Why Did Modi's Party Lose In The Ram Mandir Constituency Of Faizabad?

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by Rihana, Jun 5, 2024.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Nice conversations. I am not hooked into the Indian politics and hence don't have much background on who is doing what to form opinions.

    I can tell one thing, in a democracy, the same party winning is not good and is no longer democracy. The opposition needs to be strong and unfortunately the major opposition Congress has lost it. It would be good if things get shaken up and smarter people come into politics to challenge the party in power.

    This is a nice post and I agree with lot of points here.
    I also agree with lot of points here, though it might seem contradictory to the above.

    My observation is that lot of politicians come into politics with best intentions. But in the heat of dealing with other politicians, people, the chaos, they lose track of why they came into politics in the first place. The agendas which help them be stronger take effect.

    Did the mosque need to be demolished?
    The answer is no. My understanding is that the mosque was closed for years and no body prayed there. It would have been much easier to transfer hands and build a Ram Temple without the rath yatra and without the drama. But BJP and RSS created the drama. They got what they wanted out of the drama, which is to come into power.

    Did Narasimha Rao had the capability to stop the demolishing of the mosque?
    The answer is yes. Did he do it, no. He calculated that he will get the political mileage and he temporarily did. But after he stepped out, there were no strong leaders in Congress to utilize it. Everything is political.

    Does a Ram Temple need to be built with lot of funds raised and lot fan fare and is Ayodhya the Mecca of Hindus?
    To answer this question, we need to ask most of the Hindus on who wants to visit Ayodhya at least once in their life time weather there was a Ram temple are not. I certainly am not interested and I doubt a lot of Hindus care. But then where is the drama if there was no fan fare, if there is no temple going up there and there is an empty lot. Religion brings a lot of emotion and emotion is good for doing politics. It was a logical step for the BJP and RSS to leverage this. Are they are also planning to build a big Lord Krishna temple in Dwarka and Lord Hanuman temple where the Sanjeevi mountain is today and so on? Maybe when there is political mileage it will come up.

    Does this mean only politicians based on using the Hindu identity are at fault?
    Definitely not. A muslim majority or a christian majority leverage their vote bank. There is no religious boundaries when it comes to making money or making political gains out of it. Where the Hindu identity based politics could go is to unite the Hindus. There is still the big caste system sitting inside the Hindu religion. There is still a huge population who cannot depend on their temples and religious outlets for support like the christians or the muslims or the jews can depend on their religious outlets. There should be something done about it if we want the Hindus to remain Hindus.

    I am not sure if politics and religion being separate is helpful for mankind. My opinion is still fluid in this . The democrats have tried to keep it separate in US and congress has done the same in India but giving lollypops to the minority at the same time. Religion gives people something to believe in and dogmas for living a disciplined life. If politics cannot support it, it will diminish as those with money will then start dictating where to take the religion and from what I see in America and democrats, that is not a good place to be.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
  2. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    Congress too never did that. It was and still is a Anti Hindu party.
    Modi is only slightly better.
    I have already mentioned all the Anti hindu Amendments done by congress.
    Secularism means All Religions meed to be treated Equally.
  3. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    The Muslim side didn't agree to transfer hands. Else Why did they fight a huge legal battle ? It would have been easy if they would have handed it over. Many problems and violence wouldn't have happened.
    Why was Godhra train with pilgrims burnt? It was in retaliation to Misque demolition.
    The Mosque was not being used and was in such a bad condition with mold and all. The Kar sevaks were able to break it with bare hands.
    I know the entire history here.
  4. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    Temples are controlled by their Respective state Governments . They handle the temple money. Pujaris are paid a meagre salary. The temple money is used to fund lots of secular projects , schools and colleges. Irony is that Even in those colleges, no reservations for poor Hindus. Only minorities get reservations.
    There is no Hindu board. Wheras churches and Mosques income are handled by themselves.
    Poor Hindus have no one to help . That's why some convert to Christianity because the church helps them with education and stuff.
    Hindus are like 8th class citizens in India.
  5. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    A place of worship demolished by man is different from being destroyed by natural calamities.
    Both the Babri and gyanvapi mosques have pillars with Hindu symbols. Any fool can see and understand that.
    As per Islam , Prayers Don't work in Non Islamic places.
    All the people who prayed in these Mosques knew exactly what they were doing.
  6. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    My sentiments exactly. We should work towards uniting Hindus beyond caste. But that seems impossible at this moment in time since every regional party leverages their caste to gain votes. If not caste, then religion.

    So how do we overcome this? We need to free temples from government first. Look at Isha. I am not a follower of Isha. But i like what the Sadguru has done under the name of Isha. There is no caste. People are welcomed and they are fed and if you want to join them, you can. ISKON is another organisation which gives food to people who visit their temple. Help them out when people are in trouble. But are these accessible to all?

    Mixing religion and politics is always not good. We talk about how our constitution is secular and how we should uphold it and be secular about everything. But are we doing it? Maybe the elite Hindus talk about this but what about the other religions? Are they for it? Do they follow this?

    Let me share a recent experience. This happened just last week. My brother visited me from Bangalore. He wanted to buy bangles for his friend while going back. So i suggested he visit Charminar since there the bangles are cheap, good and worth the money.

    My brother told me that he had a hard time buying them since none of the shops in Old city and Charminar area accept UPI payment. No even the big restaurant there. Why? Since it was initiated by Modi. Can you believe this? Can you see how far people of other religions are taking this?

    A simple matter of using UPI which eases making and receiving payments and makes their life smoother, they are not willing to adopt it since it was introduced by the BJP. And of all the shops he visited, only 2 shopkeepers had it but they had to show it to my brother stealthily since they would be in trouble if word gets out.

    My brother is ok going to an Iftar party or celebrating christmas with his friend at his home. He shares food and enjoys with them. He went to mosque with them and to a church as well.

    But when he invited his friends to ISKON during Janmashtami last year, they said no. They are not allowed to eat prasad from a temple.

    So if i have to choose, i would choose a party which supports my religion because mine is the most tolerant of all. I have seen how the other religions preach and talk about mine.

    So do i like to mix religion and politics - No.
    Do i have a choice - No
    Are the other religions tolerant enough to accommodate me - No
    Is the opposition neutral enough to run this country - No

    So well, that narrows down my choice to just 1.
  7. stayblessed

    stayblessed Platinum IL'ite

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    What I heard was till 1949 prayers happened in the masjid..After the case went to court it was closed. No one denies that there was a Ram temple before. What the mughal rulers did was definitely wrong. All I am trying to say is demolishing the masjid is wrong for selfish reasons knowing very well what would follow. I am not a fan of Congress either. No party is good in India is the sad truth. I also agree on your view about Hindu temple management. It should not be under the control of state govt. If it has to be then the churches and mosques too should follow. That's why when I go to a temple I put money in the priests plate and not on hundi. But corruption will.be there even when it goes to private hands and even if a law is passed that the temples shouldn't be managed by the state government these parties will appoint a Benami. Why will they lose the huge money that the temples give? As for reservation, minority caste or religion always has them. Whether all of them who receive it deserve it is a big question. It was done to uplift. But even those ppl who aren't at a disadvantage are still enjoying it. The reservation system has to be streamlined which I doubt will ever happen. Yes casteism was there and reservation came to fill the gap. But even after ages if major section of the people are not uplifted then it's not the oc people's fault but the government's. Yet the ocs are penalised. What i feel is the reservation ratio should come down. But in villages and in some part of cities casteism still exist for which strict laws have to be made.
    Thoughtful and Thyagarajan like this.
  8. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes. That's what I have been telling

    Also Government funds minority educational schools but not hindu Gurukuls.
    More than 28 k Madarsas are operating in India funded by taxpayers money.
    If you take a look at the stone pelters and rioters in India, they were mostly students of Madarsas.

    Close all Religious schools. Let all go to Government schools.
    Lots of changes need to be done. These can be done only under Modi Government.
    The only honest politician I know of in India is Annamalai ji..He lost. That shows how crooks run the show.
  9. chanchitra

    chanchitra Platinum IL'ite

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    True. Looks like UK is trying to fix the problem. But it's too late.
    I used to live in UK.18 yrs ago.
    The Demography has definitely changed when I kook at present UK videos.
  10. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    I used to think like this when i was young. why so much drama for temple. but recently i noticed , how smart other religious groups .

    have you noticed , how a mosques or heavy population of non hindus are near holy places. Mathura, Ayodhya , Kancheepuram , Tirupathi and kerala.

    it has been a planned effort. lot are telling bygones be bygones. in 90 . i do not remember time, but there was a birth control or male neutral agenda ran by congress. I do not think that was a secular target, it was targeting hindus.

    i try to donate to kancheepuram every year i can do.

    hindu couples do not want kids saying it is cool and DINK .

    i will suggest to watch https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectShivoham. It is beautiful, that highlights the richness of sanatana dharma.
    chanchitra likes this.

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