Poll for June 3rd 2007 to June 9th 2007 Our ILites are book lovers and a dedicated forum for discussion about the books by itself is an ample proof of the same. Well for me I could read just any sort of books right from Archies comics to Sci-fi to Harry Potter to Enid Blyton to Ayn Rand to John Grisham. Just give me a book and I would be happy to be with it. Every body must be having their own preferences in the choice of books. For some it has to be Classics and for others it has to be adventures. Take up this week's poll question. Let us discuss about what each of us likes. Well apart from the poll topic I vote for John Grisham as my favourite author. So what is yours?.....
I took the poll and I clicked one option. to tell the truth, now-a-days I don't have time to sit and read at a streatch. I am squeezing my time to read atleast for 1/2 hour to and hour daily. if I find such time i feel relaxed and calm after it. Apart from the categories you have listed I like to read books on spirituality (not on an advanced level but on the level of the beginners) cookery ( of course), astronomy, nature, comic books (not the children type but falls on the catergory of jokes) poetry, art and crafts, philosophy. Sriniketan
dear indus ladies:wave my favourite kind of read is a perfect lady magazine like women's era, in tamil mangayar malar, aval vikatan, snegithi which is a combo of ladies interests like cookery, health, fitness, beauty, religion, hosorscope, transliteration of some english novels, domestic life experience. I am a typical chennaiite lady with above interests. thanks for reading my mail. with love suja
Hi, i love reading all women's magazine long with Robin cook and sidney seldon. my favourite eng magazines are femina, new wokmen , house keeping in hindi grihsobha, vanita apart from this i have good collection of cookery books by mallika badrinathan neeta mehta. i want to read taslima nasreen and sulman rushdie still never got this chance. i luv to read homeo and ayurveda med also. i read complete Geeta and Ramayan. now a days no reading as i am not getting a single eng magazine in this part of China where i stay. padma
hi i am very fond of saga like the thorn birds of colleen mccullough and the emma harte story by barbara taylor bradford. bye
Hi All, I read anything lying about the house. Be it fictions, childrens books ( rereads ofcourse or a new one that i got frmthe libraray for my son), philoshphy, sprituality, science, biographies ,finance and the list is endless...... If i have some free time, then i just pick up whatever magazine or book i can lay my hands on and start reading. Vandhana
Hi My favourite is always fiction books and mostly the thrillers... Any book by the authors like Sidney Sheldon, Dan Brown, Jeffrey Archer, Irwin Wallace are my favourite. Sometimes enjoy books of Dean Koontz too. Now lately I have identified David Baldacci books to be interesting and thrilling. Love, Preethi
I love reading books on food... especially Indian food and yes I like to read health and spiritual books on yoga and meditation.... At times enjoy reading fashion mags just keeps me updated on the latest trends...