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wish we had obituary announcement in yahoo

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by sunkan, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Wish we had obituary announcements in Yahoo:

    Most of my friends are in the above 55 group and most of them are also diabetic and prone to stroke and other diseases, it is a nice world to know about them, as I am a ever curious person about so many things in a human relation, most of them have one thing in common, that their wives have no time for them, when I ask the reason, they say they have T.V. which takes all their precious time and never allows the spouse to think…don’t know how far this could be true but when related it is real. Some of friends are very hungry and their wives tell them to wait for a particular serial to get over, I feel very frustrated then, have many a time felt I should walk into their home and serve dinner.. One among them is ram varma, a single 60+ and a scientist from Toronto used to send a lot of greetings on all occasions and today I am not even aware how he is, the last I heard, he said, he has become paralytic below his hip and is bedridden, I missed out on meeting him when in Bangalore, to-day I regret to have lost that opportunity. Then I had another friend who had given a lot of anxious time when he informed, he is going in for a angioplasty in Bangalore itself in the sai baba hospital, I was very tense for many days, may be a month and a half as I never got any offline or chat message, I was relieved when he came on chat to inform he is fine, but doctors have advised him to take it easy, so when I open the chat I am not even sure my friends would come on line, not aware if they are sick, Even among the youngsters a 40 + guy from iraq used to always address me as maaaami with so many a’s in between, no news from him too, I don’t know whether he is alive at all, he introduced me into photoshop in a great way by posting the links where I can get free downloads of many tutorials, a great inspirer, I hope and really hope that all are fine until I hear otherwise…sunkan
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2012

  2. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hello Sunkan
    Nice to read about your friends. It is so true when you don't get to hear from your friends for a long time you get tensed thinking is everything is fine with them even after sending so many mails you don't receive a response from them. You being a wonderful friend I know how much it values when we don't get a message back from our dear friends.
    Once to get to know they are doing fine you get relaxed.

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