Hi all We all have used the phrases… What a sadist? What a sadistic feelings etc…?? What is Sadism…?? I still remember when I was in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> my father told me not to run around in bike, but to take a cab, as it was quite some time since I left <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">India</st1lace></st1:country-region>. Asusual as any other adamant son who knows what he is doing I refused.. As a dutiful concerned father he shouted ….:bangcomp: I simply retaliated stating “ What a sadistic approach that you want me to suffer….. Though I know for sure he didn’t mean any of those things and he wishes only good things for his kids… Though I might have grown up with kids, for him I am his son and has to follow his instructions….. When I was in college, we had a family friend who has two cute little daughters… I used to teach them to cut paper into pieces and spread it all over the room… She used to tell me, when u get married and I will teach <st1lace w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">ur</st1:City></st1lace> kids all mischief etc…. Ofcourse, for my kids I didn’t spare, I also thought them the tricks and got a nice banging from my better half…:2thumbsup: One of my collegues used to keep pulling everybody. I used to tell him “Wait once married, your wife is going to give you back and we all ar going to watch it”. For which he responded back stating what a sadistic approach…… So …….. What is sadism….. Is a concerned fathers shouting… A friends pulling etc…… is Sadism…:confused2: I felt… as long as our intention is NOT that the other person should suffer any amount of shouting/screaming/pulling does not amount to sadism. What do u say……:idontgetit: Veda
Hi Veda, I think a sadist is a person who derives pleasure in seeing or putting others to pain. So your father is definitely not a sadist. And neither are you when you were teaching those neighbourhood kids to strew paper around or in reminding your friend about his future wife.
Veda, Saddist is a person who enjoys other people's sufferings. They want others to suffer like how they had. In some cases, they would not have suffered but still they cannot see others being successful. Their intentions will not be good.
hi veda... well...as the other readers have said...being a sadist is a person who derives pleasure by inflicting pain upon others. and a sadist would not have any remorse either for committing an act such as this. what you have stated here is true. as long as one does not make others suffer and derive pleasure from it, then they do not 'qualify' as a sadist. so your father is not a sadist,neither you nor your friend are sadists. cheers
I feel saddist is a person who can never see anyone happy leave alone himself. As I was surrounded by few, i can vouch on this statement. Saddist is a person who slowly tries to induce the virus in you and if you happen to be a happy go lucky person and a total optimist, that would bring lots of saddism for him... These people when they meet you the first thing they would talk about all the sufferings they have... petty things are painted large so that you shed a tear or two with them. People like me sit and probe in to their life and there comes the "rainbow". Slowly they would come out with all the pleasures they have in life. And when you compare the two, the sad incidents and happy incidents as narrated by the well known saddist by now, you would know he is just not termed a "saddist" !!!!! And forgot to mention neither you nor you Papa was a saddist. I can write a book on saddists but cannot spend a day with them. For a fun loving person like me, will not touch them even with a bean pole.........
Well sadism,hm.. let me try...Today the term sadism is often used in reference to behavior that is designed to hurt or humiliate others but the actual meaning is different. But the examples you have quoted do not relate to sadism.
Veda, maya said right.As did ur better half.none of these qualifies for sadism. I think what Saddam Hussein did was sadism.He called his son in laws from abroad , and told them all is forgiven, adn when they came, he kiiled them.Thats sadism. Also what Adi Amin did in Uganda,killing people and keeping their parts in the fridge etc.that was sadism. Regards.kamal