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What would you expect from your spouse on your B'day?

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by SupriyaDinesh, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    Belated B'Day wishes Supriya!!! Hope you had a good one.

    I definitely would like to get some nice usable gift from my husband, Sometimes they have been surprise ones, once even money for jewellery.

  2. srilak

    srilak Senior IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    I have been married for 5 years...my husbend never remembered my birthday ..not even once..............one year I didn't even tell him:icon_frown: Then after a month his birthday came and then he asked me about my birthday. I laughed and didn't say a word. ...........I didn't see any regression on his face..when he rememberd my birthday.So now I always forget about my birthdays but I celebrate his birthday very grandly.

    I useually give him a greeting card , a small gift and a special dinner. After that he always tells me "thank you" for everything.

    But he never gets the point that he should surprise me and he should give some gifts to me...When I get a gift from him also he will took me to shop and asks me to buy whatever I like ( may be expensive)..................But he never gets the point that he must put some enthusiasim and thought to get me the gift himself......so insinsitive...now I am used to it......I always show him my love and appreciation eventhough he never showered his love on me.
  3. Shobanag

    Shobanag Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    Dear Srilak - reading your post made me feel sad - even after you acknowledge his birthday, you get nothing. I wonder why? I have to commend you on continuing to recognize his day when he ignores yours - I am not sure I could have done that. I think it takes a lot of adjustment and forgivement on your end to accomplish this. I know that some people may think it is just a birthday, what's the big deal, right? It is more than the card or gift that one may receive - it is the effort that someone puts into it that counts. May be one of these days, he will realize? We can always hope. You definitely seem to have a very sweet spirit in you to continue what you are doing.

    Take care..

  4. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    Hi all,
    I was wondering whether I have got all that I have expected. It was my Birthday on the year 1997. It was the year when we got engaged. In the morning on the day of my bday, my parents surprised me with a new jewel that they had ordered for my marriage. My inlaws had called me to their home and they gave me a diamond nose ring. And being a working day my would be husband was not supposed to come to Chennai from Dindigul where he worked. But suddenly his boss had their monthly sales meeting the next day and so he had started in the day bus and reached Chennai by the evening. And he visited our home for dinner and gifted me a wonderful card and a perfume.

    That was the most surprising gift of all. Untill last year there was nothing special for my birthday specially, except that he gives me money to get a new dress or something which is of my choice. But last year, he got me a digital camera which I wanted us to own. But still he made it clear that it is a gift for my birthday and for the wedding day which falls in Jan. I too agreed as the gift is a bit costly.

    But yes I would like to receive a card with few words written by his own hands, or something romantic is always my first choice. I would always be happy if he arranges with my parents (himself) to baby sit our kids and take me out on that day. I know it is going to be only a dream. But still I long a lot for it.
  5. srilak

    srilak Senior IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    Hi Shobana,

    Thanks for the concern.

    I think my husbend doesn't know(assume) how to show affection.........may be he didn't learn from his parents ........ In his point of view.......remembering bithdays and giving gifts has no value.... In addition to that he has a demanding job and it takes all of his time.

    I wonder and afriad that after 15 to 30 years .......he may not have any sweet memories from the personal life to remember.......then that will be scarey....

    In telugu .....one joke is there that...one kid says that "DAd without u carrying me I grown up and u never would have a chance to do that".....So that dad had completely missed the child's childhood.

    Sometime...I think..where are we running in life? Why can not we take a break from busy life to have wonderful memories which last still our death....

    My husbend should know that he is missing out the primary time of his married life...when he realizes it ...........this time will be gone and it will never come back.

    I don't want to be like him and I like to have many memories which I can share with my grand children that is the reason I enjoy every moment with my husbend as a wife and as a life partner.


    Last edited: Aug 17, 2007
  6. corallux

    corallux Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    Hi there,

    I really need to share this:

    The ultimate B'day disaster

    This happened on my hubby's B'day, his family never celebrated their b'days.

    I took it upon myself to do so. I organised a surprise party for him with the help of my friends & guess what?

    He was sooo upset, he had the grace to go thru the whole party procedure of cake cutting etc.....

    Boy was he upset....aftr everyone left, he had only one question: Why?

    My answer 'for you' just got a reply from him that left me speechless

    He said his idea of a perfect B'day is the one where he gets to spend time with me wth all phones off hooks, internet down & mobiles shut off..


    Even now when I get upset with him, he reminds me of that B'day & I just have no answer



  7. devotee

    devotee Senior IL'ite

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    Re: What would u expect from ur spouse on u r b'day?

    Hey ILites... Wonderful thread!!!
    I am posting something after many days...
    Like every other woman I too like romantic surprise gifts from my hubby... My first b'day after our marriage was a plain one... He just bought me a dress..:-(
    My Second b'day after marriage was a memorable one. I was away from my husband in a foreign country on work... And I was missing my hubby a lot... On my b'day I was chatting with my hubby till late night... all romantic talks... and best of all we had a web cam through which we could also see each other... And the next day I received a courier sent by my husband... It had a very beautiful card with "I love you" written all over the card... And there were rose petals kept in that card... That was the most romatic gift I ever got from him...
    Now, its three years since we got married and I have to beg him to get gifts... Anyways I dont mind whether its begging or snatching, I just want gifts from my dear husband... :yes: He is the best husband.. He buys me whatever I ask for...
  8. kesari

    kesari New IL'ite

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    Hi ,
    My husband makes me feel very special on my b'day He would surprise me with the gifts , which i would have mentioned earlier ( last year i got iPhone) , also he would take care of kids which gives me free time for myself to relax. on my b'day when i getup in the morning first thing i would see is flower bouquet ...he knows i love flowers. He would make calls to my family to get b'day wishes. if it's on weekend he takes me to the temple.( this is my parents ever gift to visit temple on b'days and get blessings from God) . In the evening we come bit early home and dine out in favorite resturant.

    Thanks everyone
  9. meerapavya

    meerapavya Silver IL'ite

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    I just want my DH to spend the whole day with me,

    no other gift can compensate it.
  10. MrsV

    MrsV Bronze IL'ite

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    Just celebrated my bday a few days ago.. and we spent the whole day together.. it was the BEST thing ever.. he usually makes dinner, and we hang out and then went for cake to my house.. :)

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