I have got a 7 weeks old boy.Till now he is only breastfed.So far we have no problems with this.But now i need to travel a lot(along with the baby though)between India and Riyadh from his 10th week.So i am thinking of introducing formula to him along with breastfeeding so that i can travel comfortably.I need someone to help me on deciding when to start his bottles?
Hi Mathu, I recommend starting a bottle immediately. Babies need time to adjust drinking from a bottle as it is different from nursing. You could start with 2 oz of formula once a day and then gradually increase. I am not sure of the type of formulas you get in Riyadh so consult your child's doctor for the most suitable. Theres a chance that you might have to experiment with different formulas depending on what suits your baby. When starting a bottle request your husband or another family member to feed the baby. If you feed with bottle then he might refuse the bottle since he can smell the milk from you. Have you thought about buying a breast pump? If you can pump milk during travel then it would be best to invest in a pump. But what ever decisions you make (formula vs breast pump) please start a bottle for your child immediately. Some kids simply do not like the bottle and prefer the breast. Since I am a working mom I pumped and started a bottle once a day for my son in his 4th week. And by the 6th week he was on bottle all day till my return from work. Gayathri
Hi Mathu, Congrats on your new born baby. Iam a mother of 4 months old baby boy and presently,Iam at home to look after him. In my opinion,you should get your milk either pumped/expressed (provided you have sufficient milk) and store them in suitable bottles (do visit BabyCenter India - Information on conception, pregnancy, baby and toddler health or www.indiaparenting .com ) so that you can very well continue with your milk even during travelling. If you introduce formula milk now, there is a chance of your baby started liking that and avoiding your milk well after travelling even if you have sufficient milk. My son's paediatrician is totally against formula milk. He even suggests to give rice / ragi gruel after 3 months in addition to mother's milk only if you feel that your milk is not sufficient then and not formula milk. Consult your baby's paediatrician before introducing any new food ! Happy motherhood, Sowmya
Thanns for the response.I would like to know which is the good brand of breast pumps available in madras?