What would you do if your colleagues would be mean to you? Would you treat them in the same manner (although you know it's not right)? Would you try to be friends or would you discuss this directly with your boss..?
Hi, They might behave like this due to many reasons like jealous or just to put themselves in a better position by making you down etc. In a team, you have to handle this in a good way. Don't ever show off your anger. Don't report this to your manager imm. Just give them a chance couple of times and you always be good to them. After that you can directly speak to that person and ask what's the problem. You can neglect them as much as possible until unless it is creating problems in your job and for your team. Then escalate these issues to your manager. All these things should be solved as much as possible within us. If you get a chance, please read 'Communication with skills' book, which is very handy with tips for all these kinds of problems. ~Punitha
That depends on the reason why they are acting like this... If it's something sudden, without a logic reason, and before that we were getting along very well, i would go directly at them and ask them what's their problem. If they are like this from the beginning just because they are frustrated or jealous or whatever, I simply ignore them and mind my own business. If I really need them and can't work like this, I try and talk to someone that has more authority around.
I wouldn't like it if the wold pick on me just because of my beliefs. We have our own habits and opinions and if i can respect others i ask for the same respect. I also would not like it if the mock me for a lower position (let's say.. they already are advancing and i am only new at the job). That just isn't right. For now all the other reasons seem childish I think i would at first ignore them. Then if the situation would get worse i would speak directly with the person who is causing the trouble. And if thet doesn't solve the problem - only then i would go to the manager..
I have tried lately to not care that much. Years ago a bad word would really ruin my day but I came to the conclusion that it's not worth it. Now I just go and mind my own business. Am nice and polite to all people and try to ignore the ones who mistreat me. It's better to stay out of any problems like this and just focus on the job.
Treating them in the same manner would make you no different from the mean collegue. It is better to always maintain professional relationship with collegues from the beginning. I am not sure, how the person mistreats you. If it affects you professionally, in that case, it is better to discuss about it with your boss. -Gayathri.
Abroad, i have also seen racial discrimination. As far as their behaviour dosn't cost our work quality ...its best to ignore them...but if it comes in the way of your job then matters have to be escalated. Roopa.
First you got to define, mistreating.. it can be any things right? If its discrimination of race, sex or anything, I would try to avoid contact with that person, so that I don't start any tension in the team.. but if I am in need to be interacting with them, then I would report that to my boss. If its something else like loose talks and such, whether I know them before or not, I would privately talk to them and warn them not to continue on these lines anymore. If its out of jealousy to make them better in the group and try to override me, I wouldn't bother.. let them do whatever they can.. end of the day, if my boss knows my stuff, that all matters
Well said Nandhu, you have got it all right here!! I liked your approach to the whole issue and how you intend to solve it. Really appreciate it. Keep it up. Love to see more women like this...