and she came to the window side of the Driver seat where Chid Vilas was seated.

    He lowered the windows and Chandrika’s smell invaded his heart. She held down her head and asked, “I need some help for some advice. It’s personal. Hope I can come to your clinic”

    Chid Vilas thought in his mind, “I am waiting dear”, “Anytime Chandrika” and started the car.

    Chandrika: “you told me something. I was on the other side of the car. What was it?”

    Chid Vilas: “I said I am not married and we are not couples” and started the car.

    For a moment, she stood still not knowing why he told such words to him and Lakshmi came near her, “Akka they are not couples and he insisted that to you. Don’t you understand?”

    Chandrika stood froze when he saw her in his car’s rear mirror smiling at her face until their car disappeared from their street.

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