At some point in our lives, we all would have felt a kind of deep yearning, a sweet desire akin to what I tried portraying in this poem....don't you think so..?? WAITING…………………… A quivering, tender, succulent betel-leaf I am, Oh <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1lace>Krishna</st1lace>, waiting for you to reach out and hold me with your graceful fingers. How long do you want to gaze lovingly at your beloved Radha? She is bewitching, no doubt, I am also waiting Madhav for the union, Hope of countless births, I pinned onto this one!! The moment I get crushed between your pearly white teeth, and redden your love-sweetened full lips, my envy for your lucky flute ends!! I am a witness to your love sports, erotic sentiments and Pancham raag jingles. My birth is, your divine favour, I joyfully serve my small role in your ‘raas-leela’, an ocean of cosmic essence, covering the whole Universe in love nourishment!! I am waiting my <st1lace>Krishna</st1lace> for soul fulfillment. Before I shrivel, dry and perish have mercy and relish, my whole structure, my green so tender……
Ecstasy Versified! Dear Ambika, The moment I get crushed between your pearly white teeth, and redden your love-sweetened full lips, my envy for your lucky flute ends!! These words are not just the words of a love-lorn woman yearning for her beloved, but the soul's longing for the ultimate. We have the Tamil Poetess Andal who has addressed 10 verses to Krishna's conch. She asks the conch how will the divine mouth of the Lord smell and taste? Will it smell of camphor, of lotus, would it taste sweet? I am dying here to know of Madhav's smell and taste. You are the only one who knows; please tell me. I joyfully serve my small role in your ‘raas-leela’, an ocean of cosmic essence, covering the whole Universe in love nourishment!! And these words (reminiscent of Milton's 'Those who also serve who only stand and wait) are that of a mystic in a state of total understanding and perfect acceptance! Great work in small words and simple verse! sridhar
thanks Dear Sridhar Thanks for catching the true spirit of the poem..yes there is this urge to go beyond, with the soul purely engaged in the exploration of the Divine, getting deeply involved in "madhura bhakti", to merge with the higher concept of the Ultimate. Life is a struggle while trying to balance between the material and spiritual world and we normal mortals experience a sudden outburst of spiritul elevation and poetry is a good outlet. divine Love is the catch word in this poem..and thanks to your perceptive mind, you read the poem as it is ought to be read. ambika
Very True! Hi Ambika, Good poem from you after some time. Very true, that we yearn for something in our life. The poem portrays very nicely the yearning for Krishna's love!
Hello Ambika, A very sweet poem.....being a dancer and having come across such love songs but in bhakthi format, i could comprehend the inner meaning of the soul searching for the ultimate reunion with the paramatma. Very , very sweet poetic words and thoughts...touched my heart and left a lingering mark! Reminded me of Poet Jayadeva's Asthapadis... I grew up in my dance class with these spiritual thoughts and spiritual ecstacies. I have felt them so many times on stage when i have performed or have seen some great performers.These are moments which we experience individually and cannot really explain. But i was happy to read this simple sweet poem which did bring back a lot of my memories from back home and my childhood days! Keep posting such Sweet things now and then Ambika!
thanks rathi and sudha Dear Rathi and Sudha Thanks a million....usually such poems are misconstrued and misread by many, when they wrongly see a non-existent physical aspect in it. Infact when this poem was published in a poetry journal it was very well received and appreciated, and I was asked to translate it into Telugu also, which I did and now it is being set to music . Sudha, as you said, Jayadeva asthapadis are too good and are soul elevating. though english language can never match up to that richness, still if we can bring in the 'spirit', into our poetry we can feel happy about the outcome.. As an artist you could understand very well the emotive spiritual strength of the poem. Rathi, as you said, after a long time I have posted one poem, and I am extremely happy that you liked it... Thanks to you both once again.. ambika