About 2150 Indian Women across 10 Indian cities were surveyed by a National weekly about... What Indian Women want from their Man :? What are the qualities they are looking for in the man of their choice : The survey was conducted among both the literate and the illiterate. We will let you know the results of that survey shortly. Before that let's take this poll here...to see what our Indian Women in this forum website has got to say about their expectations in their man.
I strongly believe any women would want her man to be "Understanding, loving and honest". Let's see what the national survey results tell us.
If I can cast my vote for more than 1 choice, I would want to ask for the first two choices Understanding, loving and honest Listen to me and treat me equal Anyway, I have casted my vote for the first one being more important.
Man! Hi, I believe looks is most UNimportant thing to consider and if he's understanding, he will help in the chores and treat us equal. Noone is perfect! Angeli
In my opionion if our man is going to listen and treat us equal, we would have a loving, understanding and joyful life. ;-)
My first message... Hi all, I am new to this forum. I was attracted by this poll question a lot. I go with the majority poll here (atleast as of now!) I feel if a person is going to be understanding, loving and honest to his wife, that's all what she would want. Then it means he is automatically willing to treat his better half the best and would always be lending his ear to listen. Cheers to those kind of men