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What u feeding your 1 year olds/toddlers?

Discussion in 'Baby / Kids Foods' started by loonypooh, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. krozwindz

    krozwindz Silver IL'ite

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    Hello Ranjoose

    I just noticed Tarun's schedule. It quite resembles my DD's schedule in terms of timing and milk consumption. Alisha turned one oct 15.

    I have some Q's. I read somewhere that a year old baby needs like 20 oz of milk. I can see poonam doing that for Zoey too.
    But i give like 5 oz milk in the morning at around 630, and 6 oz at 1130 am and 4 oz in the eve at 530 pm. I fear that she is not getting enough milk. But i have seen that if i increase this amount, she is not hungry during lunch or dinner and that becomes a real war zone. I dont know where to fit in more milk.
    I just started with Amul Taaza for her. Any opinion on the quality on this anybody?
    Her schedule nowadays is like this

    6:30 am 4 or 5 oz of milk (nan3 or cow)
    7:30 to 8:30 am - cerelac ( 4 spoons) the new cerealc spoons are BIGGG.. and it takes me 1 hr to feed her. If not this then 1 banana, if not lesser cerealc and half banana
    11:30 - 6 oz milk
    12:30 pm - lunch (rice with veges/ with chicken soup which has veges/ with fish soup which has veges/ with veg and eggs/with veg and half brittania cheese cube/kichidi with veg and butter
    2:00 pm - organge juice from one ( no matter how much or how little the quantity)
    5:00 PM - i boiled apple
    5:30 pm - 3 oz milk
    7:30 to 8:30 PM - mostly khichdi with either massor dal or moong dal with butter and half cheese. Again it takes me 1 hr
    SHe sleeps after this
    she drinks water in between throughout.
    ANd she has NO TEETH. so no finger food yet. I know the gums are supposed to be strong enought to chew, but she wants to gulp then down and then chokes on it.
  2. Vishalini3

    Vishalini3 Silver IL'ite

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    Krozwindz, only thing, i find finger food missing :) I know you are afraid of choking,but still you can start whatever that is soft and mashup when the little one BITES with her gums. Like cut bananas, papaya, chikku, softly cooked potato pieces, soft idli cubes, french toats are soft (you can make a banana+milk smoothy, dip the bread thoroughly in the smoothy, squueze out and toast it with ghee). This is super soft and they can chew and eat, without teeth. Sorry if you have tried this already :)
  3. ranjoose

    ranjoose Bronze IL'ite

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    Tarun has always been poor in drinking formula and now milk. But I somehow manage to get in 15 oz. During his 12 month visit, his paed told me that 12-16 oz of milk will do. Just I need to give him one other dairy product like cheese or yogurt. This will make up for the calcium.

    For finger foods, did you try cheerios? tarun got his first tooth very late but he was eating cheerios since 6 months. it melts in the mouth.
  4. chaaral

    chaaral Silver IL'ite

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    How much milk should 1 yr olds drink?
    I give my lo idly with milk/cheerios/ragi porridge or oats for breakfast.
    for mid -morn snack i give her some fruits.
    for lunch rice with dhal and veggies all cooked together with jeera and pepper salt.
    now a days i tried with rasam or pepper with ghee rice.

    for eve snack i give her bread with butter or toasted bagel. or biscuits.
    then dinner either rice with dhal and veggies or idly. today tried chapathi.

    she hates cheese,milk and yogurt.
  5. jhalli27

    jhalli27 Bronze IL'ite

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    deleted..... wroong place
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  6. headspin

    headspin Bronze IL'ite

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    nice thread poonam :).

    my DS turned one on nov 4th. was born 1 month premie. his schedule:
    any one of below
    breakfast: roughly between 8 to 9 am:
    idli/dosa with sambar
    rava upma (he loves it)
    rava kesari with slight sugar (DS is not sweet liker. we never gave him milk with sugar till date, unless in NAN)
    cornflakes/oats/bread (rarely)
    boiled egg/omlette

    mid morning: around 11.30 am
    with mil on weekdays - nothing. maybe 4 oz milk before nap time.
    with me - i manage to feed him little bit of fruit or some snack and mix veg thin soup(we freeze some for evening)

    afternoon:around 1 to 2 pm:
    rice with dal(moong, green moong, toor), one veg (again mil gives this), salt, tadka of ghee/jeera/mustard
    weekends when i cook: i try and add atleast 2-3 vegs.
    evening: around 4 to 5 pm im trying to give the habit of milk 4-6 oz. coz after school he continues doing it. if not milk, then i slice/cube of cheese(he loves it) or banana or biscuit. and remaining of morning's mix veg thin soup
    night: around 7.30 to 8.30 pm
    dalia khichdi - always i make - with atleast 3 veggies.
    or rava uppma if ds is bored.
    before turning 1, he used to sleep max by 8.30 pm. but since 1st birthday he is fighting to sleep.. though very sleepy!! if i force him, he wails. but if i leave him to play it becomes 10 or even 11 pm :(

    and from 11 pm to morning 7 am: has about 1/2 litre(500 ml) of milk totally.
    cerelac: he doesnt like it anymore. but maybe once in 10 days when he is bored of normal food.
    nan3 - im trying to completely stop it - but has it only once at night - about 3 scoops(90 ml milk)
    water - about 300 ml in a day.
    i have started complan for him - 2 scoops(nan size) in milk. currently once a day. he seems to like it. hoping to make it atleast twice a day - morning and evening by the time he turns 18 months.
    i want to start roti - but dont see DS making any effort to eat it. he spits it out no matter how maches.. :( any suggestions?
    also, any pointers on how to make him sleep non stop at night or without getting up so many times (average waking up - 3 times).????
    DS likes variety and normal food.. hates bland/only salted food.. wants all masalas also.. so i limit only red chilli powder. giving all other veggies...
  7. sumanr

    sumanr Silver IL'ite

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    Hi girls ....... DD's eating schedule is not very regular these days ...so check and give your inputs

    8.30 - 9.00 - Get up, a sip of water and rusk with milk (she never drinks the milk though)
    10.30 - Oats+dates porridge / ragi + banana / sathu maavu kanji
    11 am - Nap time
    12:30-1:00pm - Lunch - Rice+veggies+dal & curd
    4.00pm - Banana or apple puree + milk (she will not take the milk again)
    6.00pm - biscuits/ pori / BF
    7.00pm - DInner - Kichdi/idly/dosai/ whatever and some curd
    9pm - I force milk but most likely she will not take it.

    BIG question - THere are days when she goes without milk .... what do I do?? She hates plain milk.
  8. shilpaus

    shilpaus New IL'ite

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    If she is still BF then it should be fine else a one year old is supposed to drink 12-16 oz of whole milk in a day.
    Check with your paed of its ok to add some Boost/ Bournvita/Horlicks to get her to drink it?
    Also make sure that she eats curd and cheese everyday
  9. headspin

    headspin Bronze IL'ite

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    you can add complan to her milk. im doing it for DS since he turned 1 yr.. he is not having any issues.. :)

    complan is supposed to be best.. helps putting on good weight also ...
    they have flavours like chocolate, strwberry, mango, etc...

    but im giving plain
  10. sumanr

    sumanr Silver IL'ite

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    Shilpa - Thanks. BF is more for her mental satisfaction than hunger. Also, I do it only twice.

    Headspin - I will check on complan. Thanks for the idea

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