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Vitamin D Deficiency - Any Support Group?

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by SGBV, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi buddies,

    I was asked to take a bunch of medical reports by the doctor, and I think almost all of them came back normal. Thank God.
    The Hb1AC is within normal range. The Thyroid report is also normal.
    HB is fine, but another report shows mild anemia - which I should consult with the doctor.
    Also, I recently had a cold and mild fever. May be that's why my lymphocytes are high. But the absolute count is within the range. Any comments on that?

    Apart from that, urine and cholesterol levels are fine.

    I will see the doctor on Monday

    These days, I am emotionally down for no reason. Wonder whether it is a sign of depression.
    I worry unnecessarily, even a simple count in a blood work confuses me to the core and make me fear the worst. I am really anxious for nothing.
    Is it all because of low vit D levels or something else.

    I feel like I have lost the happy go lucky, and careless girl in me now.
  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Any infection can cause your lymphocytes or neutrophils to read high. As long as your counts are not wildly off it’s fine.
    Even mild anemia can cause you to feel significanly run-down.
    Have you asked your doctor about HRT?
  3. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the info.
    They are slightly higher than the range, but not wildly high.
    I haven't had a chance to discuss my HRT yet. This is something I should discuss during the next visit on Monday.
    I am vary of taking HRT due to different reasons. But, and trying my best to cope with hormonal issues with natural remedies. But I am not sure how far this is helpful.

    I have started consuming red meat, liver, pomegranate, dates and beetroot these days and it has shown significant increase in my HB count from 9 to 13 now. It is the only benefit from my hysterectomy as I no longer lose blood.
    But the report says mild anemia which I am confused of.

    I wish there is a support group for that as well....

    Until I was 40, I had no health complications. But all of a sudden, I have different issues!
    This is one of those bad days, and I feel so down :(
  4. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Did they check just your hemoglobin or do a complete iron panel? I see a hematologist to manage my anemia and they are more thorough about testing.
    When I had a hemoglobin reading of 9 I thought I was having heart problems. I constantly felt weak, run down and depressed. My heart would start racing even if I stood up from the couch, and it would take me a long time to catch my breath after walking even a short distance. I am a vegetarian, so the hematologist recommended IV iron infusion to get my level quickly back to normal and now I maintain with daily oral iron.
  5. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    When mine was low, I had iron supplements, but the doctors' advised me to take iron rich foods as well. But it remained between 9-10 until my hysterectomy was done 8 months back. The reason for my low iron levels were due to heavy bleeding back then. But apart from on and off episodes of feeling tired and breathlessness, I was normal and I somehow managed the issues by changing my lifestyle accordingly.

    This time they have done a complete analysis and the comments shows I have mild anemia. Yet to see the doctor for a full translation of whats in my report though. But as you say, I feel tired and exhausted these days
  6. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Did you only have a hysterectomy or did you also get bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy(removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes). If you retained your ovaries then this might not be estrogen withdrawal but if you have had your ovaries removed as well then these are all symptoms of menopause. In your case since your body was cut off from estrogen all of a sudden without gradual progression it is harder to get used to.

    Feeling down is normal when we are used to a supply of estrogen and our body is wondering where it went. Some people have a harder time than others.
    As long as you are cleared by your dr, hire a trainer and get those gym sessions in. It can help you. Finding motivation to go get a workout in is extremely hard but seems like you didn’t have trouble going. So go if it helps. Slow down the pace of your workouts and gradually increase.

    Definitely discuss HRT with your Dr. They may not put you on it but even a slight help in that dept will help. Even taking OCPs and tapering it slowly so your body is not jerked into a shock with a sudden lack of estrogen helps. But your Dr has to go through your family history and risk factors before you go down this path.

    Stress can exasperate symptoms. Easier said than done but try to not internalize stress. I felt like I kept saying I’m not but kept internalizing it much the same. Know that there are things within your control and outside your control. Ensure you are not unduly worried about things that you have no control over. Learning to let go and not worry is still hard. I periodically go back into the loop and can see myself getting back to where I was but feel helpless. These days, I let myself dwell in the misery for a few hrs and then make myself get out of it by doing something(even working on a new tech challenge helps me).

    After all the tests, the only issue I had is low vit D as well. I know in the US injectable vit D isn’t available. I have got the shots from India and it helped some with the fatigue. Now my vit D levels are fine. I run in the sun in a very sunny place and stopped using sun screen on my arms and legs to help with vit D. My hba1c has always been in the lower end of 4 and dr says it can’t get better than that. Yet all of the weight that I gained during the hormonal dips is still here to stay. One of these days, I’ll figure out a good strategy and share with you! Until then, keep drinking water, keep working out, keep managing your diet and let go of stresses you have no control over.

    Good luck @SGBV. We will both get there!
  7. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @Laks09

    Many thanks for sharing your experience with me.

    I have undergone a total hysterectomy, including salpingo oophorectomy. So my uterus, ovaries and thr tubes are gone.
    I am now undergoing surgical menopause and hence experiencing all these symptoms.

    Earlier in life i had real issues to worry, yet i managed my stress by doing something productive and progressed in life.

    Now a days, i really dont have major things to stress about. But my mind is constantly restless and imagining things that are not real.
    I think change of place may be the reason as i dont have real friends or close family members to hangout.
    Other than office buddies (with whom i interact minimal and only related to work) i have my family alone.
    Kids are into teen & pre- teen age and they no longer need me. They are mostly on their own.
    Mom as well into her shells most of the days, either resting or praying by the time i get home.
    Gym was the only pleasure i had these days and i really enjoyed working out for 2 hrs with hubby & some buddies in our gym. But these days (as asked by Dr until she reviews my reports tomorrow) i stay home while H goes to Gym.

    I feel so hopeless the moment i come home, have no energy to even get up from the bed to go to work and so bored with the routine life.
    Amidst this every symptoms related to.my health worries me to the core. I know google can't help, but i end up googling only to be further stressed out.

    I hope my mind will be at ease after consulting with the Dr tomorrow, and hopefully if i could go back to the Gym routine again.

    This is when i feel like i badly need a vacation....
    Laks09 likes this.
  8. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You know the root cause. In a day you will have your Drs appointment and can get her reassurance. No point stressing about these things. You are taking charge of your health and doing all the right things. Don’t worry unnecessarily.
    Just know that these are all expected after surgical menopause. It’s will even out some day and then this will also be one of those things that you’ve overcome. Until then, hang in there. Some days I wish there was another explanation to all this but there simply isn’t.

    Hey you have free time now! When was the last time you were not stressing about returning home 7hrs away and spending the weekend with kids and mom before going back again to your duty city. Now, finally, you are with family, kids are grown, things are settled. Enjoy this phase! I’m sure there are things you put off because you were too busy. Get to those things.

    Also, even if you get the all clear to work out, 2 hrs in the gym is a lot. Try 45 mins - 1 hr. Try to start slow and work you way up. Try to alternate with low impact activities so you are not working yourself rugged daily. I do yoga to take a break from high impact activities.

    This too shall pass! Hang in there.
  9. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    A small update from my side:
    I visited the Dr with all the test reports, and thank God there isn't anything major as I worried.
    My hb1ac was within the limits, but it is very near to pre-diabetic conditions. Since both my dad and brother were diabetic and my battle with hormonal imbalance in the body, the Dr prescribed some insulin regulators for a couple of months with strict low carb/no sugar diet.
    She also encouraged me to start exercising, especially 1.5 hrs max gym sessions with stretching and not lifting.

    For the mild anemic conditions, she prescribed iron supplements, and omega 3 for other imbalances in the body, in addition to bi-weekly vit D shots.

    I have also found out increased level of uric acid, and taking medication for that condition with food control. Especially avoiding red meat, grains etc...

    I had lots of symptoms and really worried something was badly wrong in my body. With the persistent symptoms and complicated blood reports (the numbers were slightly here and there), I started googling a lot till I met the doctor yesterday. The google really made me almost died with stress and health anxiousness.

    Nevertheless, I feel really relieved today. Feeling like a second birth.

    I realized the fact, though lately that we should treat our bodies like temples. We should not stress our mind or bodies unnecessarily by putting garbage, be it thoughts or foods in it. Because your body/soul (you) is the only person that lives with you, that goes through everything with you; thus you must prioritize your body/soul above everything.

    Starting a special diet from today, and going back to Gym.

    As my doctor wished, I hope to see her in 3 months with improved health.
    gknew and shreepriya like this.
  10. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    googling makes us more anxious... dont forget to add GOOD spinach to your diet for your iron...

    in other thread as thyagaraja sir mentioned soleus workout for sugar control is helping i was amazed to see my A1c levels it did help me... looking forward for much better results later on...

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