What Do Dreams Mean?

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by cheer, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies,

    I would like to start this thread to share ur views abt what does dreams means, like if u see fish in ur dreams that means ure pregnant/getting pregnant. Same with if u see black snake in ur dreams means u'll get money.

    So ladies share here abt meaning of dreams.

    Lets share some interesting facts.

    PS-dear chitvish if u know something abt this do share with us.

  2. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    Ladies nobody interested sharing abt dreams:icon_frown:
  3. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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  4. sanravi_1970

    sanravi_1970 Gold IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means


    I get dreams almost daily, infact we could create a story and take a film with my dream:), sometimes i remember... sometimes i dont.. but i dont know much abt correlating with other aspects as u said..

    like to get more information like this..

  5. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    Hi ILs,

    The worst part:oops: is i dont get dreams often. but when i get, i actually see what is going to happen to me/family. from the dress i wear, the way i sit, the way i move my hands etc. it is really terrifying some times. now i have learnt to manage. i think there are people like me out there.

    I think Interpretation of your dreams - by Sigmund freud is nice books.

    Lot of theories exists about the interpretation.

    Let people come out with thier views...

  6. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    Good to hear other replies, i think we should discuss the significance of dreams. Let share abt dreams here.
  7. Rogo

    Rogo New IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    Hi Cheer ,

    Nice topic!

    I recently had a dream ....In that dream I had delivered a baby girl without much pain and I was feeling very relieved...
    I am always scared of pain ...even at this age I get scared when I have to get a injection ...so you can all assume how much I am worried abt the labor pain..<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> </v:shapetype>My mom always says that dreams are mirrors of your inner thought and worries ...and I guess that is true sometimes.

    When I was young , we had poster at our house which said that "keep on believing your dreams and one day it will come true" .At that time I had a dream abt a close relative's death ...I took the literal meaning of the poster and was worried for so many days that the dream will come true :) ...
  8. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    For last couple of months i dreamed abt GOD & today when i was reading i found this-

    God - Pay attention to details and meanings about yourself and your spiritual progress in life. If God is there but not the focus: the dream content has an important message for you. If God is the focus: try to remember your feelings during that part of the dream for clues to the meaning.
  9. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    Some other common dreams-

    abandoned - you abandon something that you are detaching your emotions from. You are abandoned, being left out feeling rejected.
    abducted - You are being controlled by circumstances or another's will.
    airplane - flying: sense of being on route to your desires, need for a vacation or getting away, Landing: coming back to reality from that desired, grounding your self, the changing situation regarding an ideal or desire. Time to put ideas into action.
    alcohol - others drinking, they are out of control, it is an excuse for their behavior, they are not in condition to help you by their own fault, You: possibly drinking too much, its your excuse for you to do something out of the ordinary, or for not performing,
    alien - person or situation that is completely foreign to you, you are at a complete loss at how to handle or control a person, circumstances or situation.
    alley - a restricted or confining situation that you have to traverse on your journey. Limited options.
    alligator - Threatening you: fear of an unpleasant reaction to something you said or did. Not threatening: realization that there are consequences to your actions. Also, that you are prepared to fend off any threats against you. Attacking you: You have suffered repercussions from previous deeds, or are stressed out about it happening soon.
    ancient - grounding in the past, things continue to go on in spite of one's fears of the present. A sense of having foundation.
    angel & fairy - Spirituality, a messenger of words or showing the way or giving an example. Encouragement that you are not alone. Can be your Higher Self preparing you for a future event.
    ant - Little things or events that annoy and irritate you. Lots of diverse activity requiring energy and attention. Little distractions.
    anxiety - Your impatience is showing with a desired or feared coming situation, or event that has a measure of suspense.
    argument - others: you recognize a conflict between events or people. Unsettled issues. You: Trying to rectify conflict or make up for things left unsaid.
    army - An over powering force. No match for anyone. You against all the others.
    athlete - Others: represents agility and ability that you recognize. You: You are engaged in doing what you felt you couldn't do. You feel your own ability and agility over circumstances or a situation.
    attack - You are attacked: you haven't addressed a conflicting situation. You are attacking: You are fighting back from an injury or offense committed against you.
    attic - Secret or hidden thoughts or memories. Discovery of same. Knowledge that is special is being unveiled, Your connection to the Higher Self.
    audience - The world around you. Fear of your private feelings or thoughts being discovered. Being under observation or watched.
    aura - Around a person or angelic being: Gives divine meaning to what they represent. Special symbol to get your attention.
    avalanche - Unable to flee: Stress in life situation is controlling your life. Fleeing and watching: Living under stress while performing your duties and functions.
    baby - A new event , happening, beginning for the subject of the dream. Can mean a baby if the dream is about a pregnant person or someone wanting to have one. Wish fulfillment. Fills one's sense of lacking or incompleteness.
    basement - Your perceived faults, shortcomings, fear of those with power over you.
    bat - Pestering and annoying people and events associated with them. Erratic, and sporadic events.
    bathroom - A need to remove certain emotions and beliefs. Remaking oneself into something new.
    beach - A place of transition between spiritual and material: emotions and mental tranquility.
    bear - Friendly: Support and consoling. Unfriendly: Threatening situation or circumstances from powerful sources, groups or institutions.
    bedroom - Sexual meaning, partnership, intimacy, relationship. Has subconscious implications regarding the activities here.
    betrayal - Actual betrayals may recur. Suspicions often played out with this theme. May be precognitive in both respects. Represents both love mates, friends and business.
    birth - Can be about a real birth. Coming event or new beginning. Rebirth from what was thought to be completed or ended.
    bite - Being bitten brings to a close emotions and fears about vulnerability from something threatening or unresolved. The trigger event is signified by what is doing the biting.
    blood - A sign of life. Killing scene with blood: Enforces the notion that something is ended or finished.
    boat - Spiritual journey. Calm and peaceful: An encouraging report on one's progress. Stormy: Conflicting issues not resolved yet. Can also be signal that emotions are not balanced.
    bomb - Unexploded: A fear of a negative future event. Exploded: Recognition that things or a situation has fallen apart.
    book - Knowledge to be revealed.
    boy - May be relating to one's youth. male). A woman's protective association with her mate. A woman's projection into her future .
    bridge - A transition or transformation. Crossing a boundary, or getting from one situation to another. A place where change takes place.
    brown - Earthy, common, crude, basic, material, foundation.
    burglar - An intruder, unwelcome person or event, loss of something. Being forcibly deprived by someone's actions.
    burn - The disintegration of something, loss, ending, beyond control. Emotion or anger dissipating,
    bus - Going along with everyone else, part of the group, not going it alone.
    cage - Restricted, encumbered, restrained, held away from the thing desired.
    cars - Cruising along, going somewhere, a journey. Out of control: Not in control of circumstances or of one self
    castle - The desires for the self, the person's future, dreams and plans.
    cats - A feminine power symbol. Attributes are by image portrayed.
    chaos - Observing others: Detachment from their concerns. In the midst of: Dealing with inadequacy to handle one's own situation.
    chase - Unresolved circumstances, situation, emotions plaguing you. Can be real fear of being pursued by someone or something.
    cheating - Common dream of those who have suspicions real or imaginary about their mates. Some times can be a hint from the subconscious to investigate.
    cliff - A place that represents a threat and feeling vulnerable. Falling from: Losing control of oneself or situation.
    climb - A struggle to attain a goal or purpose.
    closet - Confined in: Feeling limitation regarding one's psyche. Hiding in one: Trying to avoid facing up to one's inadequacies regarding the self.
    coffin - A focus upon death and the realm beyond. Removal or detachment from an emotional connection with the person within.
    corpse - The end of something. Desire to keep something hidden.
    crash - Bringing to an end an emotion or fear that was causing stress in the person. Warning about driving habits.
    cry - Release of emotion not related to the action in the dream that caused the crying. Regaining emotional balance.
  10. Lavanya

    Lavanya Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: What Does Dreams Means

    I've heard people say that if you see someone dead in your dream it means there's going to be a wedding in their family very soon. :)

    There's Kannadasan's "arthamulla indhumatham" - it has chapters that talk about dreams & their significance too.

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