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Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by rgsrinivasan, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Can you remember when you have uttered this word with the real feel? I mean, you were surprised and that showed in your face and body language. More importantly, the eyes and, it being on a happy note, ends up with a smile. Frankly, I can't remember when I had one for real. Perhaps one of the many things that we lose / pay almost no attention to, is the feel of a genuine surprise.

    This became all the more evident to me watching my kid and when he was really surprised, well, on numerous occasions. Getting him a little chocolate / toy / dress or even being there when he wakes up I find him genuinely pleased. And it shows in him - the eyes, his words and everything that he does then is something fantastic to watch. Same is what he exhibits while watching the sun set or the moon or a flower. I know that its the same that we've all been through as well, while we were kids.

    So why are we losing that now? Is that because of the fact that we had no worries then? Or we had no expectation? Or, we've been through enough things in this terrible thing called life, where a joy has a life of a lightning and blinks away, while sorrow is like the murky sky, spread far and wide? Even then, should we not be surprised and hence show our happiness when we receive our little quantum of joy? A full moon or a train or an elephant or a smiling kid or something else - what moves you? Inside each of us there lies that same kid that likes to be pampered and indulge in joy, exclaiming the beauty of it all. Only that we don't listen to it often! That innocence that brought us joy then, will definitely bring it again now too, if only we let ourselves go a bit, when possible.

    How about sharing things that wonder you, friends?

    Anything small or big those days,
    Brought us joy to a great extent,
    As we were then really amazed
    And loved each and every moment.

    What happened after we grew up?
    Why are we not moved like that now?
    Is that the price of growing up?
    Is there any way to rollback now?

    The dawn and dusk, a long train,
    An elephant, the vast blue sea,
    A smiling baby and a vast plain
    Aren't you just so happy to see?

    Lets try to unlearn a bit from now
    And enjoy those moments we get.
    We'll be contented more and love
    Our lives with a lessening regret.
    11 people like this.
  2. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    So beautiful. Looks like I am fortunate to be the first to comment. I am so glad.
    I had this really WOW moment ONLY two times in my life. Unforgetable.
    Thanks for writing this.
    Today two time you have made my day better thank you.
  3. vidyamenon

    vidyamenon New IL'ite

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    What happened after we grew up?

    well ,our ego grows with us and our innocence is hidden behind it like a beautiful face behind a veil................
    in every man there is a child
    but why is that child hiding?:rotfl
    4 people like this.
  4. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    RGS, a very good question. This has occurred to me many times. And this is what I had written about in one of my snippets "Thank God it was me". Somewhere in the business of life, we forget to stop and smell the roses. "We have no time to stand and stare". Obviously we stop noticing the beautiful things around us. Why just Nature or its beauty, how often does it happen that a familiar building that we see everyday suddenly vanishes, another springs up in its place and we don't even notice till one fine day we sit up and wonder which building was there and which one has gone missing.

    It is not until we decide to slow down our pace of life or are forced to do so by circumstances that we literally find our feet on terra firma once again, hear the birds chirping around us and come back to Nature. 3 years of being grounded got me back in touch with the beauty around me. That has been wiped out by 2 months of intense worry. Though occasionally when I have stood by the window, I have been delighted to hear the same birds reappearing with the arrival of winter. :-D

    But believe me, the delight one feels when one rediscovers Nature is just as intense later on as when one was a child. It is just a matter of having a mind free of worries to sit back, relax and enjoy all that is offered to us.
    11 people like this.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear rgs,

    Childhood is a phase with no worries, tensions, stress, no regrets for the past.....only present matters in childhood. A child say WOW when he or she is happy. That's all matters at that point. For us that wow is engulfed in the rat race....,duties tension, stress of life, past, future make WOW very feeble. How to get it back? Unless we change a lot, change our life style a lot..... it may not be possible. At least at this point of life the word WOW has disappeared. We do feel happy when our child smiles at us...that's all.If our loved ones are happy we are happy. But not WOW feeling. Am I sounding very pessimistic? Trying to be realistic..... Trying since afternoon how to put it in words. Whether succeeded or not I do not know.

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    BHAVNAM6 Platinum IL'ite

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    My dear Rgs,

    We could have this kind of feelings throughout our life once we cultivate the attitude of being amused by little things.
    The regular reading of Bhagavad Gita keeps me grounded to be able to appreciate and admire what I have.Gradually it helps me to change my perspective of life.

    It reminds me the incidents from past when we used to go to watch comedy plays and the humor in the play used to make me laugh longer than everybody else in the hall. My husband used to get embarrassed more than anything by my long lasting and loud laughter and warned me not to accompany me next time if I did not stop laughing and I used to tell him that we had paid to get amused so I wanted to use it to its best benefits.

    when we have family get together my sister-in-law and I are laughing for even small funny occurrences and everybody teases us as laughing queens....we do not care as long as we are happy....

    I am sorry if my post is long and off the track.

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  7. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi RGS,

    I really liked each and every line of your poem so much :bowdown
    Its so true that once we grow up, we loose ourselves to whatever!

    I think there were many "wow" moments in my childhood, especially, each time we learnt something and were able to do things on our own. Now Im not sure I remember the "wow" moments.

    This reminded me of a story which I have come across many times in mail forwards and have also read it here in IL. Though the moral of this story is about "Dont jump to conclusions", I have a different take on this in relation to the topic you have initiated.


    As can be seen in this story, the boy who gets his vision after surgery appreciates each and everything that he sees, and many of us take things for granted (and you have already written a topic about taking things for granted)

    "Learn to unlearn" - I think as a grownup, we should adopt this wherever possible to make things click seamlessly.

    I have gone completely astray from the original post, but topic was such that I couldn't help but think about various angles attached to the "wow" moments !! :)

    A good one RGS!
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  8. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Very happy to receive yours as the first feedback AC. And I am glad that my posts played a little part in making your day better, though it was purely a coincidence. :) Thanks a lot. And wish you have many more WOW moments as well. Two sounds too less. -rgs
  9. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    You are right VidyaMenon. Why is that child hiding? Because the parent in us threaten it and the adult in us ignore it. Have you read "I'm Ok, You're Ok", a wonderful book by Thomas Harris? If not, please see if you can.
    Thanks for your feedback. -rgs
  10. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for a thought provoking feedback Satchi. Very glad to receive it. And yes, nature makes us feel rejuvenated. And blessed are those who are moved by it.

    A nameless bird that keeps coming,
    And a drop of dew thats just falling,
    With the backdrop of a baby sun
    Makes each day a memorable one.

    The earth has taken her bath all night
    And slowly dries herself in the heat.
    Her children wake up feeling so light
    Ready to roam along the streets.

    That plate of sun is lovely red
    At dawn and turns to silver soon.
    Then it again turns back to red
    And hides behind the yellow moon.

    The sky that turned red, blue and red
    Turns to a beautiful carpet of black.
    Fixed in it are the gems handpicked
    Basking in the moon that comes back

    After playing a game of hide and seek
    Behind the clouds that take many forms
    Because they were in joy at the peak
    For being closer to the sources of fame.
    3 people like this.

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