Nice one! Summaries the meaning of life and answers a lot of our question in a few lines!! Thanks for the post, i really enjoyed it Purni
Powerful Dear Chithra Just now read this week's posting, since I had some problems in my computer. The posting was enjoyable and yet very poweful. I liked the patience part the most, patience is not granted but it is developed. Waiting eagerly for next week's post. Love and Regards Priya
Thankyou, Sudha ! Regarding the first part of your post, I would rather say: I asked God for a friend - He sent you. He sent me not one, but quite a few with whom I am now happily sharing my limited knowledge. We grumble when we go through problems, but we have to learn to count our blessings & name them one by one - then we will know what the Lord has done for us ! Since I am ardent believer in the power of prayers, posting these & sharing with everybody, makes me very happy. Love & regards, Chithra.
Hello Purnima ! If you start following these lines from a young age, you will gain the mental strength to go through the trials & tribulations in life. Keep tuned. Love & regards, Chithra.
My dear Priya ! Knowing how intensely religious a person you are, I know how much you would have enjoyed this post. Thankyou for the feedback. Love & regards, Chithra.
thought provoking... Dear Chitra, Reading the title, I wondered what would you teach us ??? But Chitra, you really taught us what to pray God. Yes, God has given us a life to enjoy things; with a growing spirit that can scale the sufferings & get closer to God; the blessings which earns us patience & help us give up pain; has given beautiful friends around; and finally help us love others - I can read it a thousand times & still learn soooooooooooooo much from it. Such volumes of explanations in those simple lines. Beautiful post - I loved that simple prayer to God. thank you Chitra, for a wonderful post. Love & regards,
Hello Meena Madam ( ofcourse not of my hometown) ! Your caption says it all. We are always ready with a long list to ask God for !( Just now, my DIL who phoned, said this to me!). But how often do we realise that we have to EARN them & not ask for them ? Thankyou for the beautiful words, Meena ! Love & regards, Chithra.
Dear Chithra, This week's post is superb. I really liked the write p and intent to print and hang it in the hall itself. When young, I thought that God will make me pass an exam, if I prayed to him intensely, even when I have not studied well. Slowly I realised that work is God and I should make myself worthy of his blessings by working hard. Also, whatever is destined to me, joy or sorrow, should be bore by me and God does not have any part in changing that. So now I usually do not ask God anything. I just say his name and hope that all is well. Nothing particular. This helped me in having patience when I had so much problems during that last few years. Now I feel peaceful this way. Your post confirms that belief. This spiriutality is also very queer, this can be only realised by one's experience. Also, I read somewhere this- One day, I was thinking about my life while walking on the beach. I thought about the hard times and the joyous times in my life. All the scenes of my life were going thro my mind. Then I noticed that another pair of feet walking along with mine during my life. I realised that those were God's footsteps. But, I found to my dismay that only one pair of feet were there during very trying times and times of sorrow. I felt very let down. Then I asked God why he ditched me in times of need and sorrow, when I needed Him the most. Very gently and with so much love HE replied, "My dear child, the footsteps you see during the times of sorrow are not yours; they are mine. I carried you in my arms those difficult times, to protect you from pain" I always remember that when I am sad. Thanks a lot for sharing such messages with us and awaiting more such ones in future. With warm wishes, varloo
Varloo, thankyou very much. It is not easy, not to ask God for wishes when we pray ! It is better to pray thus" teach me to accept, whatever you give is the best for me. You may have better things in store for me than what I ask for. So let me not ask you but accept that Thy will be done" ! These attitudes do not come to us easily, but have to be developed consciously over a period of time. Love & regards, Chithra.
Dear Varloo, That last line of yours brought tears to my eyes..... HE replied, "My dear child, the footsteps you see during the times of sorrow are not yours; they are mine. I carried you in my arms those difficult times, to protect you from pain" so well said and sweet! Thanks for sharing this with us!