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"when Love Is Not Madness, Its Not Love" - The True Blessing.

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by IniyaaSri, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Madhurima21

    Madhurima21 Gold IL'ite

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    OMG Iniya.. I'm not ready to hear any sad news on Samyuktha's health...:shakehead: But great narration as usual... keep rocking...
    IniyaaSri likes this.
  2. happyperson

    happyperson Gold IL'ite

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    @IniyaaSri very well narration, sad moments for the family :(
    IniyaaSri likes this.
  3. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Episode 73:

    Veni was crying in pain. She got fed up with her life that she didn’t have anything or anyone for her.

    She never imagined that one day she will sit like this and all that she will have will be her in laws.

    Veni couldn’t digest the fact that no one came to see her. Not even Rishi was with her but she sitting with people, whom she didn’t have any bond with. She never had any sort of bonding with her in laws though they all stay under the same roof. She was with them just because of Rishi and there wasn’t anything else between them. Neither them nor she had any good time. It was all about routine. Cooking, cleaning and eating under the same roof but not together. That was their bond.

    But today Veni couldn’t accept her mother in law sitting beside her. Veni couldn’t think anything much in pain and was waiting for Rishi.

    Why did he switch off the phone?
    – Veni was getting angry amidst pain.

    Oh God! Am unable to bear this pain! When will Rishi come? – Veni was getting restless.

    Veni couldn’t bear the pain anymore and she cried aloud.

    “Don’t cry na! It will be ok” – Her mother in law said as she felt bad for her daughter in law.

    It was new for her to feel that way her daughter in law.

    The door opened and the nurse walked in.

    “Nurse! Please give me some more pain killers! I cant bear this” – Veni cried in a loud voice.

    “I will talk with the doctor and get back to you. And the surgery is at morning 9” – Nurse said and walked away.

    Veni looked at the clock and its 11:30 p.m

    “Cant bear this pain till morning” – Veni cried again and her mother in law felt pity on her.

    She was looking at Veni and her phone rang.

    “It must be Rishi…!” – Veni

    “Its your mom….” – Her mother in law said and attended the call

    “Hello! Yeah! Veni fell down from the rolling chair and her hand is broken” – Her mother in law continued.

    “Yeah….tomorrow morning surgery”. “Not left…right hand….” “Yeah…1 minute” – Her mother in law handed over the phone to Veni and Veni started weeping heavily.

    “Maa…..Come soon ma….please…Its paining….” – Veni very badly wanted her mother to be with her.

    “hmmm…. No he is not here. His phone is switched off and don’t know where he is” – Veni cried

    “hmmmm….Maaa…please. I will get all the scoldings later. But please come now. I want you now” – Veni pleaded.

    “What?” – Veni sounded disappointed

    “Hmmmm ok” – She cut the call and gave the phone to her mother in law.

    “Your mom is coming now?” – Her mother in law

    “She will come in the morning” – Veni said wiping her tears.

    The door opened and she thought it was Rishi but it was her father in law.

    "You didnt eat anything. Have this tea. Else you might faint" - He handed over the paper cup to his wife.

    As she sipped the tea, Rishi was running in everyone's mind.

    "Where did he go? Not even once, he has done like this" everyone thought and Veni very badly wanted him beside her. Veni felt restless without him and her pain was increasing because of that.

    "Rishi! Where are you?" - Veni cried...

    Vamsi entered the room and Samyuktha was lying on the hospital bed. Vamsi saw her face and in microseconds, tears started rolling on his cheeks.

    Vamsi closed his eyes and got reminded about seeing her for the very first time and how she always wanted to be affectionate with Vamsi. And how he always ignored her. It was painful for Vamsi. Though his grandma was affectionate on him and took good care of him. He always missed the “Mother” in her.

    His Grandma was motherly but she was not his mother. Vamsi was standing lifeless. How many times Samyuktha tried to show her affection. Vamsi cried loudly and patted his forehead strongly.

    Even after my brothers assured me, I ignored her. What else can be the best proof of her love?

    My brothers were the proof! Even then I didn’t reciprocate her love. It was all my mistake.

    How many times she would have longed to talk with me! Oh God! Why did you make me this stone hearted?!!! Vamsi cried.

    He walked towards her and stood beside her.

    “Maaaaa” – He called her for the very first time.

    “Maaaa. Am sorry!” – He cried aloud

    “Ammaaaa! Please open your eyes!” – Vamsi held her hand and looked at her face

    “It was all because of me! It was not that I hated you and all ma. Just that I didn’t talk with you. I never hated you. How can I hate you seeing my brothers’ happy faces? Tell me ma” – Vamsi cried

    “It was all because of you that we have a home and my brothers had a happy childhood. Actually, the house was all about you!” – Vamsi shook her hand as he cried.

    “It was you ma! Without you, what will we do maaaa?” – Vamsi cried.

    “Maa! I never had a mother in my life! Who will be there if you also leave us?” – Vamsi asked

    “Maa…Don’t go away. Am I destined to be without mother through out my life?” – Vamsi cried as he kept his forehead on her hand.

    “Maaaaa……..” – Vamsi cried again and again and all others walked inside the room.
  4. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    :facepalm:omg. Have posted today's episode dear.
  5. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you dear! Have posted today's episode. Have a good day : )
  6. happyperson

    happyperson Gold IL'ite

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    @IniyaaSri thank you dear for posting episodes everyday, now i start my day waiting for your story..
    keep going..hope samyuktha wakes up and Rishi returns to Veni...
    IniyaaSri likes this.
  7. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    I must thank you dear! You were the push for me to write stories everday!
    Thank you so much and lets see how the story flows! :)
    Have a nice day : )
    happyperson likes this.
  8. IniyaaSri

    IniyaaSri IL Hall of Fame

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    Episode 74:

    Time was 12:10 and Veni's eyes were trying to sleep. But the pain did not let her to sleep peacefully. She tried closing her eyes and she heard the door opening.

    She immediately opened her eyes amidst the urge to close the eyes. It was that someone whom she was waiting for a very long time.

    “Rishiiiiiii”” – Veni called aloud and tears peeped from her eyes the next second

    “Its paining very badly Rishi. Where did you go?” – As Veni asked her mother in law walked out of the room and Rishi sat beside Veni.

    “Idiot! Will anyone stand on a rolling chair?” – Rishi chided her and tried hugging her to relieve her pain.

    “I wanted to take my certificates….So…” – Veni cried sympathetically.

    Rishi wiped her tears and she tried keeping her head on his chest and it was quite uncomfortable.

    “Its ok….You will be fine soon. Don’t cry na” – Rishi wiped her tears but his eyes were getting moist.

    “Its paining Rishi…” – Veni cried like a child and Rishi consoled her.

    Veni somehow leaned on him in a position which was not very uncomfortable.

    Though it was paining for her, she felt as if she has got some new strength after Rishi came to her.

    “Informed your mom?” – Rishi asked softly

    “Seems the baby has got fever and hospitalised. He cant be without my mom. So mom said she will be here tomorrow morning. Before the surgery” – Veni said calmly.

    “Hmmmm…” – Rishi wiped his eyes before his tears reached his cheeks.

    Veni saw him doing that and the next moment tears were dripping from her cheeks.

    “Rishi…..! don’t cry na” – Veni said wiping her tears

    “But what was the sin that I have committed Rishi? Why am I suffering like this?” – Veni cried

    “Lets talk all this after few days. Now you take rest. Have some sleep before the surgery” – Rishi started patting her very softly and Veni tried closing her eyes after sometime.

    “Heyyyyy! Why did you switch off the phone?!” – Veni asked all of a sudden.

    “I was completely stressed and upset so was just roaming in my bike. There was no charge in phone. Didn’t bother anyway because of our fight…” – Rishi continued

    “Thought I will come home late. Anyways you went to your mom’s house and the aunties also started” – Before Rishi completed, Veni asked “Hey Vijaya aunty and gayathri aunty left?” – Veni

    “Then what? Fighting in front of them and leaving the house and they assumed they are the reason for our fight and left immediately.” – Rishi

    “But where?” – Veni was curious and guilty

    “Don’t know. But they both are sensible. They will find their ways” – Rishi said and Veni was quiet.

    “Now sleep. Its getting late.” – Rishi started patting and Veni tried to sleep.

    It was around 6 o clock, she heard her mom’s voice and she opened her eyes.

    “Maaaa…..” – Veni started crying

    “Maa….I should have been at home….” – Veni said and her mom was feeling very bad to see her like that.

    “You will be fine. Don’t worry” – Veni’s mom was about to cry. But even before that, her phone rang.

    “Oh! I just reached here. Shall I start after sometime?” – Veni’s mom’s voice was tensed.

    “Oh ok! I will come.” – She cut the call and she did not know what to do.

    “How is he? Temperature under control?” - Veni asked understanding her mom’s situation.

    “No. He was asleep when I started from the hospital. Now he woke up and crying for me. Seems he is crying hysterically and both of them are scared and want me immediately” – Veni’s mom completed.

    “Veni…Shall I….” – Her mom couldn’t complete

    “You go ma. Small baby after all” – Veni said feebly

    “I will come tonight to see you again” – Her mom tried assuring her.

    “He might cry again. You be there!” – Veni said in a flat tone and her mom had to start back.

    As her mom left, Veni’s mother in law walked in and Veni was quiet.

    I never imagined this situation in my life. Veni said to herself seeing her mother in law.

    “Where is Rishi?” – Veni asked

    “He has gone to get breakfast for his dad since he was feeling very weak without eating properly” – Her mother in law said as she sat beside her .

    Veni was quiet. She did not want to say or talk anything.

    Both sat as such for another 10 minutes without talking anything.

    Veni wanted to ask something. She felt this is the worst moment and she couldn’t accept that at all.

    She very badly wanted to ask but… She couldn’t make it.

    “God! Why are you doing this to me? I never imagined this situation in my life”- Veni said to herself

    It was very awkward for both of them to sit beside each other and talk nothing. But her mother in law was tired and her legs were aching. So she couldn’t go anywhere else other than being inside the room.

    Veni wanted to tell that but it was extremely embarrassing for her to tell that. But…

    “Surgery is at 9 right?” – Her mother in law tried filling that awkward silence but before she completed Veni couldn’t stand the urge.

    “I need to go to the toilet” – Tears rolled as she said this and her mother in law understood how awkward and embarrassing it is for her to ask this.

    “Come. Lets go” – She held her hand and took her carefully to the toilet.

    Veni cried. It was not just her hands that were hurting her.

    She cried and cried. After few minutes, her mother in law made her to sit on the bed and Veni was quiet.

    “Thanks” – She said all of a sudden and her mother in law looked at her face and sat quietly.

    Time was 9:20 and Veni was taken in to the operation theatre for her hands to be stitched with the plates.
    Madhurima21, mbharani and happyperson like this.
  9. happyperson

    happyperson Gold IL'ite

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    @IniyaaSri i stayed late night to read your episode, glad you posted another ❤️ though in pain, how beautiful moments right…see a wonderful relationship flourishing between two women
    IniyaaSri likes this.
  10. happyperson

    happyperson Gold IL'ite

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