Dear Honey bee, Thankyou for the reply.Yah me too, i feel HP is best compared to Dell.I'm currenlty checking out all available best config available with HP. Thanks a lot for the info!
Dear KTG, Thanks a ton for taking ur time to post sucha detailed reply.Yes, you have mentioned exactly what i'm looking at and seems HP has most of these features with value add.So will soon be getting one i supose.Also, as you have rightly said, we have a close friends and 4 of my cousins out there in US.So, we are definitely purchasing one from US.Thanks for reminding abt the converter. It was very useful for me.Thank you again.
I already own a dell and I'm thinking on a second one and as so many of you have suggested......... let me go with HP this time.... KTG ...your detailed reply is going to help our fellow ILites a lot...
Hi aishu and Shravanthika, Did u guys buy a laptop finally?.Can u share your experience like which one did u buy and does it meet to your expectations.?.Any feedback would be appreciated as i m on the look to buy a laptop.Bow
Hi aishu, gud ieda to own a laptop.. but remember for which purpose u r buying.. is that u wanna work on it or just like that.. as for me i prefer Compaq or Sony cause am gui designer.. And de configuration also goes acc/ to ur usability.. if u r going to install more softwares and suits like adobe then u hav to prefer high end.. but for just internet purpose go for normal conf.. let us know what you have bought finally...
Shravanthika, Have u bought your Laptop already ?.If so what is it?.Pls. share the information as i may find it useful in my quest to buy one.:bowdownI m really confused with all the models and brands available.Witsend.Hope your answer wud gimme an idea .:idea. Thank u in advance.Bow
Hi kalai, Thanks for your suggestion.But i m looking for inputs reg.HP laptops.Anyway i will Check abt Lenova too.I greatly appreciate your response.
Dear Selvi, Sorry to respond late.I got hold of this thread only now .Actually speaking, we did decide on HP Laptop.Last minute the plan got changed and my DH wanted a 4 GB Ram for loading virutal machine and other softwares he had.So a Laptop with 4- 8 GB RAM is totally out of our budget.Instead, we upgraded our PC(intel pentium dual 2 core/4 gb RAM) with all the config. laptop as of now! Sorry i cudnt be of much help :-( But i can tell you that my bro got a HP laptop and its too good.Also you can take a look at Lenovo.
Sorry for the late reply...I didnt happen to catch this thread for quite sometime... Very sorry to let you know that I havent bought one...Other things caught up our priorities and I set aside my laptop budget for sometime...but as of now I still would go for HP...and pls note I would use it only for browsing and so the config that I prefer might not match with you.... Anyway...our fellow ILites might help you for sure....