What we offer to God is naivedyam. When it comes back to us, it becomes Prasada. Now we feel the prasada ( be it a flower or a sugar candy or a dry fruit or ash) has undergone a change. Now it comes from the altar of the Lord. The eyes see the same article, but the mind sees it differently and therefore we consider the prasada sacred. We thank God for giving us our food. To most of us, prasada means something edible and that is all ! But the real meaning of prasada is “purity, cheerfulness, bliss, joy, peace”. This is our true gain upon tuning our minds with the Lord during the worship. The real prasada is the feeling of peace we experience in our hearts while looking at the idol of the Lord after we have performed our daily puja with love and devotion. Experiencing the peace and joy is how we tune our minds to the Lord. There is a Bhavana, an attitude involved in it. This attitude is born of the vision of Iswara. There is no equivalent word for prasada in English. Prasada is not an object. It is purely born of understanding. The understanding of the reality is the basis for prasada. Even a diabetic will not refuse if he is offered a laddu from Thirupathi. He will accept atleast a small piece of it since, coming from the altar of the Lord, it gets transformed into prasada. That is education in our Hindu culture. Now, let us go a little deeper. The result that an action produces, whether it is more or less, or equal or opposite, comes from God. This is the appreciation of God and that is maturity. So we accept that God is the author of the result of our actions. The result thus becomes prasada since it comes from God. Thus result of every action must be looked upon as prasada from the Lord, irrespective of whether it is what we expect or opposite. This is Sameness of mind ( called samatvam in the Gita). This is born of understanding and cannot be forced upon anybody. It is always born in the wake of some knowledge of reality. So we have to be alive to the reality of our being the doer of action and God being the giver of the result. Therefore, even if I do not get what I expected, I still accept the result as prasada and having become wiser, work harder. A person ultimately becomes wiser by the attitude of prasada. We welcome whatever comes to us and our whole life becomes a learning experience. Thus we arrive at the meaning of prasada as the cheerful acceptance of the situation as it comes to me. Thus prasada-buddhi becomes the attitude of glad acceptance. Anything that comes from the Lord is Grace or Prasada. Let us learn to look upon the results of out actions given to me by the Lord as prasada. Prasaadae sarvaduhkkhaanaam haani-raspyopajaayathae Prasanna-chaethaso hyaas(h)u buddhih paryavathishtathae ( 2 – 65) When the mind is tranquil, destruction of all pain and sorrow is born because the knowledge of one who is tranquil-minded soon becomes well-established. அமைதி வந்துவிட்டால் ஒரு மனிதனுக்கு எல்லாத் துன்பங்களும் ஓடி விடுகின்றன. மனம் அமைதி அடைந்ததும் எவனுடைய அறிவும் ஒருமுகமாகி விடுகிறது. Love, Chithra.
Your Prasadam was enjoyed Dear Chitra, A simple thing called 'Prasadam' turned out to be not so simple after all There is sp much vadantam behind a prasadam that you recieve as God's blessings!! True, we easy going mortals come away from temples enjoying the puliyodarai, pongal etc etc with glee...How often do we stop and think that it is that 'enjoyment' and that 'glee' which is the real prasadam! Yes, the real prasadam is the 'feeling of peace we experience' after our worship. A person ultimately becomes wiser by the attitude of prasada. We welcome whatever comes to us and our whole life becomes a learning experience. The above is the truth of life. We MUST accept whatever comes to our life and just put our whole trust in Him. There must be some reason for whatever has happened to us. But, I am a very ordinary mortal. I have a loooong way to go and I don't know if I will ever reach the destination?! That is why I cannot fathom as to how "ella thunbangalum odi vida mudiyum... amaidhi vandhalthane? Thunbangal irukka pin amaidhi eppadi varum?" It is the egg and chicken situation! Sorry, a bad similie) L, Kamla
Every Thurs is a prasadam from you Dear Chitra, There is more to prasadam than just the food after nevidayam is well explained here. If we learn to accept anything in life be it good or bad as prasadam from the Lord life will be more meaningful. You have explained that very beautifully. Thanks for this weeks posting on Prasada Buddhi. I just realised that coming out of the temple after the darshan does give some peace and that could be interpreted as Prasadam. Love,
Dear Chitra, Whenever we go to temple or after doing puja in our home, we feel satisfied and filled with happiness after having the prasada. yes, we feel the prasada is blessed by god and by having that prasada we are also blessed. I too beleive that whatever is happening, it's all b'coz of the almighty. After all we are puppets on the hand of the Almighty. but when it comes to some happenings that is not what we expected, being normal human we cannot help worrying/feeling bad. your post made me to think deep. regards, kodi.
Thank you for the prasadam this thursday. Dear Ms C, Just the simple word prasdam and you have given such an esoteric explanation. Just wonderful recieve such prasadams from you every thursday. V
(vara)parsaadham ! Dear Chith, Ur write up about "prasaadham" is really good ! Very essential advice for all of us - to accept whatever He ( The Lord) gives us-- sorrow or happiness - with the sameness of mind ! Ur 'prasaadham' is a 'varaprasaadham' to us all !!!! With love , Indhu .
My dear Sujata ! My post seems to have made you pensive ! Everyone of us is an ordinary mortal - rest assured, my friend. Please read the post Is Vedanta Relevant in Present day Life ? http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2962 The very purpose is Dukha nivruthi & Sukha prapthi. It is not the "thunbam" that disturbs us, but our reaction to the same. Acceptance dawns only when we go through various situations. Please believe me, this is an ongoing process through many janmas. We just have to make a conscious beginning at some stage - let it be this janma. Do not attempt to fathom it, just accept it. As you read more posts on this topic, you will be able to not only understand it, but appreciate it easily as well. Since this post seems to have touched a chord in you, I will "go easy" on next week's post, Sujata ! Love, Chithra.
You said it right, Radha ! Prasada buddhi is not inherent in us, mortals, but has to be cultivated choicelessly. Thanks for your appreciative F b. Love, Chithra.
My dear Kodi ! What you write is very true. After I post The Law of Karma, you will understand that things fall in place in the universe beautifully ! There is a plan for everything ! Thanks for an early F B, my dear Kodi ! Love, Chithra.
My dear Vandhana ! Your sweet F b, comes beautifully wrapped in nice words. Thankyou, for continuing with me, Vandhana ! Love, Chithra.