Ouch!! That hurts.. That was the feeling I had when I read a post in fb by my friend’s wife.Its their anniversary and she thanked her hubby in fb with the above title saying if not for him,she will be a typical housewife cribbing at her misfortune. I am a typical housewife and I do crib.A lot! Coz am forced to try working outside coz of peer pressure and statements like the above. Do I enjoy being a homework.By god! Yes! Am I lazy?far from that..I enjoy doing the typical household chores like a 1950’s wife.Strangely it is appealing to me.I enjoy cooking three fresh meals,keeping home perfect in a zen mode,I enjoy my hobbies and love watching tv,IL and yes lazing in my free time.However..I crib a lot coz now am forced to work despite my hubby who says it’s my entire choice to be who I am. It’s good to work and Infact it’s great to work.I have a daughter whom I want to grow up to be a fiercely independent woman coz the world these days is in such a way that one needs education and a career for survival. Somehow I got a little lucky coz am financially stable no matter what happens, have a supportive husband and family and have zero inclination to work in the corporate world. I am probably from the 1 percent of the population who doesn’t want to work outside.I get lot of flake for that and by god..am still surviving,struggling and cribbing I don’t have a choice.Have no choice to be a housewife. Truth is..am glad to be at home.This is what I want to be.This is my choice.Maybe it’s a wasteful choice in others eyes but still a choice.A misunderstood choice. I am still desperately trying for a job and hope I get one sooner or later.Then probably I can be giving the statement above in my fb page. Hmm...wish people are more sensitive to others feelings.Wish statements like the above are not made. An woman working outside has to deal with a lot of things.One need to appreciate her.It is not easy.its awesome what and how they do it.Lot of respect from my side to them.However..I may not need respect but statements in a public platform like the above is not right.
I think she did a typo there. It should be FORTUNE and she put the "mis" there by mistake. That's how I see such problems/opinions in a convenient manner . In a way that is convenient to me. For me to be a housewife one has to be very fortunate. BTW question to you , your friend who posted that and to others in the forum. What is a meaning of a "Typical housewife"?
When I meant “typical” I meant in a sarcastic tone. People have ideas that a typical housewife is so and so ..preconceived notions. I have been a working woman and a homemaker and I know both sides. For eg:I had a women tell me “you are fit?you appear educated. But you are a housewife..how come?”..I am not kidding .I had that said to me. Another example..People used to an have idea about how a “mom” should look like..nowadays they are so fit and young looking. So anyways..it’s all about preconceived notions which has to be broken for either sides.
@anika987 , QUOTE Do I enjoy being a homework.By god! Yes! Am I lazy?far from that..I enjoy doing the typical household chores like a 1950’s wife.Strangely it is appealing to me.I enjoy cooking three fresh meals,keeping home perfect in a zen mode,I enjoy my hobbies and love watching tv,IL and yes lazing in my free time.However..I crib a lot coz now am forced to work despite my hubby who says it’s my entire choice to be who I am.UNQUOTE I would say the title would not be applicable to you at all, in your present conditions , as you are not a typical housewife cribbing about being one! You are cribbing that you are almost being forced to take up work outside to get a semblance of respect in other's eyes! It is in this situation , if and when you go to work against your own wishes, that you will find yourself really unhappy. You are among the fortunate ones who are not compelled to have to work to either run or even support a family. Consider yourself lucky and take up employment only if you really want to and not to please others which i feel will backfire in the long run in terms of peace of mind!
@anika789 should write fiction. Like Ian Flemiing, with a protagonist who is a secret agent, in a sleeper cell. A housewife. She (the protagonist, not the author) encourages all her friends and family goad her all they want just as a ploy to establish her character online. There is plenty of scope for that plot.
One of my friend told me that she used to go to someone's house to learn cooking skills and paid for that too. Why don't you take some certificate of any of your hobby and start giving coaching for the same.
Thank you dear but The point is people making strong comments which is not appealing.The title was not right what she posted on fb.Its not about me taking up a job or not.I understand you mean well but this thread is about the title.
It is freedom of expression ,,,, she wrote what she felt ... you could go and write a post stating how happy you are being a housewife .... simple ... you should not take it seriously or that she is insulting anyone or anything ....
@anika987 , Why does it matter to you what someone posts in FB, there are lot of working women who crib too because of lack of time. There are millions of women on both sides working and not working who have been forced to accept it against their wishes. You actually have got what you want then why this false notion of everyone forcing you to work. Honestly most people don't have time to think about others even those who ask about your working status will forget about you very next moment. Even if you work, next time you meet they will question about something else which you don't have. Will you keep running around all your life to please others. Honestly I feel you need real problems in life . You are creating a problem out of nothing. Be happy that you have got what you want,have you not seen posts here by women with small children who want to stay home looking after their kids but are forced to work due husband, in law pressure. If you really wanted to work then it's fine but searching job to please others who won't even think about you and just to post in Facebook. You really need to grow up. This will take you nowhere , they will taunt you for something else if you work also. You can never please everyone.