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Writing Habit of a Nursery Student

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by brahan, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. brahan

    brahan Platinum IL'ite

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    Ds is 3.5 years and is in Nursery. Post Christmas vacation his school has started teaching patterns(Writing) and Simple Alphabets(Like L, I, T etc).DS is extremely Naughty and is in no mood to sit and write. He is very intelligent and grasps things faster. He can even spell 3 letter words now on his own and try reading books:thumbsup, but somehow this writing Part never amazes him. He is not even interested in Colouring. I have tried coaxing him, Offering him rewards upon writing and even threatened him (No chocolates/Toys), but he hardly cares abt it:spin. He is okie doing an activity book(Finding Odd one out and other Activities) but NOT AT ALL Interested in writing. His teacher has given me the same comments . She feels that it may be ok now but in 5 months of time when he moves on to LKG this will not help.

    I am Helpless Folks:drowning. Can all moms of naughty Kid (Like Mine) share your experience on how you made your Kid write???


  2. rohini

    rohini New IL'ite

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    Hello Brahan,
    Normally most of the kids don't like to write. Especially when they learn writing for the first time.

    You may want to try buying a board and hanging on the wall and ask to write on it. This has worked with many girl kids atleast for they like playing teacher. Also instead of asking to repeat writing what you have written you should ask him trace what you have written. Ask to trace with crayons and some kids love it. At the end of the day tracing or writing if he learn's to write the alphabets it should be fine, right?
  3. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    as long as he does the writing at class, it is fine if he does not do it at home. motor skills in kids at that age differ. my son refused to write even at 5. since he is already ahead in many do not use soft bribing at this juncture which will teach him to use it to his advantage since kids are smart.

    also the school has just started sleeping and standing lines..he will pick up his pencil soon..don't panic...
  4. ansureeba

    ansureeba Bronze IL'ite

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    does he hold the pencil or crayons comfortably? You could try buying dough's for him which is a very good exercise for fingers which worked for my son who is 3.1/2 years now.

  5. superwoman09

    superwoman09 Gold IL'ite

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    Different kids different attitudes. My DD is 3 yrs and mostly traces out all the alphabets that r written, though cannot write on her own or read...She recognizes alphabets but cannot read words....I guess its too early for that..Some things I did are I got a whiteboard. The using duster part of it attracted her and she keeps on scribbling, drawing and wiping on her own..... plastic cards where she can color and wipe...coloring books, encouraging her to color within the lines and also recognizing different shades and colors. I now plan to get an alphabet book where she can write out different alphabets so that she gets the hang of it.
  6. sarajara

    sarajara Gold IL'ite

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    hi brahan,

    Congrats to you! for being the proud mom of a intelligent son! :) My Kisses to your lil cute , naughty boy! :)
    Kids of this age are highly play ful and would not understand the seriousness of it.

    Try making him write some letters playful.. make him practise some strokes like a game..
    for instance, tell him that you would play a game and he would get as many points as that number of letters he writes.. ; start with plain lines.. dots.. curves.. and then write it for him on a board.. and ask him to write beside that..

    it would help i believe! even if you find that writing takes some time.. dont worry:D
    once they pick up.. the learning is fast after that!
  7. teacher

    teacher Platinum IL'ite

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    Lots of kids don't enjoy coloring:) Start with fun activities which work on finger isolation. As for writing, try some of these
    • Tape a piece of paper under his table/chair and ask him to go under and write..that will help isolate his wrist movements as opposed to the whole arm movement (don't panic if he doesn't-whole arm movt is age appropriate at his age),
    • Make shopping lists with visuals---cut out pictures of three things you plan to buy (from google images) and glue it on paper. Try to choose items he likes-to motivate him. Ask him to write the name beside the picture
    • Make greeting cards for special occasions-please don't draw a pic and ask him to color within the lines...let him draw on his own. Ask him what message he would like to write inside. write it down on a piece of paper..if it is a short message he can copy the entire thing. If it is a long message, he can copy the last sentence. Do not worry about the size or letter formation. In all probability the school will follow a formal style of writing and you shouldn't stress on a different technique. Let them take care of that.
    • If you plan on going to a movie, ask him to make movie posters...write the name of the movie in big letters under his picture. Give him some clue and glitter-ask him trace over the letters and paste the glitter.
    • After any special activity over the weekend, have him illustrate and comment on the activity. You write his comment down and ask him to copy it...you can create his own 'diary'...a keepsake even after he grows older. You will aslo see the progression of his writing skills-a good 'portfolio' for the home.
    • if you have friends and family visiting, he can write a short letter of expectations-by listing all the fun activities he would like to do with them--eg I want to you to read to me...let him state the sentence, you write them down and he copie/illustrates them. One sentence per page...not epics...just short sentences.
    These are just examples...take stock of your everyday activities and see what would interest him and then plan the activity. Writing does't have to copying or tracing lines in his note book-he does that at school. What is the fun in repeating the same at home. If your goal is to motivate and provide him with opportunities then teach him that writing more than a physical activity-it is a means of expressing his thoughts. Which kid doesn't want to tell share his opinion/wants/feelings? Plus you will get a kick out of his responses:)

    At some point, if you are comfortable with it, introduce inventive spelling...will help with reading skills. Do it gradually though...
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  8. vdeepab4u

    vdeepab4u Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Brahan,

    thanks for starting this thread. even i am undergoing same situation. since i am a working mom, it will be 7.30-8 pm when i reach home.. my DS will be almost in a sleepy state or else he will slept before i reach home.. so that time i coudnt help it.. in the morning i will be in a hurry-burry to finish all house task, making him to get ready, make him to eat etc etc and i feel extremely restless while making him to write in the morning.. I feel very sad for him that i could spend enough time for his writing.. Is he sleeps sometimes in the afternoon he may go to bed little late.. but he is not doing that.. he is very playful full day and sleep early say by 8 pm.. please advice what to do ?
  9. teacher

    teacher Platinum IL'ite

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    either make time for him or hire someone who will encourage him in these kinds of sctivities...don't try to change his sleep habits.
  10. brahan

    brahan Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks Rohini for stepping In. Yes i do have a Black Board, but he uses it only for scribbling (and quietly eats the chalk pieces). I have tried the Tracing Part, but the funny part here is the Traced Alphabet would look like a Shadow of the Original Alphabet...

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