i need to know from your experience what are the wrong food combinations that you come across eg: one should not have curd with non-veg, curd and milk together ......... if you know the reason also pls share here. Any website also will be helpful.
I have heard from my Mom that curd and milk together will cause stomach upset. But I am not sure of curd and non-veg together, as in Chicken Biryani recipes, curd is added.
I have heard that we shouldn't eat urad dal and curds together. Also palak and tomato shouldn't be cooked together
palak and tomato, if cooked together, there is chance that it may form kidney stones and should be avoided for people who already have that problem Milk/curd and fruits together should be avoided, because, most of the fruits are citric and it makes it hard to digest. I used to eat banana and curd rice together, I used to get slight stomach ache after that , but I ate like that for decades. After listening from an expert I stopped that now. eat seperately with few hours gap. I also heard from naturopathy doctor that cooked and uncooked foods should not be eaten together, like salads and fruits with main food. As different enzymes are needed to digest these cooked and uncooked food. eggs and snake gourd should n't be eaten, something related sulphar, I don't remember. Also in non-veg, liver and kidney portions of it, shouldnot be eaten, as they are toxic removing parts of the animal and it contains toxins in it.