Friends, How about forming a group that is interested in learning new words! Lets all try innovative ways for us to learn new words. A few that came to my mind are: Match words to its meaning. One of us can post a jumbled "match the following" and rest of folks can try and match it correctly. Give a meaning and let others come up with the word that accurately reflects that meaning. e.g. What do you call a person who lies involuntarily? There is no reason to lie, but this person will lie. Difference in meaning between words that "appear" to have the same meaning. Does "unemployed" and "jobless" mean the same? Fill in the blanks? The new assignment was a ________ waste of time!. Hint: The word rhymes with an Italian landmark! The more interesting the tactic, the better it is. How many of you are game for this? Sushma P.S - Don't try solving above, those are just examples.
Good Game dear Sushma, Good Game u r gonna start. I will participate in game & I will try my level best. Thanku Bye :wave
very interesting Hi Sushma I am also interested to participate in vocabulary games. Good idea. Varudhini
Hi AIM and GOAL are taken as synonyms. But by usage, their meaning may vary very slightly. AIM is used to denote an ambition which is in the mind continuously. The person can have an aim for years together without working towards it or achieving it. GOAL is used to denote an ambition towards which the person is currently working hard and at a point of time, achieves. Sushma has said not to solve those examples. But i want to explain the difference between Jobless and Unemployed. Unemployed is when the person does not have an official, paid employment. A job is any productive work, even unpaid work. Jobless means " not doing anything" relaxing or wasting time. An unemployed person need not be jobless. A person having a career can be called jobless if he is found wasting time. Jobless is usually used in a negative sense. My contribution: "In" is a prefix used to make a word negative Example: Experienced, Inexperienced. By the same logic, are the following true? Ebriated - Inebriated Flammable - Inflammable Radiation - Irratiation. Manjula
Hello Sonia & Manju ..... U'r contributing more in this thread ,really i am gaining knowledge thro' this usefull game get going ...From my side i want to give a good :clap ... Her is mine... What is the diference between "WAITING" and "AWAITING" ?
Vocabulary Building hai all, i tihink vocabulary building is the nice that we can gain some knowledge.we can search for more words on net instead of doing something....... here is the solution for the words waiting and awaiting waiting means do nothing expecting something to happen: to stay in one place or do nothing for a period of time until something happens or in the expectation or hope that something will happen............. awaiting means wait for something: to wait for, expect, or look for somebody or something You await or wait for test results or the arrival of a professor, and you travel to exotic lands where great adventures wait or await. You do not await for anybody: Let's take a break as we wait for [not await for] the judge to arrive in the courtroom, or ...while we await the judge's arrival. i think its not confusing ............... all the best, bala.:wave