What types of chores does your.....Poll for 7th Jan 2007 to 13th Jan 2007

Discussion in 'Weekly Quick Polls' started by Laxmi, Jan 7, 2007.

What types of chores does your kid do ( or as a kid you did) around the house?

  1. Set or clear the table

    14 vote(s)
  2. Clean the toys/books shelves

    16 vote(s)
  3. Feed the family pet

    4 vote(s)
  4. No, my kid doesn't do chores

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Laxmi

    Laxmi Administrator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    As far as my experience is concerned the biggest challenge I face is disciplining my kids and making them help me around in keeping my house.
    The kids are quiet obedient but to make them do small things like cleaning up their toys shelf, book shelf etc., involves lot of sweet talking. I do have to tell them well in advance that a particular weekend they have to clean up their cupboards. Inspite of it on the D-Day I have to remind them very gently and cajole them to get things done.

    Ladies, are you also sailing in the same boat or your kids exceptionally obedient that they do not need any extra reminders. If you fall in the later category then you must be pretty lucky. For those very lucky ones, you could make multiple choices too i.e. you can tick all the given first three option if it applies in your case.

    ILites who have infants and those who are still to be blessed with kids could share their experience when they were kids and how they helped around in their house for their Mom.

    Take up the poll option and cast your votes accordingly. As usual looking forward to all your views and opinions.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007

  2. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You should add one more choice for Moms like me

    Dear Laxmi,

    My kid is yet to do chores for me. You should add one more choice to this poll for new moms like me. I wish my child helps me with chores now itself :tongue

  3. Laxmi

    Laxmi Administrator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks for the suggestion

    Hello Malathy
    Thanks for the suggestion. Please tell me the option you would like to have and I would definitely include that.
    For all the New Moms please vote reading the poll question as:
    What type of chores as a kid you did around the house?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2007
  4. meenakrishnan

    meenakrishnan Bronze IL'ite

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    Change vishamam to vivekam

    Dear laxmi,
    As a child I always liked to play with mud/plants and water. I used to water the plants, sometimes even took the small plants out to see how much roots have come!!!
    And I liked to clean and decorate tables and shelves.
    My children liked the same thing.Now they are teenagers. Almost all children like to play with water. So why not encourage them to promote greenery?
    They used to give me clothes from buckets, I used to dry - only sometimes.:)
    In my opinion ,children should be encouraged to do Whatever they love to do ..nothing should be forced on them.
    Love and regards
  5. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    communication works


    children these days are pretty busy with school, tuitions and tv. if we as mothers can get the message that their future is their own effort perhaps they can be cajolled to perform better in studies.. and if parents do not insist they perform the best in school they can find time to do chores ofcourse..
    although getting the best of marks can give u a good seat in higher education it rarely gets u a job.. for a job u have to sell yourself..so communication is important

    i have tried to communicate with my kids right from the time they were born.. guess it does run in the family.. we all brother and sisters do.. once you explain to them your needs that is keep surrounding clean.. personal items where it should be doing beds etc.. they will when they watch u do it.. so it is a question of follow the leader...
    try this to a little one. .. when the next one is due... explain your helplessness tell the little one .. u c when this little fella arrives he sure is going to be nasty with the toilet .. i may need help in getting the nappies and towel .. im counting on u to help me.. pappa is so busy with work u know and this little one will think ah my little anna or akka is sure looking after me well .. he/she is super what with being independent in eating ,keeping his clothes clean .. making bed. looking after pet etc..i'm so lucky to have this brother/sis

    maybe its slighlty off topic but most of all if u have to succeed in making kids help with the chores at home its communication first !!
    try it.. it works.. mine has !!

  6. Varloo

    Varloo Gold IL'ite

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    it is quite difficult to train the second child when there is a bigger kid who is lazy. Who else is the bigger kid than hubby dear? He is a lazy goose and will not lift a finger. In this scene, I am tryng my very best to make my son do chores like fetching the milk packets, getting me small groceries from the nearby shops, arranging his things and generally VOLUNTEERING to help. But it is difficult mostly to make him help me.
    Chores like fetching the newspapers, switching on the tv and such things he does without being prompted.
    But I am happy and proud in this aspect- when my son visits anybody else, he always helps them well. My sister in law always appreciates that he helps her very much when he spends the summer with her, minus me. But as soon as he sees me, back to being a couch potato.

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