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What did you feed your kid today?

Discussion in 'Baby / Kids Foods' started by gayathriar, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    I really wonder why mothers face problem with kids to feed. I have never had the problem with my kids except when I try something out of the regular. That too when it is tried by mom and my daughter likes it and again when it is also accompanied by a story around that food by my dad lo she gets crazy for that food.

    But......... it is me who was the trouble maker when I was a kid. Still when I tell that my daughter is not eating this or my son is not eating that my mom says c'mon you were so worse that you wont take milk or kanji and you use to be so skinny(now they have to tell me to stop eating), I have to leave a bottle of milk at the temple.

    Food schedule for my daughter today:
    1 cup of milk once she brushes her teeth.
    1 cup of Oats Kanji with a pinch of salt before school
    2 Marie Biscuits and half an apple for snack time in school
    6 Idlies with Sambar (she might bring back 2 as the size of the idlies are a bit bigger than normal)
    have to plan the evening tiffin and dinner.

    Food schedule for my son:
    1 cup milk in bed
    1 Cup of Oats kanji wth a pinch of salt (he competes with his sister in eating it)
    another cup of milk by11.30 and he is asleep now.
    He might get up by 1.00pm and will have paruppu saadam and curd rice
    tiffin and dinner he will have with his sister and whatever she has he will also have. (She is his role model)
  2. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    Wow RajmiArun!!! Glad to see someone who does not have a problem feeding her kids. Please do pass on your magic!!!

    This is what I fed my kid yesterday:

    Breakfast: Mini idli and ghee
    Lunch: Rasam sadam and cabbage kari
    Dinner: Curd rice and milk before bed.
    For snack : some apple chunks, a strawberry and a few grapes.

  3. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Gayathri,

    I dont know whether it is magic or not but this is what I did right from the time I started solids. Though my daughter was trained by my mom as I was there till she turned 6 months, I took the cue from her and used the same for my son too.

    Follow the same timings for the food. We may feel a bit tired on some days and very energetic on some other days, but it will be better if we stick to the timings. Say if you are giving your baby breakfast by 8 in the morning have the same timing. And also in your house if you are feeding your kid in the dining table give him the same chair to use everyday unless and untill your kid asks for a change of place, also when there are lots of people around and if your kid wants to eat with them, give them their usual share at the appropriate time and allow them to eat with the guests too again. This time they may not eat a lot but they will eat a few more spoons.

    And dont introduce new food for a week and when a new food is introduced alternate it with the first food. I started with the Pulungal Arisi Kanji as the first food, and when I have to introduce soup I intoduced it when the baby is happily eating the kanji just 2 or 3 spoons along with the kanji and one day just that soup and the next week one day it will be the kanji and the next day just the soup alone but if the baby is not comfortable with just the soup I give the kanji (you have to keep it ready).

    Giving lot of water(boiled with a pinch of Jeeragam) will help in digestion and in general health.

    Also keep a separate cup and spoon for the breakfast, a separate plate for lunch and dinner. When you bring that on the time the kid will feel like eating.

    It is always better to sing or talk or tell stories to the kids while feeding whatever be the age of the kid be, it is not advisable to switch on the TV and feed the kid, this will create a habit for the kids that if the TV is not on they will not eat.

    Also if possible change your food timings too for the kids who can eat themselves. Sit and eat with them you will see them eat more. Also avoid telling in front of the kids whatever be the age that you dont like this food or that food, they will tend to create their own liking.

    I am not boasting but still I would like to tell you that my daugther likes bitter gourd. I introduced her as a fry, she likes it as a shallow fry and she takes it with curd rice.

    Also make the food colourful. If you are making soup after blending the vegetables have some vegetables floating the soup. Even the curd rice instead of making it just a white curd rice you can add carrot, cucumber, curry leaves and you can present it in a plate arranged.

    I know it is difficult for working mothers to do this, but still take a little time of yours to do this for your children then you will never complaint that your kid is not eating properly.

    Actually vareity is the spice of life, we adults want vareity in what we eat,but we feel that the kids cant eat foods that are too spicy, but it is not true they may not eat one whole cup of spicy food but atleast 2 or 3 spoonfuls. If you are a regular rice eater, we generally make kulambu/sambar, rasam, and some vetable in the form of kootu or kaai, you can mix a little rice in all these and arrange in small cups in your kids plate and sit with her and make her eat. Encourage your kid to eat all by herself/himself when she is 1 year old. Ofcourse they will spill the food, your patience will pay off in the long run.

    I hope I shared what my Mom and MIL taught me.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007
  4. sowminivibu

    sowminivibu Silver IL'ite

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    Hi friends

    my daughter was not feeling well for the past 2 days..she a lil btr now...as she had got throat infection for the past 2 days she just was living on milk.today i made a rasam which she liked n ate...just grind one tomato,2 cloves garlic,a small piece ginger, sum kothamlli,turmeric a bit,1 tsp jeera powder ,very little pepper powder,hing n salt in the mixie...take a little tamarind water add to this paste and boil it and do tadka with curry leaves n mustard seeds..

    the flavour was very nice and since it was not spicy she liked it n ate it...

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  5. puni88

    puni88 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My four year old son is also very picky eating. He has just 4 items in his menu. Till now he hasn't eaten rice and sambhar. Very frustruating with these kids.

  6. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Rajmi

    Many thanks for your tips. Having a different bowl for breakfast, lunch and dinner is new to me. I shall try it out.

    I try to make my kid eat finger food all by himself. But, when left to himself, he will try to put them all together and then spit them all..! So far, he has been receptive to various tastes I try, he was wierd to the extent that at one time, he liked to eat olives and raw onions. My main problem is gaining his interest to feed. He just don't want to sit and have food -as though he can't spare even a bit of his playtime..

    This is what I fed yesterday

    Breakfast : idli with ghee
    Lunch: Rasam rice with carrot
    Dinner: Dal roti and milk before bed.
    Snack : Half a cheese string and some grapes.

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  7. Anamika29

    Anamika29 New IL'ite

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    I've seen many of you give your kids idli very often. I have a question about that: what is your opinion on ready made idli batter? You know... the ones we just add water...
    My kids need to take pack lunch since there are not so many vegetarian in their school and if i want to send idli it has to be the ready one. Do you think they are good? Or do you keep it (the home made ones) and still give them later to your kids?

    Please let me know
  8. uthra

    uthra Junior IL'ite

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    hi dear,

    a gleam of smile comes in to see that there are others too trying to open up the mouth of their kids to give food.

    my two year old had.......
    rice and egg curry
    slice of ripe mango (only now i understand the meaning to my mothers words "matha utatha soru maambalam ootum"(meaning mangoes can help getting akid to eat)
    beetroot sabji

    see ya
    luv uthra:wave
  9. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    Today being Saturday it is a real weekend for all of us(except my husband who hsve to work on saturdays also). As the routine changed the food and timings also change. Here is what my kids had today:

    A glass of boost in the morning
    Then a glass of fesh made thick pineapple juice
    By 12.30 lunch Paruppu Saadam with carrot curry and some curd rice too.
    She wants dosai for tiffin and has got her father ready to go out for dinner(he hates eating out like anything)

    A glass of milk which I gave him in his sipper (in two instalments)
    Then half a cup of pineapple juice
    Then he had Paruppu Saadam with cauliflower curry
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  10. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    My kid and all of us were down with cold. This is what I have been feeding the last few days

    Breakfast: cereal-milk, sandwich with ghee and jam, mini idli and dosai.
    Lunch: Rasam rice and sabji
    Dinner: Curd rice & dry narthangai, Upma, Dosai

    Day before yesterday, I chanced see a clip from 'America's funniest home videos' in which there is a kid who would never go to sleep if his parents ask him to and would immedietly go to sleep if any other stranger asks him to. The kid was standing on a crib when the father first enters and asks the kid to sleep and the kid was throwing tantrums screaming 'no'. The father gets out of the room, comes in with a wig and with the slightly altered voice asks the kid to go the bed and the kid just slouches into the bed :) . So, there are lots more parents like us and kids like ours...!


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