What Poojas Do I Need To Do For Dads Health !

Discussion in 'Astrology Numerology & More!' started by EagerForInfo, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. EagerForInfo

    EagerForInfo Gold IL'ite

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    Ever since my son has been born my dads health is deteriorating really bad. Just in one year he got fractured ribs , bipass surgery , teeth are falling out and he can't eat. He looks like he's 80! In just few months. He's just 60. I think it might be my baby. Is he bribing my dad bad luck. Even if he is how do I protect my dad. What poojas do I need to perform !?? Please help !!!

    My son was born last year. It was a scheduled c section. I was supposed to schedule on July 11 at 9:30 according to priest but the second I realized it was ashtami I tried to change it so I wouldn't have baby in ashtami. So finally baby was born at 8 am which was also ashtami but not the great muhurt that the priest suggested.

    Ok let bygones be bygones but what poojas do I need to do to protect my parents who are deteriorating fast. My moms face got burnt with 2nd degree burns while cooking a week after he was born. Please no ridiculous responses saying these are all superstitions. Everyone has their own beliefs. Please help me solve this issue.

  2. VaniVyas

    VaniVyas Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear, Why do you blame the new born and why do you take pandits help to schedule the time. Relax, Relax

    Time of birth and death are still mysteries and lets not take it too much and learn to accept wat is given by God.
    My suggestion is stop comparing your dads falling health with your kids birth. May be you are much stressed and tats y thinking too much.

    For dad's health u can do Mruthyunjaya Homam at a Shiva Temple. You can at the same time pray to God Ayyappa or Murugan. Be positive and encourage all your family members to stay positive. A positive outlook can give your dad the needed mental strength.

    Best Wishes.
  3. pinky2cute

    pinky2cute Platinum IL'ite

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    Wow, really ? Ok so you believe in your superstitions...fine. but why blame your lil baby???
    How can you even thinm like that being a mother?

    I suggest you to not think negative. Things sometimes go bad and we can't help it. Be support of your parents and help them get well soon.

    If at all you wanna do something for your parents, get their yearly health checkup done... Make sure they are well rested and active at the same time and having healthy meals and taking their medications on time.

    If you do all this, God's will be blessed as nothing is more than taking care of parents. It's more than any no. Of pujas.

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